ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe

ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe

Please see attached files. There is a peer review sheet that needs to be fill out based on the Peer Review Assignment please and thank you.
Next follow instruction below and fill out the Peer Review assignment sheet.


Please follow these steps:
1. Review the “Rubric Peer Review” media piece for information on effective peer reviews.
2. Begin by posting your Definition Argument Rough Draft by the deadline to TWO places: the Week 2 Peer Review Forum: Definition AND the Week 2 Definition Argument First Draft assignment box.
3. Perform a peer review of the draft of the classmate who posted his/her response directly below yours in the Week 2 Peer Review forum. If your draft is the last posted, review the first draft posted. Then, complete the “Peer Review Worksheet: Definition” (see attachment) to guide your review of a classmate’s paper.
4. You will then need to post your completed Peer Review Worksheet to TWO places: the Week 2 Peer Review Forum: Definition for your peer to view AND the Week 2 Peer Review Assignment for the Definition Argument Essay assignment box, so the instructor can grade your work. ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe.
5. Attach the file with your completed Peer Review Worksheet to the Peer Review Forum: Definition as a “reply” to the initial post of your peer’s first draft.

ENG-106 Peer Review Worksheet:  Definition Argument

Part of your responsibility as a student in this course is to provide quality feedback to your peers that will help them to improve their writing skills. This worksheet will assist you in providing that feedback. To highlight the text and type over the information in the boxes on this worksheet, double-click on the first word. ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe.

Name of the draft’s author: 

Name of the peer reviewer: 


After reading through the draft one time, write a summary (3-5 sentences) of the paper that includes your assessment of how well the essay meets the assignment requirements as specified in the syllabus and the rubric.

Type 3-5 Sentence Summary Here



After a second, closer reading of the draft, answer each of the following questions. Positive answers will give you specific elements of the draft to praise; negative answers will indicate areas in need of improvement and revision. Please be sure to indicate at least three positive aspects of the draft and at least three areas for improvement in reply to the questions at the bottom of this worksheet. ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe.

Definition Argument Content and Ideas

  • How effectively does the thesis statement identify the main points that the writer would like to make in this definition argument?


  • How successfully does the argument focus on explaining and justifying a specific definition?


  • If the writer uses resemblance arguments, how successfully were they used?


  • How persuasively is evidence used to justify ideas and enrich the essay?


  • How effectively does the essay incorporate supporting strategies such as the criteria-match pattern described?



  • How effectively does the introduction engage the reader while providing an overview of the paper?


  • Please identify the writer’s thesis and quote it in the box below. ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe.


  • How effectively do the paragraphs develop the topic sentence and advance the essay’s ideas?


  • How effectively does the conclusion provide a strong, satisfying ending, not a mere summary of the essay?





  • How closely does the paper follow GCU formatting style? Is it double-spaced in 12 pt. Times New Roman font? Does it have 1″ margins? Does it use headers (page numbers using appropriate header function)? Does it have a proper heading (with student’s name, date, course, and instructor’s name)?

☐Yes ☐No Add optional clarification here (Yes)

  • Are all information, quotations, and borrowed ideas cited in parenthetical GCU format? (Yes)

☐Yes ☐No Add optional clarification here

  • Are all sources listed on the references page in GCU format? (Yes)

☐Yes ☐No Add optional clarification here

  • Is the required minimum number of sources listed? (Yes)

☐Yes ☐No Add optional clarification here

Language Use and Style

  • Are the voice and tone of the essay effective in characterizing ideas and creating the appropriate mood? If “No,” please provide examples of ineffective or inappropriate voice and tone.

☐Yes ☐No Add optional clarification here (Yes)

  • How effectively does the paper incorporate a variety of sentence structures that strengthen the ideas, create vitality, and avoid choppiness in the writing? The sentence structure with creativity and ideas a poorly Incorporated.(NO) ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe

☐Yes ☐No Add optional clarification here

  • How would you assess the writer’s diction (i.e., word choice)? Does the writer use active verbs, concrete nouns, and precise words? (Yes)

☐Yes ☐No Add optional clarification here


Grammar and Mechanics

  • Does the writer use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling? If “No,” please provide examples of errors in need of correction.

☐Yes ☐No Add optional clarification here – Some words are missed spelled example “Wealthy, in this case, are upper classman who are able to afford almost anything. ”

  • Is the writing clear and comprehensible throughout the draft? If “No,” please provide examples in need of improvement.

☐Yes ☐No Add optional clarification here ( Yes) ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe



Three things that I liked about your draft are:

  1. Type First Thing You Liked- I liked the format
  2. Type Second Thing You Liked-I liked the organztion
  3. Type Third Thing You Liked- I liked citetaion


Three things that could be improved are:

  1. Type 1st Area for Improvement- Her thesis needs improvemnet
  2. Type 2nd Area for Improvement- Her introduction, body, and conclusion needs improvement
  3. Type 3rd Area for Improvement All her paragraphs needs a topic sentence something that really draws the readers in.



Turning Organs into a Money Bribe.

We have grown up knowing about the donor question on our driver’s license. Everyone talks about how much good can come of donating your organs if you are no longer living on this beautiful earth. However, what if someone asked you for your kidney and would compensate you? What if you were in college and your family was struggling to pay your tuition and this gave you the opportunity to pay for your college and help out your family financially? This all sounds great, but there is a lot more that you need to think about. Compensation for organs has been a moral controversy for years now that needs to be discussed on a public basis. Legalizing organ sales in the United States would be immoral because it can produce a biased margin towards the wealthy, it causes a profit to companies for someone’s health needs, and the regulation for who gets the organs first could be compromised by the wealthy. ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe.

Our society has always come up with solutions to solve an issue. There is currently around 117,000 people in the United States needing an organ transplant (Fry-Revere 2018.)  With a shortage of organs in our society, the rich have began to look out towards other options such as bribing poor people for their organs such as kidneys (Kessler and Roth, 2014). Now as long as the person is in good health, the kidney transplant will be successful for both parties. If there were only a monetary value associated with the donation then there would never be a reason for a wealthy person to donate any of their organs. Our first instinct is to think that donation is something that people do out of the goodness of their heart for someone else, but legalizing the ability to sell and purchase organs would be changing the game forever in the organ transplant world (Kessler and Roth, 2014). This creates an immoral sense for the wealthy to be able to purchase a longer life with the poor never being able to afford such luxury as a longer life. The United States currently has a list for people that need transplants. This matches up current organs being harvested for transplant patients so they are given an equal share at a longer life. If there is biases that wealthy are just able to purchase the organs that they need, when they need it, there would be no way a person with a regular income would be able to purchase one with out funds being perhaps borrowed from a lender. ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe.

Organ sales in the United States would have to be regulated with some sort of company to oversee the process of organ sales (Peterson, M & Willman, D. 2019). This would cause the company to have profit over organ donation with compensation and would be taking a piece of the pie. There is nothing wrong with this, but the companies that would be making a profit from this are already medical companies that make millions per year. This seems like an unfair advantage to first of all make profit off of donations that someone is already making money off of peoples needs. There is already a life on the line. For organ brokers to be making money off of the need of organs to preserve life is a huge moral issue. ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe.

Organ donations are matched up with specific blood types. There is only a small window of time that the organs can be used. Medical facilities are used to having these specific parameters towards the donor and receiver. If a donor is looking for a specific person to donate, this may not match up to the organ they really need. Same with a donor trying to give their kidney, there may not be someone who is willing to pay what they want for that organ. An aspect we have to keep in mind is how much are these organs going to be for purchase. An issue that could come up is that wealthy people are able to purchase these organs because they are going for 3,000 and up and that the middle class will not be able to afford this amount (Shaw & Bell 2015). This makes the organ trade bias for the wealthier people and only serve a way for them to live longer and no one else. Where the current system of a donation list there is no bias, the current organ goes to the next person in line ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe. The only issue with this is how long it takes for someone to get an organ. It could take up to years, which a lot of people on the list do not have years to live, some only days. If there were a way to have a surplus of organs, then to be able to give who needs specific organs without an issue would be great, then whomever wants to purchase specific organs then they would be able to choose.

Organ compensation could be helpful in only the fact that more people would want to come out to donate for monetary value. Since there is quite a shortage of organs that are needed, it can help this shortage. The issue with this as stated before, the people who are receiving these organs would be going to only the people that can afford it. This may make more room on the list for people needing organs that are not able to pay cash for an organ. This sounds like it would be good for everyone as far as helping the list be shorter for donations needed, however there are some organs you cannot purchase from someone that is living. Organs that would be needed form a deceased body could be compensated to the family of the donor, but traditionally these are given to the people who have been waiting on the list for a donor. How would it be fair to have people who have been waiting for months or even a year to have people cut in front of them on the list because they were able to purchase the organ instead of waiting like everyone else? ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe

There is a real way to help this crisis of an organ shortage and that is for people to help donate what they can out of the goodness of their own heart, and also for people to except that sometimes the hand they are dealt is what they are going to have to live with. Luckily we live in an amazing time where some artificial organs are being tested that could greatly improve human life by giving us another chance without having to take an organ from another human being (Hînganu Stan, Gandore & Hînganu 2016). We can look forward to the future of using our technology to help us overcome these hard moral decisions which could end up hurting or killing someone if they were not able to get the organ needed in time. Doctors could have the ability to have plenty of organs in stock to do a transplant whenever needed because of how a non-organic organ would be able to have a shelf life unlike real tissue.

We need to continue to look for new alternatives to help our organ shortage issue. The process of purchasing organs can be detrimental to what we have set up already to help people that need them more. Companies would be able to make more profit on what is really not something that people should profit from. When someone needs a medical procedure to save his or her life, there should not be any more profit made from that. With the wealthy having more draw because of money, it would create bias towards them without giving everyone else a fair chance to get the help they need. With medical advances on the horizon there can be plenty of other options to create a safer and more efficient way to solve an issue that medical professionals and the population has debated for decades. Being able to purchase your way to a longer life doesn’t give everyone a fair chance. ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe


ENG-106 Peer Review Worksheet:  Definition Argument sample

Part of your responsibility as a student in this course is to provide quality feedback to your peers that will help them to improve their writing skills. This worksheet will assist you in providing that feedback. To highlight the text and type over the information in the boxes on this worksheet, double-click on the first word.

Name of the draft’s author: 

Name of the peer reviewer: 


After reading through the draft one time, write a summary (3-5 sentences) of the paper that includes your assessment of how well the essay meets the assignment requirements as specified in the syllabus and the rubric. ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe

Type 3-5 Sentence Summary Here



After a second, closer reading of the draft, answer each of the following questions. Positive answers will give you specific elements of the draft to praise; negative answers will indicate areas in need of improvement and revision. Please be sure to indicate at least three positive aspects of the draft and at least three areas for improvement in reply to the questions at the bottom of this worksheet.

Definition Argument Content and Ideas

  • How effectively does the thesis statement identify the main points that the writer would like to make in this definition argument?

The thesis statement is presented direct and clear it is easily identified with three specific main points. Stating how live organ donation should be illegal in the United States. and expressing how poor people will receive cash and the upper class will only be able to purchase and how lives will not be preserved.

  • How successfully does the argument focus on explaining and justifying a specific definition? ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe

In my opinion the essay is not focused on one specific definition. she jumps back and forth undecided on trade or sell of organs. It seems like she wants the essay to focus on how organ donations are illegal. But as i read the first body paragraph it seems to be everywhere on explaining her first main point of her thesis statement.

  • If the writer uses resemblance arguments, how successfully were they used?

She includes resemblance through out her essay but some of them are successful than others. Not all of them help with explaining her main points or even help with justifying them but some of them do. They were in cited correctly.

  • How persuasively is evidence used to justify ideas and enrich the essay?

The essay wasn’t persuasive-in my opinion. I felt like it was biased and all the evidence wasn’t presented. I got confused on what exactly her main focus. It seems like she lost focus on the definition and really presenting a argument essay. ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe

  • How effectively does the essay incorporate supporting strategies such as the criteria-match pattern described?

The essay incorporates strategies but there is not a pattern describe. The strategies are not supporting her main points. The criteria doesn’t match the pattern.


  • How effectively does the introduction engage the reader while providing an overview of the paper?

The introduction is very information. In my opinion could have been left out it was interesting but had nothing to to with the essay. It did not provide a overview of the essay.

  • Please identify the writer’s thesis and quote it in the box below.

“Live Organ Donor Sales should remain illegal in the United States, because poor people would sell organs to receive cash, the upper classman would be the only people able to purchase, and lives are not always being preserved.”

  • How effectively do the paragraphs develop the topic sentence and advance the essay’s ideas?

The paragraphs didn’t not have a develop topic sentence. I didn’t see any creativity. the essay didn’t have any advance ideas.

  • How effectively does the conclusion provide a strong, satisfying ending, not a mere summary of the essay?

There wasn’t a conclusion provide. The essay ends with a strategic that justifies why the organ sales should be legal. There was not summary and it effects what she says states in the introduction and thesis statement. Even her main definition. ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe




  • How closely does the paper follow GCU formatting style? Is it double-spaced in 12 pt. Times New Roman font? Does it have 1″ margins? Does it use headers (page numbers using appropriate header function)? Does it have a proper heading (with student’s name, date, course, and instructor’s name)? ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe

☐Yes ☐No Add optional clarification here (Yes)

  • Are all information, quotations, and borrowed ideas cited in parenthetical GCU format? (Yes)

☐Yes ☐No Add optional clarification here

  • Are all sources listed on the references page in GCU format? (Yes)

☐Yes ☐No Add optional clarification here

  • Is the required minimum number of sources listed? (Yes)

☐Yes ☐No Add optional clarification here

Language Use and Style

  • Are the voice and tone of the essay effective in characterizing ideas and creating the appropriate mood? If “No,” please provide examples of ineffective or inappropriate voice and tone.

☐Yes ☐No Add optional clarification here (Yes)

  • How effectively does the paper incorporate a variety of sentence structures that strengthen the ideas, create vitality, and avoid choppiness in the writing? The sentence structure with creativity and ideas a poorly Incorporated.(NO) ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe

☐Yes ☐No Add optional clarification here

  • How would you assess the writer’s diction (i.e., word choice)? Does the writer use active verbs, concrete nouns, and precise words? (Yes)

☐Yes ☐No Add optional clarification here


Grammar and Mechanics

  • Does the writer use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling? If “No,” please provide examples of errors in need of correction.

☐Yes ☐No Add optional clarification here – Some words are missed spelled example “Wealthy, in this case, are upper classman who are able to afford almost anything. ” ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe

  • Is the writing clear and comprehensible throughout the draft? If “No,” please provide examples in need of improvement.

☐Yes ☐No Add optional clarification here ( Yes)



Three things that I liked about your draft are:

  1. Type First Thing You Liked- I liked the format
  2. Type Second Thing You Liked-I liked the organztion
  3. Type Third Thing You Liked- I liked citetaion


Three things that could be improved are:

  1. Type 1st Area for Improvement- Her thesis needs improvemnet
  2. Type 2nd Area for Improvement- Her introduction, body, and conclusion needs improvement
  3. Type 3rd Area for Improvement All her paragraphs needs a topic sentence something that really draws the readers in. ENG 106 Definition Peer Review Worksheet – Turning Organs into a Money Bribe



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