Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios

Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios
RE: Discussion – Week 8 Main Post
The first strategy for including academic activities in a professional development portfolio is to proactively collect evidence of learning (Daughtery & Cumberland, 2018). Next, students can use reflection to choose work to display that shows proof of education. Next, portfolios show a student’s professional and academic achievements (Daughtery & Cumberland,2018). Finally, a strategy is for students to pick and display their best work throughout their educational journey and add to the portfolio throughout the program Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios.
Portfolios can also be used in reflective ways to show personal goals and professional growth, making this a strategy to show accomplishments related to these goals and future goals someone wants to accomplish (Daughtery &Cumberland, 2018). Professional accomplishments can be seen in portfolios by collecting patient, manager, and leader feedback (Denning, Holmes, & Pepper, 2018). Portfolios show professional development goals by providing evidence of accomplishments and showing things the person has done to accomplish these goals (Denning, Holmes, & Pepper, 2018).BUY A PLAGIARIM-FREE PAPER HERE
Walden University defines social change as having a positive impact on a community or population by improving things by creating new ideas or actions (Walden University, 2021). Showing positive social change means improving a social situation or human condition (Walden University, 2021). For personal or professional development goals to align with Walden University, they need to be committed to continually growing and improving themselves. Social change can be accomplished through a learning leadership style where leaders take an appreciative inquiry approach to listen and learn new things (Hodza & Rowe, 2018).

Portfolios can be used for professionals to reflect on their thoughts and what they learned. This reflection helps someone understand their views on a subject, and then they can compare stories of what they have learned from others and how they can use this information to create a goal to promote positive social change. In addition, studying a community or a population for a specific change needed can help identify how a person can use their skills and training to positively promote social change (Hodza & Rowe, 2018).


Daughtery, K. & Cumberland, D. (2018). The Use of Portfolios in US Pharmacy School. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 82(3), 240-252, https://doi.org/10.5688/ajpe6239

Dennis, K., Holmes, D., & Pepper, A. (2018). Implementation of E-Portfolios for the Professional Development of Admiral Nurses. Nursing Standard, 32(22),1-13,https://doi.org/10.7748/ns.2018.e10825

Hodza, F., & Rowe, C. (2018). Learning Leaders in Grassroots Programs: Appreciative Inquiry and Storytelling.AI Practitioner, 20(2), 1-8, https://doi.org/10.1278/978-1-907549-35-9-3

Walden University (2021). College of Nursing Handbook. Retrieved from https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/id.php?content_rd=50982255


By Day 3 of Week 8

Post an explanation of at least two strategies for including academic activities and accomplishments into your professional development goals. Then, explain how those goals may align with the University’s emphasis on social change. Be specific and provide examples.

By Day 6 of Week 8

Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts by offering additional ideas regarding academic achievements to include or offering alternative ways of presenting the current achievements.



Hello, Stephanie,

I agree with you that creating a nursing portfolio is an excellent way to show personal goals and collect evidence of educational and professional growth. Since a large number of employers search potential employees on-line, it is also a good idea to create a digital e-portfolio (Hannans & Olivo, 2017). LinkedIn is a one of the largest on-line networks for working professionals and can be used to create an on-line portfolio (Carlson, 2017). Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios Creating a portfolio aligns with Walden University’s commitment to enact positive social change by documenting professional development which promotes the development of society as a whole (Walden University, 2021). I also agree with you that portfolios can be a good source for reflection on past experiences which can also be useful when promoting social change.


Carlson, K. (2017). Why every nurse should have a LinkedIn profile. Retrieved from https://nurse.org/articles/nurse-linkedin-profile/

Hannans, J. & Olivo, Y. (2017). Craft a positive nursing digital identity with an ePortfolio. American Nurse Today, 12(11), 48-49. Retrieved December 14, 2021, from https://www.myamericannurse.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/ant11-Digital-Identity-1017a-1.pdf

Walden University. (2021). College of nursing handbook. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/ld.php?content_id=50982255





10 months ago
Sonya Spellman 
RE: Discussion – Week 8 Main Post

Hi Stephanie,

I enjoyed your post. I have learned a lot from the required reading and research on the use and development of portfolios. According to Burns (2018), nurses can use a portfolio to document competencies and achievements during evaluations and applications regarding promotions or awards. A good starting point is to collect, organize, file, and store the information. File the information as it becomes available. Place items, chronologically, beginning with the most recent data (Burns, 2018). A well-constructed portfolio should show how learning has occurred as well as its application in practice (Casey & Egan, 2018).




Casey DC, & Egan D. (2010). The use of professional portfolios and profiles for career enhancement. British Journal of Community Nursing, 15(11), 547–552.

Burns, M. K. (2018). Creating a Nursing Portfolio. Ohio Nurses Review, 93(3), 16–17.


10 months ago
Rex Boyson Olpoc 
RE: Discussion – Week 8 Response 1

Hello Stephanie,

Very detailed discussion you got here about portfolio. Portfolio can also serve as a tool for academic accreditation (Casey & Egan, 2013). For instance, prior to starting the MSN program, Walden has requested a transcript of records for the BSN RN graduate for review of evidence of learning. There are times wherein courses are credited, thus granting exemption from a subject or subjects of the program study. In addition, according to Burns (2018), having a professional portfolio summarizes the APRN’s qualifications including subjects taken during his or her higher level of education which helps in the smooth process of credentialing. For example, an FNP seeking his or her first job in an organization must go through the process of credentialing before starting. Portfolio thus is considered a professional requirement displaying how learning took place with its use in practice (Casey & Egan, 2013).


Burns, M. K. (2018). Creating a nursing portfolio. Ohio Nurses Review, 93(3), 16–17.

Casey, D., & Egan, D. (2013). The use of professional portfolios and profiles for career enhancement. British Journal of Nursing, 15(11), 547–552.


10 months ago
Quenia Alfrenard 
RE: Discussion – Week 8 Main Post


10 months ago
Susan Bencomo 
RE: Discussion – Week 8 Main Post

Excellent post, Stephanie! A professional portfolio is a collection of work and other documentations providing insight into an individual’s abilities for prospective employers. According to Burns (2018), creating a professional portfolio is essential for every nurse to showcase his/her experiences, continuing education, awards, skills, experiences, community activities, professional membership, and promotions. I find your post insightful on the strategies a nurse can use to include his/her academic activities and accomplishments into his/her professional development goal. One can also include evidence-based practice (EBP). The goal of including EBP is to synthesize the evidence and facilitate the transition of evidence-based research findings so as to improve the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of health care one delivers (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber 2021).  The use of these strategies align with the focus of the University on embracing new ways of learning new things for better shaping of the world. 


Burns, M.K. (2018). Creating a nursing portfolio. Ohio Nurses Review, 93 (3), 16-17. 

LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2021). Nursing Research E-Book: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. 


10 months ago
Janelle McEwen 
RE: Discussion – Week 8 Main Post

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10 months ago
Stephanie Kachin 
RE: Discussion – Week 8 Main Post

Hi Janelle,

This is a great idea to start saving assignments now. I save all my assignments and paper through an iCloud and one drive account. I like your recommendation of starting to save pertinent information for starting a portfolio now. I have not done this yet, but now I plan to. Thanks.


10 months ago
RE: Discussion – Week 8 Main Post

Hi, Stephanie,

What does a portfolio suggest to potential employers?

Excellent post!

Dr. Lewis


11 months ago
Teresa Woody 
RE: Discussion – Week 8

Main Discussion Post:


Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios


Teresa LeeAnn Woody

Department of Nursing, Walden University

NURS 6003C: Transition to Graduate Study

Dr. Crystal Lewis

December 16, 2021


Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios

Creating a nursing portfolio is an excellent way to show academic and professional achievements throughout one’s nursing journey. Research shows that portfolios have 4 main purposes (McMillan, Parker, & Sport, 2014). Firstly, to facilitate learning in a course. Secondly, to showcase career skills. Thirdly, to aid in program review and assessment. And finally, to showcase professional standards. The use of a comprehensive professional portfolio can provide “a format for self-reflection on practice and for goal planning, capturing both the art and science of nursing” (Williams & Jordan, 2007). One of the most important aspects of creating a portfolio is reflection “because it can facilitate self-evaluation and development of future goals” (McMillan, Parker, & Sport, 2014). A portfolio is not just a resume. According to “How to Make an Impressive Nursing Portfolio” blog from James Cook University, each item in a portfolio has a purpose, and when carefully structured and organized, it becomes a useful tool for a variety of purposes (2020).

Developing a nursing portfolio aligns with Walden University’s commitment to enact positive social change. Students are committed to improving human and social conditions by creating and applying ideas which promote the development of society as a whole (Walden University, 2021). A portfolio demonstrates progress, archives coursework through college, and provides evidence of learning outcomes which aligns with Walden University’s professional development goals of growth and improvement (Hannans & Olivo, 2017).

Because an estimated 60% to 80% of employers search potential new hires online, a digital e-portfolio can be helpful (Hannans & Olivo, 2017). An e-portfolio is an online presentation of your academic and professional experiences and achievements. Students and practicing nurses should create their digital identity “to ensure that they’re seen in a positive light by potential employers, academic institutions, colleagues, and even patients” (Hannans & Olivo, 2017). Documents collected in the e-portfolio throughout one’s nursing journey gives an individual a foundation on which to build his/her career advances. While in nursing school, development of an e-portfolio is essential to help students identify performance gaps, foster student development, and promote a student’s learning responsibility (McMillan, Parker, & Sport, 2014). As a Family Nurse Practitioner student at Walden University, I am confident that I am learning the essential skills to evolve my nursing portfolio. Through this development, I will be able to strive for positive social change.



Hannans, J. & Olivo, Y. (2017). Craft a positive nursing digital identity with an ePortfolio. American Nurse Today, 12(11), 48-49. Retrieved December 14, 2021, from https://www.myamericannurse.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/ant11-Digital-Identity-1017a-1.pdf

How to make an impressive professional nursing portfolio. (2020, March 2). James Cook University. https://online.jcu.edu.au/blog/how-to-make-an-impressive-nursing-portfolio

McMillan, Libba, Reed PhD, RN, Parker, Francine, EdD, RN, Sport, Andrea & BSN, RN. (2014). Decisions, decisions! E-portfolio as an effective hiring assessment tool. Nursing Management, 45, 52-54. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.NUMA.0000444882.93063.a7

Walden University. (2021). College of nursing handbook. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/ld.php?content_id=50982255

Williams, M., & Jordan K. (2007). The nursing portfolio: A pathway to career development. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development, 23(3), 125-131.


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10 months ago
Stephanie Kachin 
RE: Discussion – Response 1 Teresa


10 months ago
RE: Discussion – Week 8

Hi, Teresa,

Prior to this class, did you maintain a portfolio? Discuss how your portfolio will assist your career.

Excellent post!

Dr. Lewis

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10 months ago
Teresa Woody 
RE: Discussion – Week 8


Hello, Dr. Lewis,

Thank you for your response to my post. Prior to this class, I did not maintain a portfolio. However, I’ve learned how valuable a portfolio is to one’s nursing career after taking this class. It is an excellent way to document educational and professional accomplishments. “A well-developed portfolio provides potential employers with a deeper understanding of the scope of your professional experience, education, evaluations and awards” (Schneider, 2016). Nurses who have invested valuable time in their careers should highlight their accomplishments with the use of portfolio.


Schneider, A. (2016). Building a professional nursing portfolio. https://www.rn.com/nursing-news-building-professional-nursing-portfolio/



10 months ago
Christine Hoffmann 
RE: Discussion – Week 8

Response 1, Week 8

Hi Teresa! Development of a portfolio is an excellent way to document your chronological learning and display competence to prospective employers (HealthLeaders, 2019). The ePortfolio can be used as a medium to promote self-regulated learning and critical thinking (Segaran & Hasim, 2021). I did not previously have a portfolio, however, I plan to create one now as a means to set myself apart from other nurses seeking employment alongside me. By utilizing the portfolio as my “toolbox,” I will need to identify what other learning needs will be helpful to add. Knowing that employers will be looking at my portfolio gives me motivation to continue learning and adding to my “toolbox.” While I find that it is easier to find subjects related to my studies as a PMHNP, I can see how it would be overwhelming to hone in on options in the FNP program. Do you have any identified learning needs that you plan on adding to your portfolio outside of your coursework at Walden?


HealthLeaders. (2019). The importance of a professional nursing portfolio | healthleaders media. Healthleadersmedia.com. https://www.healthleadersmedia.com/nursing/importance-professional-nursing-portfolio

Segaran, M. K., & Hasim, Z. (2021). Self-regulated learning through eportfolio: a meta-analysis. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 18(1), 131–156. https://doi.org/10.32890/mjli2021.18.1.6

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10 months ago
Teresa Woody 
RE: Discussion – Week 8


Hello, Christine,

Thank you for your response to my post. You asked if I have any identified learning that I plan on adding to my portfolio outside of my coursework at Walden. The simple answer to that is, yes. As a nurse for more than 20 years, I feel it is vital to include educational and professional accomplishments over the course of my entire career. One example, that I’m proud of, is my achievement of professional certification in the nursing fields I’ve specialized in. I believe that when you specialize in a certain field of nursing, it is helpful to become certified in that field. When I started working in dialysis in 1999, I soon after became a certified dialysis nurse. When I started working in infection prevention in 2014, I soon after became certified in infection prevention and epidemiology. Now that I am working in dialysis again, and have experience in more than one area of dialysis, I plan to certify as a nephrology nurse. Adding certifications to your portfolio can let potential employers know that you are dedicated to that particular field of nursing and highlights your knowledge as a nurse.


10 months ago
Claudy Jean Gilles 
RE: Discussion – Week 8

Hi Teresa,

It is a great post, a portfolio should highlight your academic and your professional success of your career. Walden University teach us how to be an advocate for social changes and how to be better to individual. The portfolio demonstrate your reflection on your personal and your professional goals. According to Walden University, “Positive social change promote the worth, dignity, and development of individuals, communities, organizations, institutions cultures, and societies” (Walden University, n.d.).  Growing with the changes is essential to show in the portfolio because the portfolio helps you outline your goals, your academic goals and your career success. Every single goal and accomplishment must be documented in the portfolio.


Walden University. (n.d.). Vision, mission, and goals. Retrieved January 18, 2022, from https://catalog.waldenu.edu/content.php?

Walden University (2021). College of Nursing Handbook. Retrieved from https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/id.php?



10 months ago
Susan Bencomo 
RE: Discussion – Week 8

Great post, Teresa! I concur with your assertion that creating a professional nursing portfolio is an excellent way of showcasing professional and academic accomplishments throughout one’s nursing journey. Cope & Murray (2018) assert that a professional nursing portfolio confirms that one is well prepared and licensed to practice and shows his/her skills, achievements, experience, and history of employment as a nurse. When one is creating a section of his/her professional goals in the portfolio, he/she would possibly want past and current activities to support his/her career path. In this way, the use of such strategies as facilitating learning in a course, showcasing career skills, and career advancement can be effective for including academic activities and accomplishments into his/her professional development goals. Walden has a goal for social change to prepare students for the immediate solutions of dire societal/communal challenges (Walden University n.d.), which aligns with the professional development goals. 


Cope, V., & Murray, M. (2018). Use of professional portfolios in nursing. Nursing Standard (2014+), 32(30), 55. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.7748/ns.2018.e10985

Walden University. (n.d.). Social Change. Walden University. https://www.waldenu.edu/why-walden/social-change

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