Cultural Case Study: Purnell’s Model for Cultural Competence domains

Cultural Case Study: Purnell’s Model for Cultural Competence domains

Cultural Case Study. Write a three- to four-page, APA-formatted Cultural Case Study: Purnell’s Model for Cultural Competence domains paper utilizing either Case Study #1 or #2 listed below.

Choose three of the domains conceptualized in Purnell’s Model for Cultural Competence that you feel could affect the case study chosen. Explain how these domains affect the patient’s health care. Next, address each of the following items in your Cultural Case Study: Purnell’s Model for Cultural Competence domains paper:


• Based on the chosen scenario, describe how the patient’s circumstances and cultural norms influenced their illness.
• Develop four questions specific to the patient’s history. Explain what information will be derived from each question and why the information is needed.
• Identify the special needs in caring for the patient in the scenario. Explain how you would address those needs.
• Identify the community services available to assist the patient with their needs.
• Evaluate the services to determine if they are adequate to meet the patient’s needs. Explain how the services do/do not meet the patient’s needs for improving their health care experience.
• Review the three domains of Purnell’s model that you chose. Reflect on the patient’s circumstances as well as variations in values, beliefs, and practices based on her/his cultural heritage. Discuss why the patient might have chosen different domains. Why might health care facilities, health care professionals, and patients manage things differently in practice as compared to theory? Based on your experience, what explains the difference? Discuss how this may influence your choices in the future.

Choose one of the following case studies as the focus of your Cultural Case Study: Purnell’s Model for Cultural Competence domains paper:

Case Study #1:
You are a nurse in the emergency room. The EMTs bring in a Caucasian (non-Hispanic) female who was found unconscious two blocks from the hospital. Patient’s initial assessment included blood sugar of 55. After the EMT’s initial treatment, she became responsive. She stated she is a 32-year old military veteran with a history of mental illness due to post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and suffers from Diabetes.
She is homeless and reports she has not eaten in 48 hours. The patient appears emaciated. It is apparent she has not bathed in some time and her clothes are showing significant wear and tear. Her shoes have holes in them and she is not wearing socks. She carries a backpack with her and states it contains everything she owns. She will not allow anyone to touch the backpack and will not let it out of her sight. When asked, the patient tells you she moved to the Midwest in the hopes of finding work two years ago after a medical discharge from the military. She states she had a job waiting for her when she arrived, but was quickly let go when the company closed due to financial mismanagement. She has not found another job. She has not sought care from the Veteran’s Administration, though she does qualify for care under their provisions. However, she has no mode of transportation to reach the hospital and it is a two-hour drive away.

Case Study #2:
You are a hospital nurse on the 24-observation unit. Your patient is a 52-year old male Asian/Pacific Islander, specifically a Chinese immigrant who is being admitted to rule out cerebrovascular accident CVA) and other neurological disease. The patient is accompanied by his elderly mother and wife. The patient and family speak some English but are not fluent. The patient’s symptoms include difficulty walking, abrasions/contusions on upper and lower right extremities, and mild confusion to place.
The mother states that the patient has been showing signs of difficulty walking for the past month. She has given him herbal teas and controlled his diet to balance his energy. The patient’s wife states the he has received acupuncture treatments in the last week and has been practicing moxibustion. During discussion with the patient and family, it was noted that the patient was not verbalizing any complaints but was smiling and agreeing with the family’s statements. No further information was shared.

Your Cultural Case Study: Purnell’s Model for Cultural Competence domains paper
• Must be between three to four pages in length (not including title and reference pages), double-spaced, and formatted according to APA style.
• Must include a separate title page with the following:
o Title of paper
o Student’s name
o Course name and number
o Instructor’s name
o Date submitted
• Must use at least four scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
• Must cite all sources in the body of the assignment. The citations must be in APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.
• Your cultural Case Study: Purnell’s Model for Cultural Competence domains must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style.

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