Concepts in Nursing Leadership – Conflict and conflict resolution Annotated Bibliography

Concepts in Nursing Leadership – Conflict and conflict resolution Annotated Bibliography

Read 3 scholarly articles on conflict resolution
Summarize and critically analyze each article separately (250-300 words each)

For each article determine the following:
Comprehension: Introduce the article in your own words
Application: Apply the research findings or article to course concepts
Analysis: Share objective and subjective analysis of article
Evaluation: Summarize the value of the content to nursing leadership and nursing


Annotated Bibliography

Beitler, L. A., Scherer, S., & Zapf, D. (2018). Interpersonal conflict at work: Age and emotional competence differences in conflict management. Organizational Psychology Review8(4), 195-227.

The authors of the article address the relationship between Emotional competence (EC) age and conflict management.  One of the most severe stressors in life is the prevalence of interpersonal conflict yet, it is a common phenomenon particularly at work.  Ideally, interpersonal conflict occurs when people’s needs and interests are incompatible, and due to negative emotions that can lead to real or perceived misunderstanding. Therefore, it is imperative to manage it appropriately to minimize its effects.  According to research, older people manage conflict better as compared to the younger ones. Generally, older adults face fewer problems and interpersonal conflicts in their relationships since they pursue and are determined to maintain harmony and cohesion in their relationships. Concepts in Nursing Leadership – Conflict and conflict resolution Annotated Bibliography. Further, in a work environment, older employees apply constructive conflict redressal strategies in dealing with and managing workplace conflicts.

The findings of the research are important since they highlight the importance of older employees in an organization.  although it is unclear some of the strategies used by older employees as well as the mechanisms that give age an edge in conflict management, one possible behavioral mechanism used on conflict management could be the expertise to manage emotions connected with conflict which is regarded as emotional competence. Thus, making age a major contributing factor to effective conflict management due to its relationship with EC. Evidently, people become more emotionally competent as they grow older.

The objective of the article was to establish the relationship between age and EC by focusing on and assessing 195 studies that concentrated on working participants. The studies showed that emotional competencies for older people are better as compared to the young workers in various dimensions. Mainly, they can perceive, understand, and regulate their emotions and comprehend other people’s emotions.

Emotional competence is necessary for attaining effective leadership in healthcare institutions and significantly contributes to successful operation and good functioning. Therefore, nurses are required to improve on their emotional skills and should acquire skills, knowledge, and attitudes that are essential for comprehending and managing their as well as other people including patient’s emotions. As a result, they will achieve positive goals, maintain positive relationships and make accountable decisions Concepts in Nursing Leadership – Conflict and conflict resolution Annotated Bibliography.

Erdenk, N., & Altuntaş, S. (2017). Do personality traits of nurses have an effect on conflict management strategies?. Journal of nursing management25(5), 366-374.

A healthcare environment is a place that is constantly faced with change. Mostly, there is interaction with people from different backgrounds thus making it an environment full of conflicts. Usually, nurses are more susceptible to conflicts since they work with other team members such as manager nurses, other nurses, and patients as well as their relatives. Due to uncertainties associated with duties, responsibilities, power and status differences, team member’s incompatibility, lack of resources, and stress at work can easily cause conflict in the workplace. Therefore, to deal with this situation and minimize the negative impact of conflict on patient care and turn it into a positive experience, it imperative for nurses to use constructive conflict management strategies to deal with the problems.

The findings of the study showed that 52% of nurses’ encounter conflict mostly with the patient’s relatives since they play a direct role in patient care. Generally, they are allocated about 16 patients per day thus, causing a constraint in time and are unable to allocate adequate time to patient care. As a result, they face conflict with the patient’s relatives. Similarly, the findings of the study showed that nurse managers experience conflicts mainly due to workload.  The personality traits of nurses mainly fall under openness and conscientiousness.  The findings showed that people with a high sense of conscientiousness are self-disciplined, rigorous, goal-oriented, consistent, ambitious, planned, decisive, results-oriented, and reliable. On the other hand, people who have openness as a personality trait are independent, flexible, analytical, love change, creative, and open to development and change. Therefore, the findings showed that most nurses are independent, self-disciplined, responsible, autonomous, and open to change.

The objective of the article was to evaluate the impact of nurse’s personality traits on conflict management. Since most nurses are women, they tend to all use the same conflict management strategies. Primarily, they use integration strategy to manage conflicts. Ideally, the strategy is based on the exchange of information, openness, and the generation of acceptable remedies to build a conducive environment.

The concept of personality traits can be linked with nursing leadership, whereby the manager nurses are expected to offer training, education, and workshops to empower and teach nurses on the available conflict redressal strategies and skills depending on one’s personality.

Johansen, M. L., & Cadmus, E. (2016). Conflict management style, supportive work environments and the experience of work stress in emergency nurses. Journal of Nursing Management24(2), 211-218.

The authors of the article wanted to investigate the relationship between work environment and conflict management techniques by nurses working in the emergency department. Evidently, emergency department nurses work in a highly stressful environment where conflict is inevitable. Mainly, the environment requires them to care for critically ill patients, participate in end-of-life situations, unprecedented patient deaths, and resuscitative attempts. Therefore, these nurses crave a supportive work environment to help manage work-related stress.

The findings of the study showed that a supportive work environment has a direct impact on lowered nurses’ stress.

Further, nurses who use avoidant conflict management styles are likely to face work stress. However, those that embraced dominating and integrating conflict management styles experience less work stress. Concepts in Nursing Leadership – Conflict and conflict resolution Annotated Bibliography

The objective of the study was to establish the relationship between work environment and stress among emergency department nurses and some of the conflict management styles they normally adopt. Since most use avoidant conflict management style, it was observed that it can be a contributing factor to trends that compromise the quality of patient care and thus, undermine the promotion of quality patient care.

Nursing leadership is required to document the work-related stress for emergency department nurses and establish administrative strategies for minimizing work stress. For example, they can issue work stress surveys periodically, analyse the data of the existing employees such as illness logs and injury as well as tracking the nurse’s patterns. This way they can create a supportive work environment that will help in stress reduction Concepts in Nursing Leadership – Conflict and conflict resolution Annotated Bibliography.

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