Capstone Project Change Proposal – Improving a Fall Prevention Program in a Clinical Environment.
Improving a Fall Prevention Program in a Clinical Environment
Falls are very important and preventing these falls are the most important goal and plan for every patient’s safety that encounters healthcare settings. There are many ways in preventing falls such as new trainings, new bed alarm tones and even hourly rounding. Daily improving to bedside reporting is another suggestion this field of study. Failing to increase measures in implementing change can lead to death and or longer hospitalization stays. Detecting problems early and adjusting to change will help with improvement of falls. Patients will build confidence and a trusting relationship that will help secure a solid foundation for the healthcare setting.
University of Louisville Hospital is a Level Trauma 1 Center in the state and nearby surrounding states. Admissions records over 3,000 patients a year and half of them are from outside of the county. Decreasing patients falls is the most important. In order to promote this proposition we need to set up teams that are willing to work together and communicate. University of Louisville hospital has had a total of 45 falls this year from January thru May. According to research, falls have been around for over 50 plus years. Incident reports are avoided when these happen the best thing is adverse events. Capstone Project Change Proposal – Improving a Fall Prevention Program in a Clinical Environment. Healthcare facilities need to make sure they understand the interventions and not focus on the quantity of falls which is very important. Inpatient fall rates range from 1.7 to 25 falls per 1,000 patient days, depending on the care area, with geropsychiatric patients having the highest risk (NCBI, 2007). Falls inpatient has increased in some facilities. The facility that I am employed at fall cases have decreased through interventions and hourly rounding. Falls may never be fixed but we can all work together to decrease the chances and give the proper teachings.
Problem Statement
According to research falls have been around for over 50 plus years. Incident reports are avoided when these happen the best thing is adverse events. Falls in hospital are associated with excess financial and opportunity costs (Oxford Academic, 2008). The majority of falls in healthcare facilities are patients over 70 years of age and the youth between 18-39 years of age. Falls inpatient has increased in some facilities and this is why interventions are needed. Falls can be very costly towards everyone’s pockets and also their health. Prolonged hospital and even injuries such as fractures and death can occur if proper precautions are not in place. Liabilities can also occur which can cost the hospital more funds than actually receiving to improve better care. Consequently, various hospitals falls, prevention programs have been implemented in the last decades (BMC Health Services Research, 2006). Capstone Project Change Proposal – Improving a Fall Prevention Program in a Clinical Environment. Fall cases have decrease over time at the facility that I am employed at and this was all through hourly rounding and building a rapport with you patients. We as a team can always help fix the issues at hand, falls may never be completely solved but they can be decreased through teamwork and dedication. Falls may never be fixed but we can all work together to decrease the chances and survival rates through proper teachings and statistical facts.
Change Proposal
In order to promote safety and prevent falls within all healthcare facilities the plan of care that promotes, reassurance, full assessment and communication. The purpose to change fall prevention strategies in our facility is to decrease falls and provide advance care through evidence based research. The proper education and research will introduce more expected outcomes. There will be some challenges and barriers that may interfere with this intervention. There will be multiple ways that this research will be used in order to be successful. Encouraging engagement and participation will affect the quality improvement process such as implementing small scale demonstrations which are less difficult to manage. Capstone Project Change Proposal – Improving a Fall Prevention Program in a Clinical Environment. Small-scale demonstrations or small tests of change also allow you to refine the new processes, demonstrate their impact on practices and outcomes, and build increased support by stakeholders (AHRQ, 2017). It is important to understand that many changes will be made along the way and learning from these experiences will help with adding change to any obstacles that take place.
PICOT is used to help people clarify answers for any problems they may encounter. This will be used in research and evidence based practices that can be used and implemented on a daily basis. The P in PICOT stands for the population or specific cohort that is included in the study. The I in PICOT stand for the interventions that are used for in treatments during this study. The C in PICOT stands for the comparison in the study of research. The O in PICOT stands for the objectives in the research study. The T stands for the time frame which is not always included in the Capstone Project Change Proposal – Improving a Fall Prevention Program in a Clinical Environment study.
The inpatient population such as the sick and elderly (P) for the study of prevention in falls in an inpatient setting. The intervention (I) for this study and intervention of falls is the revision of the post debriefing forms and training for bedside report along with hourly rounding. The comparison (C) in this study is to reduce the risk for falls such as hourly rounding and improved training for staff. The outcome (O) for this study is to reduce falls in an inpatient facility. The time frame (T) in this study would be decreasing of falls over a three to six month period.
Literature Search
Falls can be related to intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors are disorders, mental problems anything that is preventable through health. Extrinsic factors are made up of environmental things such as spills, rugs, and cluttered areas. All falls are important and it’s even more important to understand the causes. Morse falls scale is very important and our hospital uses this scale for every patient that is admitted to the hospital. Medical errors are another way falls can occur. Nurses or even ancillary staff may forget to give a patient a call light and patient may have to use the restroom and attempt to get up and fall. Making sure that the patient has worked with physical therapy and communication has been documented and transcribed accurately. Identifying those at risk allows targeted assessment and intervention such as a review of medications and environmental modifications (BMC Medicine, 2004). Capstone Project Change Proposal – Improving a Fall Prevention Program in a Clinical Environment.
Falls can be very costly towards everyone’s pockets and also their health. Prolonged hospital and even injuries such as fractures and death can occur if proper precautions are not in place. Liabilities can also occur which can cost the hospital more funds than actually receiving to improve better care. Consequently, various hospitals falls, prevention programs have been implemented in the last decades (BMC Health Services Research, 2006). Coming up with reasoning to why a person fall is the leading answer to the problem. Every patient is different and their reasons are going to be different as well so making sure that the proper assessment is given then falls should be prevented.
Literature Evaluation
Information that was collected from journals and articles to help promote fall preventions in an inpatient facility has been very beneficial. There are so many issues that can relate to falls such as bad lightening, shoes are not flat, irregular eye exams and even clothing that’s not fitting appropriately can help with falls. Understanding the causes of falls is very important and factual. The older population tends to have a higher risk for falls then that of the youth population. Falls also occur often among older people in hospital and the sickly ill patients. Our hospital uses the Morse Falls scale to assess every patient that is admitted into our doors which is part of a detail assessment of the patient. Medical errors are another way falls can occur which is caused by either shortage of nurses, work overload or even lack of education. Nurses or even ancillary staff may have times where they may not give the patient a call light and then the patient may attempt to get up and fall which can lead to death or even broken bones. It’s also relevant that patients have worked with ancillary staff such as physical therapy and other therapies that play a role in activities of daily living. Communication is very important and vital information that has to be documented and transcribed accurately; if not, then many errors can occur. There are many suggestions such as bed alarming sounds changing and a new call light sound becoming more distinct giving that familiar sound to focus on the patient. Orienting the patient through assessments every 2-4 hours throughout shift depending on level of consciousness will help with fall preventions. Fall rates will decrease in our inpatient medical surgical and progressive care units. Focusing on post fall forms will help after the revision take place and orienting all staff new and old will help with the these goals of safety and reliability. Capstone Project Change Proposal – Improving a Fall Prevention Program in a Clinical Environment. Coming up with reasoning to why a person fall is the leading answer to the problem. Every patient is different and their reasons are going to be different as well so making sure that the proper assessment is given then falls should be prevented.
Patient engagement is another suggestion if it’s going to prevent falls in the future. Introducing safety huddles have been suggested to reduce fall in hospitals which helps with communication and knowing each patient. Intentional rounding will help with patients that are at higher risk of falling. Falls inpatient has increased in some facilities. The facility that I am employed at fall cases have decreased through interventions and hourly rounding. Falls may never be fixed but we can all work together to decrease the chances and give the proper teachings. Falls seem to be one of the most major problems in older adults. In the United States one in three people aged 65 or more living in the community fall at least once a year (BMJ, 2006). Research and clinical programs in hospital fall prevention should pay more attention to study design and the nature of interventions (Wiley Online Library, 2015). Research will be very beneficial to the hospital and the elderly population. Collecting all information on the patient will help with eliminating falls. Capstone Project Change Proposal – Improving a Fall Prevention Program in a Clinical Environment.
Nursing Theory
Nursing theories are very important when implementing evidence base practices. There will be two change theories that will be factored in this healthcare setting. Model and role model theory has it’s concept from Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development. Erickson’s theory helps nurses care for their patients by recognizing each individual’s uniqueness, and focusing on the individual patient’s needs (Nursing Theory, 2016). It is also a self-care method of nursing, which means it is based on the patient’s perceptions of the environment, and adapts based on individual stressors for that patient (Nursing Theory, 2016). Understanding the patient in order to maintain safety measures will help reach goals and also allow the patient to feel secure.
Next theory that can help with the improvement of this research will be the novice to expert theory. Patricia Benner developed a concept known as “From Novice to Expert.” This concept explains that nurses develop skills and an understanding of patient care over time from a combination of a strong educational foundation and personal experiences (Nursing Theory, 2016). She was based off of clinical experience through learning the patient over time. This Theory had five levels novice, advance beginners, competent, proficient, and expert. Different levels of skills will show the changes that need to take place in the healthcare facilities (Nursing Theory, 2016). Both theories are both beneficial in learning the patient’s cognitive skills and also building a confidence in each individual allowing them to heal and be safe. Changes are instilled in both theories and depending on the changes in the future. Capstone Project Change Proposal – Improving a Fall Prevention Program in a Clinical Environment.
Medicines have side effects understanding these effects and communicating with your doctor along with the nurse the feelings that you are experiencing will help prevent any cases of falls. Nurse need to make sure that the call light is in reach and they give the proper teaching of what medicine they are giving their patient along with an understanding. Routine rounding is very important in the hospital which can be shared amongst the nurse and nursing assistant. Blood pressure medications are one of the most serious falls because of the dizziness that it can cause. Making sure the patient has proper footwear can also prevent falls, non skid socks and even slippers will help. Making sure the patient has a bed alarm under the patients and patients are aware of the call light being in reach. Capstone Project Change Proposal – Improving a Fall Prevention Program in a Clinical Environment.
Collecting all information on the patient will help with eliminating falls. We as nurses need to make sure that patients with the need for assistance devices need to be close to the nurse station and teachings on falls every hour when rounding. Patient that are on many prescriptions need to understand that side effects can really cause falls and that’s not good. Bring the entire team together and communicate will help with fall preventions. Making sure that a checklist is in place will help with less falls and more awareness. The Morse falls scale will help with understanding the risk of falls per patient. Making sure you understand the goal and also include everyone in the plan with an open mind will help with the benefits of the research project. Educational presentations would be presented to the healthcare and ancillary staff. This would be to help staff get a clearer perspective and also more education on fall preventions. A revision of the post fall briefing form adding more detail information will be applied to help with teamwork.
Potential Barriers
Changes brought to the surface will be one of the most difficult challenges on the units at work. This will have a big impact on the implementation strategies. Lacking structural guidelines and trainings can prevent falls from decreasing. Communication lacking between therapist and staff on each individualized patient can also prevent a change from occurring. Considering time is another barrier that can occur with falls and patient’s timing, how often they’re getting up and the time they’re falling. Physicians will not look at this situation as important as diagnosis which is another barrier that can prevent changes to occur. Interference of parents and visitors can also be a hindrance of growth within the plan of care of the patient. Some older people considered using assistive devices, such as walking frames, as a stigma, because they believe that using such aids is a sign of weakness and reflects a change in one’s self image (BMJ Open, 2015). One HCP perceived that older people normalized falls and consider them to be part of the normal ageing process. He felt that older people disregarded falls because they believed they were inevitable in old age (BMJ Open, 2015). Capstone Project Change Proposal – Improving a Fall Prevention Program in a Clinical Environment. Living situations outside of the facility is another barrier that can occur which the design of the house and the inadequate space for assistive devices. Admitting weaknesses and balance issues is another difficult task to get through, patients tend to be in denial of any issues they may be having. We as nurses and healthcare staff need to make sure that we have the knowledge and skills in managing falls in order to deliver a safe environment.
O., D., P., A., G., L., . . . G. (2008, October 01). Systematic review and meta-analysis of studies
using the STRATIFY tool for prediction of falls in hospital patients: How well does it work? | Age and Ageing | Oxford Academic. Retrieved from
Section 4: Ways to Approach the Quality Improvement Process. (2015, November 16). Retrieved from Capstone Project Change Proposal – Improving a Fall Prevention Program in a Clinical Environment.
Bühler, H., Geest, S. D., & Milisen, K. (2006, June 07). Falls and consequent injuries in
hospitalized patients: Effects of an interdisciplinary falls prevention program. Retrieved from
Papaioannou, A., Parkinson, W., Cook, R., Ferko, N., Coker, E., & Adachi, J. D. (2004, January
21). Prediction of falls using a risk assessment tool in the acute care setting. Retrieved from
Oliver, D. (2007, January 11). Strategies to prevent falls and fractures in hospitals and care
homes and effect of cognitive impairment: Systematic review and meta-analyses. Retrieved from
Oliver, D., Hopper, A., & Seed, P. (2015, April 27). Do Hospital Fall Prevention Programs
Work? A Systematic Review. Retrieved from
“Patricia Benner Novice to Expert – Nursing Theorist.” Biographies of Nursing Theorists and Their Work – Nursing Theory, 2016,
“Helen Erickson – Nursing Theorist.” Environmental Theory – Nursing Theory, 2016,
Loganathan, Annaletchumy, et al. “Barriers Faced by Healthcare Professionals When Managing Falls in Older People in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: a Qualitative Study.” BMJ Open, British Medical Journal Publishing Group, 1 Nov. 2015, Capstone Project Change Proposal – Improving a Fall Prevention Program in a Clinical Environment.
Professional Capstone and Practicum
Details This is a writing-intensive course. The
professional capstone practicum project offers
students the opportunity to propose a resolution
to an issue or problem significant to nursing
practice within a clinical environment. Students
identify, design, and propose an evidence-based
solution within a health care organization with
guidance from faculty and a preceptor in the
field. The proposal must reflect synthesis and
integration of course content and professional
practice. Development of the capstone project
is guided by the baccalaureate program student
learning outcomes. Practice immersion hours: 100.
Prerequisites: NRS-430V, NRS-429VN, NRS-434VN,
NRS-427VN, NRS-433V, PHI-413V, NRS-451VN,
NRS-410V, and NRS-440VN.
Credit Hours 6.0
PreRequisites NRS-430V, NRS-429VN, NRS-434VN, NRS-427VN,
NRS-433V, PHI-413V, NRS-451VN, NRS-410V, and
coRequisites None
Course Add-Ons Additional Material
Optional: Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association
For additional information, the following is
recommended: Current version of the Publication
Manual of the American Psychological Association.
GCU has made APA templates and other resources
available within the Student Success Center as
well as in the GCU Library. However, be aware that
a more complete APA Manual can be purchased at
your own expense. To order the APA manual, please
visit the American Psychological Association.
The Practice Immersion Experience
Review the "The Practice Immersion
Experience" resource to familiarize yourself
with the requirements for course assignments
and programmatic course components required to
successfully complete this course and the RN-toBSN program of study.
Electronic Resource
Guidelines for Undergraduate Field Experiences
Review the Guidelines for Undergraduate Field
Experiences resource in the Student Success
Center. This material contains important
information for your clinical experience,
including evaluation guidelines, the Clinical Site
Visit Application, and the Clinical Hour Tracking
Sheet for BSN Students Capstone Project Change Proposal – Improving a Fall Prevention Program in a Clinical Environment.
Electronic Resource
Nursing and Health Sciences Research Guides
View "Nursing and Health Sciences Research
Guides," located on the Grand Canyon
University website. This is a discipline-specific
research guide to assist you with your research.
In particular, seek out the "Evidence-Based
Practice (EBP)" tab in the LibGuide for
highly specific information pertinent to the
capstone project.
Electronic Resource
Evaluating Websites
View "Evaluating Websites," located on
the Grand Canyon University website. This tutorial
will explain how to evaluate websites for content
that you can trust.
Practice Immersion Clinical Tools
The attached document contains all three
required Practice Immersion Clinical Tools. The
"Practice Immersion Clinical Evaluation
Tool – Student" will be completed by the
student’s Course Mentor and the faculty at the
course conclusion. The "Practice Immersion
Clinical Evaluation Tool – Mentor" will be
completed by the student and submitted to the
course faculty at the course conclusion. The
"Practice Immersion Clinical Evaluation Tool
– Agency" will be completed by students and
validated by faculty in regards to the clinical
site, and will also be submitted to course faculty
at the course conclusion.
Electronic Resource
Qualified Mentor/Preceptor Summary Form
Review the "Qualified Mentor/Preceptor
Summary Form" resource, located in the
Student Success Center. Use the "Qualified
Mentor/Preceptor Summary Form" as part of the
Topic 1 Course Mentor Identification and Approval
Process assignment requirements.
Field Experience Site Information Form
Use the "Field Experience Site Information
Form" as part of the Topic 1 Course Mentor
Identification and Approval Process assignment
Practicum Hours Requirements for Washington
Registered Nurses
If you are a registered nurse in Washington, your
practicum experience must include a minimum of 50
hours in a community health setting.
NRS-490 Course Objectives
During this course, the student will: Work
constructively with patients, communities,
organizational leadership, and other change
agents to improve practice within health care
settings. Apply Healthy People 2020 principles
in nursing practice. Synthesize nursing knowledge
and concepts into an evidence-based change
proposal for an issue or problem relevant to
nursing practice and population health outcomes.
Identify resources required to implement a
clinical change in nursing practice. Communicate
information and strategies to stakeholders in
order to implement and sustain an evidence-based
change proposal. Determine reliable methods to
measure the effectiveness of an evidence-based
change proposal project in achieving the intended
Topic 1: Change Proposal Subject
and Purpose Identification 1
Duration: 7 days
The first step in developing an evidence-based practice change
proposal is to identify an issue or problem to address. In this topic,
students will learn what resources are required and what skills they
will need to employ in order to create and deliver a robust capstone
practicum proposal.
1. Identify problems, issues, and opportunities to improve patient
care, patient outcomes, and organizational procedures within a
clinical practice setting.
2. Examine a health care clinical problem or an organization issue and
its implications to nursing practice.
3. Determine evidence-based solutions that address patient-care or
clinical practice quality problems or issues.
4. Analyze health care clinical problems and organizational issues
utilizing the PICO(T) process
5. Demonstrate values consistent with the role of a nursing
professional through fundamental knowledge and advanced skills.
Topic Material:
6. Individual Success Plan
Review this resource to familiarize yourself with the requirements for
the Individual Success Plan (ISP) assignment in this topic.
7. Optional: GCU Library Webinar Sign Up
For additional information, the following is recommended: Review
the webinar information offered by the GCU Library. From the
"Webinars & Workshops: Webinar Calendar" page, select
the "Category" tab and scroll down to the Nursing and Health
Sciences selection. Webinar participation is optional.
Electronic Resource
8. Guidelines for Undergraduate Field Experiences
Review the Guidelines for Undergraduate Field Experiences resource
in the Student Success Center. This material contains important
information for your clinical experience, including evaluation
guidelines, the Clinical Site Visit Application, and the Clinical Hour
Tracking Sheet for BSN Students.
Electronic Resource
9. Qualified Mentor/Preceptor Summary Form
Review the "Qualified Mentor/Preceptor Summary Form"
resource, located in the Student Success Center. Use the
"Qualified Mentor/Preceptor Summary Form" as part of the
Topic 1 Course Mentor Identification and Approval Process assignment
10. Field Experience Site Information Form
Use the "Field Experience Site Information Form" as part
of the Topic 1 Professional Capstone and Practicum Documentation
assignment requirements.
11. Practicum Hours Requirements for Washington Registered Nurses
If you are a registered nurse in Washington, your practicum experience
must include a minimum of 50 hours in a community health setting.
12. Scholarly Activity Summary
You may use the "Scholarly Activity Summary" resource to
help guide the preparation of the Scholarly Activities assignment, due
in Topic 10.
Electronic Resource
13. Adopting Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Decision making: Nurses’ Perceptions, Knowledge, and Barriers
Read “Adopting Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Decision making:
Nurses’ Perceptions, Knowledge, and Barriers,” by Majid, Schubert,
Luyt, Zhang, Theng, Chang, and Mokhtar, from the Journal of the Medial
Library Association (2011).
Electronic Resource
14. Nurses, Information Use, and Clinical Decision Making – the Real World Potential for Evidence-Based Decisions in
Read “Nurses, Information Use, and Clinical Decision Making – the Real
World Potential for Evidence-Based Decisions in Nursing,” by Thompson,
Cullum, McCaughan, Sheldon, and Raynor, from the BMJ website (2004).
Electronic Resource
15. Evidence-Based Practice or Practice-Based Evidence: What’s in a Name?
Read "Evidence-Based Practice or Practice-Based Evidence: What’s
in a Name?" by McKeon and McKeon, from International Journal of
Athletic Therapy & Training (2015).
Electronic Resource
16. Nurses, Information Use, and Clinical Decision Making – the Real World Potential for Evidence-Based Decisions in
Read "Nurses, Information Use, and Clinical Decision Making – the
Real World Potential for Evidence-Based Decisions in Nursing,"
by Thompson, Cullum, McCaughan, Sheldon, and Raynor, from the BMJ
Journals website (2004).
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
Assignment Professional Capstone and Practicum
The Professional Capstone and Practicum
course requires students to
select a course mentor. This mentor is
not a preceptor, but an
individual who will guide students as
they work to complete the
practice immersion hour requirements
for this course. Students are not
required to "shadow" their
The course mentor should be someone who
can provide professional
development knowledge and guidance and
who possesses a genuine
interest in working with students to
further their academic goals.
Selection, approval, and retention of a
course mentor must be
completed as soon as possible at the
start of this course, as this
individual will be working with the
student on each assignment that
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
incorporates practice immersion hours.
Working with a course mentor is
Once a course mentor has agreed to
serve in the role, you must
complete and submit the following
required documentation so that
practice experiences can begin in a
timely manner:
Field Experience Site Information Form
Mentor/Preceptor Summary Form Mentor’s
certification, and resume/curriculum
The student is responsible for
obtaining all signatures for the
paperwork submission. Course faculty
will approve all sites and
mentors according to student learning
needs and specific course objectives.
Do not initiate new work on practiceimmersion-hour-based course
assignments until your course
instructor has approved your course
Once a course mentor is approved,
students should contact the mentor
within 1 week of receiving the approval
notification. Students are
encouraged to make an appointment to
meet with their mentor in person
and arrange to review the NRS-490
course objectives and the Individual
Success Plan (ISP).
For more specific information on the
course mentor process and roles
and responsibilities, refer to Section
Three of the Guidelines for
Undergraduate Field Experiences
Assignment Individual Success Plan (ISP)
Planning is the key to successful
completion of this course and your
overall program of study. The
Individual Success Plan (ISP)
requires early collaboration with the
course faculty and your course
mentor. You will need to establish a
plan for successful completion of
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
(1) deliverables associated with weekly
course objectives, (2),
required practice immersion hours, and
(3) deliverables associated
with your capstone project.
Access the "Individual Success
Plan" resource in the Topic
Materials. Read the information in the
resource, including student
expectations and instructions for
completing the ISP document.
Use the "Individual Success
Plan" to develop a personal
plan for completing your practice hours
and how topic objectives will
be met. Include the number of hours you
plan to set aside to meet your goals.
A combination of 100 supervised
clinical hours in community health
and leadership areas will be obtained
through the application of the
objectives listed in the Guidelines for
Undergraduate Field
Experiences manual.
Practicum immersion experiences are
required in a community health
setting. Community-based settings
should encourage community
integration and involvement; expand
accessibility of services and
supports; promote personal preference,
strengths, dignity; and empower
people to participate in the economic
According to,
educational and community-based
programs and strategies are designed to
reach people outside of
traditional health care settings. These
settings may include schools,
worksites, health care facilities, and
communities. Community health
and leadership practice immersion can
occur in the same site and in
conjunction with the evidence-based
project in the NRS-490 course.
If you are a registered nurse in
Washington, your practicum
experience must include a minimum of 50
hours in a community health setting.
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
Students should apply concepts from
prior courses to critically
examine and improve their current
practice. Students should also
integrate scholarly readings to develop
case reports that demonstrate
increasingly complex and proficient
Consider the challenges you expect to
encounter as you continue the
practice hour and competency
requirements throughout this course.
might you overcome these challenges?
You can renegotiate these deliverables
with your faculty and mentor
throughout this course and update your
ISP accordingly.
Once your ISP has been developed and
accepted by your course
faculty, you will have your course
mentor sign it at the beginning of,
and upon completion of, each assignment
that incorporates practice
immersion hours. You will track all
course practice immersion hours in
the ISP.
APA format is not required, but solid
academic writing is expected.
You are not required to submit this
assignment to Turnitin.
Assignment Professional Capstone and Practicum
Reflective Journal and Scholarly
Throughout the course, students will
engage in weekly reflection and
scholarly activities. These assignments
are presented in Topic 1 to
allow students to plan ahead, and
incorporate the deliverables into
the Individual Success Plan if they so
The weekly reflective journals and
scholarly activities will not be
submitted in LoudCloud each week; a
final, culminating submission will
be due in Topic 10. No submission is
required until Topic 10.
Professional Capstone and Practicum
Reflective Journal
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
Students are required to maintain
weekly reflective narratives
throughout the course to combine into a
final, course-long reflective
journal that integrates leadership and
inquiry into current practice
as it applies to the Professional
Capstone and Practicum course. This
course-long journal assignment will be
due in Topic 10.
In each week’s entry, you should
reflect on the personal knowledge
and skills gained throughout the
Professional Capstone and Practicum
course. Your entry should address a
variable combination of the
following, dependent on the specific
practice immersion clinical
experiences you encountered that week:
New practice approaches
collaboration Health care delivery and
clinical systems
Ethical considerations in health care
Population health
concerns The role of technology in
improving health care
outcomes Health policy Leadership and
models Health disparities
In the Topic 10 submission, each of the
areas should be addressed in
one or more of the weekly entries.
This reflection journal also allows
students to outline what they
have discovered about their
professional practice, personal
and weaknesses that surfaced,
additional resources and abilities that
could be introduced to a given
situation to influence optimal
outcomes, and finally, how they met
competencies and course objectives.
Scholarly Activities
Throughout the RN-to-BSN program,
students are required to
participate in scholarly activities
outside of clinical practice or
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
professional practice. Examples of
scholarly activities include
attending conferences, seminars,
journal club, grand rounds, morbidity
and mortality meetings,
interdisciplinary committees, quality
improvement committees, and any other
opportunities available at your
site, within your community, or
You are required to post one scholarly
activity while you are in the
BSN program, which should be documented
by the end of this course. In
addition to this submission, you are
required to be involved and
contribute to interdisciplinary
initiatives on a regular basis.
In Topic 10, you will submit a summary
report of your scholarly
activity. You may use the
"Scholarly Activity Summary"
resource to help guide this assignment.
Topic 1 DQ 1
Identify two GCU Library scholarly
databases that will help you find
the best research articles to support
your EBP proposal. Discuss why
these two databases are better than
Google Scholar or a general
Internet search.
Topic 1 DQ 2
The Institute of Medicine has stated a
goal that 90% of practice be
evidence-based by 2020. According to, the United
States is currently at approximately
15%. Discuss two barriers that
might hold nursing practice from
achieving this goal, and suggest ways
in which identified barriers may be
Participation 15.0
Topic 2: Change Proposal Subject
and Purpose Identification 2
Duration: 7 days
The first step in developing an evidence-based practice change
proposal is to identify an issue or problem to address. In this topic,
students will learn what resources are required and what skills they
will need to employ in order to create and deliver a robust Capstone
practicum proposal.
1. Identify problems, issues, and opportunities to improve patient
care, patient outcomes, and organizational procedures within a
clinical practice setting.
2. Examine a health care clinical problem or an organization issue and
its implications to nursing practice.
3. Determine evidence-based solutions that address patient-care or
clinical practice quality problems or issues.
4. Analyze health care clinical problems and organizational issues
utilizing the PICO(T) process
5. Demonstrate values consistent with the role of a nursing
professional through fundamental knowledge and advanced skills.
Topic Material:
6. Capstone Project: Developing a Question
Review "Capstone Project: Developing a Question" to assist
you in developing a Capstone Project appropriate to the course and the
RN-to-BSN overall program of study.
7. Project Topic Checklist
Access the “Project Topic Checklist” resource to complete an
assignment in this topic.
8. Optional: GCU Library Webinar Sign Up
For additional information, the following is recommended: Review
the webinar information offered by the GCU Library. From the
"Webinars & Workshops: Webinar Calendar" page, select
the "Category" tab and scroll down to the Nursing and Health
Sciences selection. Webinar participation is optional.
Electronic Resource
9. Adopting Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Decision making: Nurses’ Perceptions, Knowledge, and Barriers
Read “Adopting Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Decision making:
Nurses’ Perceptions, Knowledge, and Barriers,” by Majid, Schubert,
Luyt, Zhang, Theng, Chang, and Mokhtar, from the Journal of the Medial
Library Association (2011).
Electronic Resource
10. Nurses, Information Use, and Clinical Decision Making – the Real World Potential for Evidence-Based Decisions in
Read “Nurses, Information Use, and Clinical Decision Making – the Real
World Potential for Evidence-Based Decisions in Nursing,” by Thompson,
Cullum, McCaughan, Sheldon, and Raynor, from the BMJ website (2004).
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
Assignment Capstone Project Topic Selection and
In collaboration with your approved
course mentor, you will identify
a specific evidence-based practice
proposal topic for the capstone
project. Consider the clinical
environment in which you are currently
working or have recently worked. The
capstone project topic can be a
clinical practice problem, an
organizational issue, a quality
improvement suggestion, a leadership
initiative, or an educational
need appropriate to your area of
interest as well as your practice
immersion (practicum) setting. Examples
of the integration of
community health, leadership, and an
EBP can be found on the
"Educational and Community-Based
Programs" page of the Healthy
People 2020 website.
Write a 500-750 word description of
your proposed capstone project
topic. Make sure to include the
The problem, issue, suggestion,
initiative, or educational
need that will be the focus of the
project The setting or
context in which the problem, issue,
suggestion, initiative, or
educational need can be observed. A
description providing a
high level of detail regarding the
problem, issue, suggestion,
initiative, or educational need. Impact
of the problem,
issue, suggestion, initiative, or
educational need on the work
environment, the quality of care
provided by staff, and patient
outcomes. Significance of the problem,
issue, suggestion,
initiative, or educational need and its
implications to
nursing. A proposed solution to the
identified project
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
You are required to retrieve and assess
a minimum of 8 peer-reviewed
articles. Plan your time accordingly to
complete this assignment.
Prepare this assignment according to
the guidelines found in the APA
Style Guide, located in the Student
Success Center. An abstract is not
You are required to submit this
assignment to Turnitin. Please refer
to the directions in the Student
Success Center.
Assignment Topic 2 Practice Hours Completion
Statement NRS-490
Students will track their practice
hours throughout the course via
the Practice Hours Completion Statement
provided in this assignment.
Complete the following statement
in a Word document and submit the
Practice Hours Completion Statement
I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have
completed (NUMBER OF)
practice hours in association with the
goals and objectives for this
course. I also verify that all required
course approvals are in
place from my faculty and practice
Topic 2 DQ 1
During your practicum, determine what
clinical problem or issue the
organization is facing. Discuss two
implications for nursing.
Topic 2 DQ 2
What is the main issue for your
organization in addressing a solution
to evidence-based nursing practice?
Discuss what might be the first
step in addressing and resolving this
Participation 15.0
Topic 3: Evidence-Based Practice
Proposal Development Plan 1
Duration: 7 days
The next step in developing an evidence-based practice proposal is to
search the literature for support and evaluate the level of evidence.
In this topic, students will learn what resources are required and
what skills they will need to employ in order to create and deliver a
Capstone Project proposal with a high level of evidence.
1. Evaluate evidence-based research and other appropriate resources to
inform the development of a change plan.
2. Identify strategies for logistical implementation of proposed
3. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate levels of evidence into a
concise format.
4. Integrate evidence, clinical judgment, interprofessional
perspectives, and patient preferences in planning, implementing,
and evaluating outcomes of care.
Topic Material:
Electronic Resource
3. Science of Improvement: Steps in the PDSA Cycle
Read “Science of Improvement: Steps in the PDSA Cycle,” located on the
Institute for Healthcare Improvement website.
8. Change Theory
Explore this website: Change Theory.
9. Nursing Theory
Explore this website: Nursing Theory. This website provides
information on leading nursing theories.
10. Nursing Theories
Explore this website: Nursing Theories. This website provides
information on leading nursing theories.
Electronic Resource
11. Asking Focused Questions
Read “Asking Focused Questions” on the Centre for Evidence-Based
Medicine website.
Electronic Resource
13. Formulating a Researchable Question: A Critical Step for Facilitating Good Clinical Research
Read “Formulating a Researchable Question: A Critical Step for
Facilitating Good Clinical Research,” by Aslam and Emmanuel, from the
National Center for Biotechnology Information website (2010).
Electronic Resource
14. Research Questions, Hypotheses and Objectives
Read “Research Questions, Hypotheses and Objectives, by Farrugia,
Petrisor, Farrokhyar, and Bhandari, from the National Center for
Biotechnology Information website (2010).
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
Assignment PICOT Statement Paper
Review the Topic Materials and the work
completed in NRS-433V to
formulate a PICOT statement for your
capstone project.
A PICOT starts with a designated
patient population in a particular
clinical area and identifies clinical
problems or issues that arise
from clinical care. The intervention
should be an independent,
specified nursing change intervention.
The intervention cannot require
a provider prescription. Include a
comparison to a patient population
not currently receiving the
intervention, and specify the timeframe
needed to implement the change process.
Formulate a PICOT statement using the
PICOT format provided in the
assigned readings. The PICOT statement
will provide a framework for
your capstone project.
In a paper of 500-750 words, clearly
identify the clinical problem
and how it can result in a positive
patient outcome.
Make sure to address the following on
the PICOT statement:
Evidence-Based Solution Nursing
Patient Care Health Care Agency Nursing
Prepare this assignment according to
the guidelines found in the APA
Style Guide, located in the Student
Success Center. An abstract is not
This assignment uses a rubric. Please
review the rubric prior to
beginning the assignment to become
familiar with the expectations for
successful completion.
You are required to submit this
assignment to Turnitin. Please refer
to the directions in the Student
Success Center.
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
Assignment Topic 3 Practice Hours Completion
Statement NRS-490
Students will track their practice
hours throughout the course via
the Practice Hours Completion Statement
provided in this assignment.
Complete the following statement
in a Word document and submit the
Practice Hours Completion Statement
I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have
completed (NUMBER OF)
practice hours in association with the
goals and objectives for this
course. I also verify that all required
course approvals are in
place from my faculty and practice
Topic 3 DQ 2
Name two different methods for
evaluating evidence. Compare and
contrast these two methods.
Topic 3 DQ 1
Submit a summary of six of your
articles on the discussion board.
Discuss one strength and one weakness
to each of these six articles on
why the article may or may not provide
sufficient evidence for your
practice change.
Participation 15.0
Topic 4: Evidence-Based Practice
Proposal Development Plan 2
Duration: 7 days
The next step in developing an evidence-based practice proposal is to
search the literature for support and evaluate the level of evidence.
In this topic, students will learn what resources are required and
what skills they will need to employ in order to create and deliver a
Capstone Project proposal with a high level of evidence.
1. Evaluate evidence-based research and other appropriate resources to
inform the development of a change plan.
2. Identify strategies for logistical implementation of proposed
3. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate levels of evidence into a
concise format.
4. Integrate evidence, clinical judgment, interprofessional
perspectives, and patient preferences in planning, implementing,
and evaluating outcomes of care.
Topic Material:
Electronic Resource
3. Science of Improvement: Steps in the PDSA Cycle
Review “Science of Improvement: Steps in the PDSA Cycle,” located on
the Institute for Healthcare Improvement website.
8. Change Theory
Explore this website: Change Theory.
9. Nursing Theory
Explore this website: Nursing Theory. This website provides
information on leading nursing theories.
10. Nursing Theories
Explore this website: Nursing Theories. This website provides
information on leading nursing theories.
Electronic Resource
11. Asking Focused Questions
Review “Asking Focused Questions” on the Centre for Evidence-Based
Medicine website.
12. Literature Evaluation Table
Review the "Literature Evaluation Table" resourced to assist
you in completing the Literature Evaluation Table assignment.
Electronic Resource
14. Formulating a Researchable Question: A Critical Step for Facilitating Good Clinical Research
Read “Formulating a Researchable Question: A Critical Step for
Facilitating Good Clinical Research,” by Aslam and Emmanuel, from the
National Center for Biotechnology Information website (2010).
Electronic Resource
15. Research Questions, Hypotheses and Objectives
Read “Research Questions, Hypotheses and Objectives, by Farrugia,
Petrisor, Farrokhyar, and Bhandari, from the National Center for
Biotechnology Information website (2010).
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
Assignment Literature Evaluation Table
In nursing practice, accurate
identification and application of
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
research is essential to achieving
successful outcomes. Being able to
articulate the information and
successfully summarize relevant
peer-reviewed articles in a scholarly
fashion helps to support the
student’s ability and confidence to
further develop and synthesize the
progressively more complex assignments
that constitute the components
of the course change proposal capstone
For this assignment, the student will
provide a synopsis of eight
peer-reviewed articles from nursing
journals using an evaluation table
that determines the level and strength
of evidence for each of the
eight articles. The articles should be
current within the last 5 years
and closely relate to the PICOT
statement developed earlier in this
course. The articles may include
quantitative research, descriptive
analyses, longitudinal studies, or
meta-analysis articles. A
systematic review may be used to
provide background information for
the purpose or problem identified in
the proposed capstone project.
Use the "Literature Evaluation
Table" resource to complete
this assignment.
While APA style is not required for the
body of this assignment,
solid academic writing is expected, and
in-text citations and
references should be presented using
APA documentation guidelines,
which can be found in the APA Style
Guide, located in the Student
Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please
review the rubric prior to
beginning the assignment to become
familiar with the expectations for
successful completion.
You are not required to submit this
assignment to Turnitin.
Assignment Topic 4 Practice Hours Completion
Statement NRS-490
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
Students will track their practice
hours throughout the course via
the Practice Hours Completion Statement
provided in this assignment.
Complete the following statement
in a Word document and submit the
Practice Hours Completion Statement
I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have
completed (NUMBER OF)
practice hours in association with the
goals and objectives for this
course. I also verify that all required
course approvals are in
place from my faculty and practice
Topic 4 DQ 2
Compare and contrast two change
theories, and determine which theory
makes the most sense for implementing
your specific EBP project. Why?
Has your mentor used either theory, and
to what result?
Topic 4 DQ 1
Why is understanding the health care
system at the local level
important to consider when planning an
EBP implementation? Conduct
research and solicit anecdotal evidence
from your course mentor that
you will take into consideration for
your own change project.
Participation 15.0
Topic 5: Evidence-Based Practice
Proposal Project Development and
Implementation Plan 1
Duration: 7 days
Students need to be able to process and formulate an evidence-based
and financially feasible solution to a clinical problem or issue.
Working through the element of plan development requires them to
assess and address the challenges, barriers, and other facets of
change proposal implementation in the real world. The content in
this topic will enable students to better understand the cultural
environment(s) surrounding a change project and lead them through
the steps of how to go about successful implementation of a strategic
plan. A change or nursing theory must be used to support rational for
proposed implementation plan.
1. Identify objectives, strategy, and measurable outcomes of the
evidence-based practice proposal.
2. List steps needed to implement each strategy in a change proposal.
3. Outline the resources needed to develop and implement a change
4. Describe methods for obtaining necessary support from key
5. Develop a plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the change proposal
6. Evaluate the role of information sources and technologies impacting
the delivery of care within an adequate environment of care.
7. Develop appropriate change plans that promote health and prevent
Topic Material:
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
Assignment Topic 5 Practice Hours Completion
Statement NRS-490
Students will track their practice
hours throughout the course via
the Practice Hours Completion Statement
provided in this assignment.
Complete the following statement
in a Word document and submit the
Practice Hours Completion Statement
I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have
completed (NUMBER OF)
practice hours in association with the
goals and objectives for this
course. I also verify that all required
course approvals are in
place from my faculty and practice
Topic 5 DQ 1
Stakeholder support is necessary for a
successful change proposal
project implementation. Consider your
internal stakeholders, such as
the facility, unit or health care
setting where the change process is
situated, and your external
stakeholders, like an individual or
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
outside the health care setting. Why is
their support necessary to the
success of your project, and how you
will go about securing that support?
Topic 5 DQ 2
Technology is integral to successful
implementation in many projects,
through either support or integration
or both. Name at least one
technology that could improve the
implementation process and the
outcomes of your EBP project. Do you
plan to use this technology? If
not, what are the barriers that prevent
its use?
Participation 15.0
Topic 6: Evidence-Based Practice
Proposal Project Development and
Implementation Plan 2
Duration: 7 days
Students need to be able to process and formulate an evidence-based
and financially feasible solution to a clinical problem or issue.
Working through the element of plan development requires them to
assess and address the challenges, barriers, and other facets of
change proposal implementation in the real world. The content in
this topic will enable students to better understand the cultural
environment(s) surrounding a change project and lead them through
the steps of how to go about successful implementation of a strategic
plan. A change or nursing theory must be used to support rational for
proposed implementation plan.
1. Identify objectives, strategy, and measurable outcomes of the
evidence-based practice proposal.
2. List steps needed to implement each strategy in a change proposal.
3. Outline the resources needed to develop and implement a change
4. Describe methods for obtaining necessary support from key
5. Develop a plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the change proposal
6. Evaluate the role of information sources and technologies impacting
the delivery of care within an adequate environment of care.
7. Develop appropriate change plans that promote health and prevent
Topic Material:
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
Assignment Literature Review
While the implementation plan prepares
students to apply their
research to the problem or issue they
have identified for their
capstone change proposal project, the
literature review enables
students to map out and move into the
active planning and development
stages of the project.
A literature review analyzes how
current research supports the
PICOT, as well as identifies what is
known and what is not known in
the evidence. Students will use the
information from the earlier PICOT
Statement Paper and Literature
Evaluation Table assignments to develop
a 750-1,000 word review that includes
the following sections:
Title page Introduction section A
of research questions A comparison of
populations A comparison of the
limitations of the study
A conclusion section, incorporating
recommendations for further
Prepare this assignment according to
the guidelines found in the APA
Style Guide, located in the Student
Success Center. An abstract is not
This assignment uses a rubric. Please
review the rubric prior to
beginning the assignment to become
familiar with the expectations for
successful completion.
You are required to submit this
assignment to Turnitin. Please refer
to the directions in the Student
Success Center.
Assignment Topic 6 Practice Hours Completion
Statement NRS-490
Students will track their practice
hours throughout the course via
the Practice Hours Completion Statement
provided in this assignment.
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
Complete the following statement
in a Word document and submit the
Practice Hours Completion Statement
I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have
completed (NUMBER OF)
practice hours in association with the
goals and objectives for this
course. I also verify that all required
course approvals are in
place from my faculty and practice
Topic 6 DQ 1
After discussion with your mentor, name
one financial aspect, one
quality aspect, and one clinical aspect
that need to be taken into
account for developing the evidencebased practice project. Explain
how your proposal will directly and
indirectly impact each of the aspects.
Topic 6 DQ 2
Now that you have completed a series of
assignments that have led you
into the active project planning and
development stage for your
project, briefly describe your proposed
solution to address the
problem, issue, suggestion, initiative,
or educational need and how it
has changed since you first envisioned
it. What led to your current
perspective and direction?
Participation 15.0
Topic 7: Change Proposal Project
Evaluation and Dissemination Plan 1
Duration: 7 days
Students need to learn how to evaluate the outcomes. Did they prove
what they set out to prove and learn how to develop data to support
it? Was there significance in the change as compared to the status
prior to implementation? The content in this topic requires them
to formulate information and to communicate it in an understandable
and professional manner; adding synthesis of new knowledge to the
1. Identify methods to evaluate a proposed solution.
2. Describe variables and outcomes to be assessed pre- and postproject implementation.
3. Utilize appropriate tools such as basic statistics to evaluate
project outcomes.
4. Summarize plans for disseminating evidence.
5. Use communication and collaboration skills to deliver high-quality,
evidence-based, patient-centered care.
Topic Material:
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
Assignment Topic 7 Practice Hours Completion
Statement NRS-490
Students will track their practice
hours throughout the course via
the Practice Hours Completion Statement
provided in this assignment.
Complete the following statement
in a Word document and submit the
Practice Hours Completion Statement
I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have
completed (NUMBER OF)
practice hours in association with the
goals and objectives for this
course. I also verify that all required
course approvals are in
place from my faculty and practice
Topic 7 DQ 1
Describe one internal and one external
method for the dissemination
of your EBP project results. For
example, an internal method may be
the hospital board, and an external
method may be a professional
nursing organization. Discuss why it is
important to report your
results to both of these groups. How
will your communication
strategies change for each group?
Topic 7 DQ 2
In order to evaluate an evidence-based
practice project, it is
important to be able to determine the
effectiveness of your change.
Discuss one way you will be able to
evaluate whether your project made
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
a difference in practice.
Participation 15.0
Topic 8: Change Proposal Project
Evaluation and Dissemination Plan 2
Duration: 7 days
Students need to learn how to evaluate the outcomes. Did they prove
what they set out to prove and learn how to develop data to support
it? Was there significance in the change as compared to the status
prior to implementation? The content in this topic requires them
to formulate information and to communicate it in an understandable
and professional manner; adding synthesis of new knowledge to the
1. Identify methods to evaluate a proposed solution.
2. Describe variables and outcomes to be assessed pre- and postproject implementation.
3. Utilize appropriate tools such as basic statistics to evaluate
project outcomes.
4. Summarize plans for disseminating evidence.
5. Use communication and collaboration skills to deliver high-quality,
evidence-based, patient-centered care.
Topic Material:
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
Assignment Topic 8 Practice Hours Completion
Statement NRS-490
Students will track their practice
hours throughout the course via
the Practice Hours Completion Statement
provided in this assignment.
Complete the following statement
in a Word document and submit the
Practice Hours Completion Statement
I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have
completed (NUMBER OF)
practice hours in association with the
goals and objectives for this
course. I also verify that all required
course approvals are in
place from my faculty and practice
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
Topic 8 DQ 2
Not all EBP projects result in
statistically significant results.
Define clinical significance, and
explain the difference between
clinical and statistical significance.
How can you use clinical
significance to support positive
outcomes in your project?
Topic 8 DQ 1
Based on how you will evaluate your EBP
project, which independent
and dependent variables do you need to
collect? Why?
Participation 15.0
Topic 9: Evidence-Based Practice
Proposal Project 1
Duration: 7 days
Content in this topic will enable students to pull together the
assignment and discussion/reflective components they have been working
on throughout the course and result in the production of the evidencebased practice proposal Capstone Project utilizing a professional
format and product through a presentation.
1. Produce a comprehensive and professional change initiative
2. Integrate acquired knowledge and skills into professional practice.
3. Examine the implementation of evidence-based research in nursing
4. Analyze research findings for the enhancement of evidence-based
practice in the clinical setting.
5. Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in
the provision of high-quality nursing care in a collaborative
interprofessional setting.
6. Analyze the impact of organizational and environmental factors on
health care delivery and practice.
7. Demonstrate leadership and communication skills to effectively
implement change initiatives for nursing practice.
Topic Material:
2. The Cochrane Collaboration Website
Explore The Cochrane Collaboration website. In particular, familiarize
yourself with information for “Practitioners, Providers and
Policymakers,” which offers numerous resources on evidence-based care.
Electronic Resource
5. Presenters’ Corner
View "Presenters’ Corner" on the Western Institute of
Nursing website.
6. Practice Immersion Clinical Tools
The attached document contains all three required Practice Immersion
Clinical Tools. The “Practice Immersion Clinical Evaluation Tool
– Student” will be completed by the student’s Course Mentor and
the faculty at the course conclusion. The “Practice Immersion
Clinical Evaluation Tool – Mentor” will be completed by the student
and submitted to the course faculty at the course conclusion. The
“Practice Immersion Clinical Evaluation Tool – Agency” will be
completed by both faculty and student in regards to the clinical site,
and will also be submitted to course faculty at the course conclusion.
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
Assignment Benchmark – Capstone Project Change
In this assignment, students will pull
together the change proposal
project components they have been
working on throughout the course to
create a proposal inclusive of sections
for each content focus area in
the course. At the conclusion of this
project, the student will be
able to apply evidence-based research
steps and processes required as
the foundation to address a clinically
oriented problem or issue in
future practice.
Students will develop a 1,250-1,500
word paper that includes the
following information as it applies to
the problem, issue, suggestion,
initiative, or educational need
profiled in the capstone change
Background Problem statement Purpose of
change proposal PICOT Literature search
employed Evaluation of the literature
change or nursing theory utilized
Proposed implementation
plan with outcome measures
Identification of potential
barriers to plan implementation, and a
discussion of how these could
be overcome Appendix section, if
tables, graphs, surveys,
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
educational materials, etc. are created
Review the feedback from your
instructor on the Topic 3 assignment,
PICOT Statement Paper, and Topic 6
assignment, Literature Review. Use
the feedback to make appropriate
revisions to the portfolio components
before submitting.
Prepare this assignment according to
the guidelines found in the APA
Style Guide, located in the Student
Success Center. An abstract is not
This assignment uses a rubric. Please
review the rubric prior to
beginning the assignment to become
familiar with the expectations for
successful completion.
You are required to submit this
assignment to Turnitin. Please refer
to the directions in the Student
Success Center.
Assignment Topic 9 Practice Hours Completion
Statement NRS-490
Students will track their practice
hours throughout the course via
the Practice Hours Completion Statement
provided in this assignment.
Complete the following statement
in a Word document and submit the
Practice Hours Completion Statement
I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have
completed (NUMBER OF)
practice hours in association with the
goals and objectives for this
course. I also verify that all required
course approvals are in
place from my faculty and practice
Topic 9 DQ 2
Sustaining change can be difficult, as
there are many variables that
can affect implementation. One critical
component of EBP is to ensure
that practice change is part of an
organization’s culture so it will
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
continue to impact outcomes over time.
Name two potential barriers
that may prevent your EBP change
proposal from continuing to obtain
the same desired results 6 months to a
year from now, and your
strategies for overcoming these
Topic 9 DQ 1
Discuss one personal strength and one
weakness you have regarding
professional presentations. Name one
method for improvement for each
of these, and discuss why it is
important for you to work on these
skills if you want to present your
findings in a more formal setting.
Participation 15.0
Topic 10: Evidence-Based Practice
Proposal Project 2
Duration: 7 days
Content in this topic will enable students to pull together the
assignment and discussion/reflective components they have been working
on throughout the course and result in the production of the evidencebased practice proposal Capstone Project utilizing a professional
format and product through a presentation.
1. Produce a comprehensive and professional change initiative
2. Integrate acquired knowledge and skills into professional practice.
3. Examine the implementation of evidence-based research in nursing
4. Analyze research findings for the enhancement of evidence-based
practice in the clinical setting.
5. Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in
the provision of high-quality nursing care in a collaborative
interprofessional setting.
6. Analyze the impact of organizational and environmental factors on
health care delivery and practice.
7. Demonstrate leadership and communication skills to effectively
implement change initiatives for nursing practice.
Topic Material:
2. The Cochrane Collaboration Website
Explore The Cochrane Collaboration website. In particular, familiarize
yourself with information for “Practitioners, Providers and
Policymakers,” which offers numerous resources on evidence-based care.
Electronic Resource
5. Presenters’ Corner
View "Presenters’ Corner" on the Western Institute of
Nursing website.
6. Practice Immersion Clinical Tools
The attached document contains all three required Practice Immersion
Clinical Tools. The "Practice Immersion Clinical Evaluation Tool
– Student" will be completed by the student’s Course Mentor and
the faculty at the course conclusion. The "Practice Immersion
Clinical Evaluation Tool – Mentor" will be completed by the
student and submitted to the course faculty at the course conclusion.
The "Practice Immersion Clinical Evaluation Tool – Agency"
will be completed by both faculty and student in regards to the
clinical site, and will also be submitted to course faculty at the
course conclusion.
7. Scholarly Activity Summary
You may use the "Scholarly Activity Summary" resource to
help guide the preparation of the Scholarly Activities assignment.
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
Assignment Benchmark – Professional Capstone and
Practicum Reflective Journal
Students are required to maintain
weekly reflective narratives
throughout the course to combine into
one course-long reflective
journal that integrates leadership and
inquiry into current practice
as it applies to the Professional
Capstone and Practicum course.
In your journal, you will reflect on
the personal knowledge and
skills gained throughout this course.
The journal should address a
variable combination of the following,
depending on your specific
practice immersion clinical
New practice approaches
collaboration Health care delivery and
clinical systems
Ethical considerations in health care
Population health
concerns The role of technology in
improving health care
outcomes Health policy Leadership and
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
models Health disparities
Students will outline what they have
discovered about their
professional practice, personal
strengths and weaknesses that
surfaced, additional resources and
abilities that could be introduced
to a given situation to influence
optimal outcomes, and finally, how
the student met the competencies
aligned to this course.
While APA style is not required for the
body of this assignment,
solid academic writing is expected, and
in-text citations and
references should be presented using
APA documentation guidelines,
which can be found in the APA Style
Guide, located in the Student
Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please
review the rubric prior to
beginning the assignment to become
familiar with the expectations for
successful completion.
You are required to submit this
assignment to Turnitin. Please refer
to the directions in the Student
Success Center.
Assignment Scholarly Activities
Throughout the RN-to-BSN program,
students are required to
participate in scholarly activities
outside of clinical practice or
professional practice. Examples of
scholarly activities include
attending conferences, seminars,
journal club, grand rounds, morbidity
and mortality meetings,
interdisciplinary committees, quality
improvement committees, and any other
opportunities available at your
site, within your community, or
You are required to post one scholarly
activity while you are in the
BSN program, which should be documented
by the end of this course. In
addition to this submission, you are
required to be involved and
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
contribute to interdisciplinary
initiatives on a regular basis.
Submit, as the assignment, a summary
report of the scholarly
activity, including who, what, where,
when and any relevant take-home
points. Include the appropriate program
competencies associated with
the scholarly activity as well as
future professional goals related to
this activity. You may use the
"Scholarly Activity Summary"
resource to help guide this assignment.
While APA format is not required for
the body of this assignment,
solid academic writing is expected, and
in-text citations and
references should be presented using
APA documentation guidelines,
which can be found in the APA Style
Guide, located in the Student
Success Center.
You are not required to submit this
assignment to Turnitin.
Assignment Practice Hours Documentation
LoudCloud will be used to document and
follow the status of your
practice immersion hours throughout
this course. Students must be able
to document a minimum of 100 practice
hours in association with this
course to fulfill the total required
practice hours in the RN-to-BSN
program. Please review the Practice
Hours Portfolio Required Elements
below, then review the Guidelines for
Undergraduate Field
Experiences resource for details on
what may or may not qualify
as practice hours.
Practice Hours Portfolio Required
The Practice Hours Portfolio will
include all of the following elements:
Individual Success Plan signed off by
course mentor.
Comprehensive clinical log of hours
applied to program learning
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
outcomes. Student evaluations (final).
Course mentor
evaluations (final). Faculty approvals
of the Individual
Success Plan and documented practice
immersion hours. (Student is
responsible for obtaining approvals.)
Course mentor’s approval of the
Individual Success Plan and
documented practice immersion hours.
(Student is responsible for
obtaining approvals.)
Assignment Practice Immersion Clinical Evaluation
Tools Submission
Submit the completed "Practice
Immersion Clinical Evaluation
Tool" to your course faculty by
the end of the course, as it is
required to successfully pass the
Assignment Topic 10 Practice Hours Completion
Statement NRS-490
Students will track their practice
hours throughout the course via
the Practice Hours Completion Statement
provided in this assignment.
Complete the following statement
in a Word document and submit the
Practice Hours Completion Statement
I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have
completed (NUMBER OF)
practice hours in association with the
goals and objectives for this
course. I also verify that all required
course approvals are in
place from my faculty and practice
Topic 10 DQ 2
Discuss why EBP is an essential
component of the practice of a
BSN-prepared RN. Identify two ways in
which you will continue to
integrate evidence into your practice
and encourage it within your
work environment. What obstacles could
challenge this plan, and what
Gradable Items Details Points Possible
steps will you take to minimize their
Topic 10 DQ 1
Dissemination of EBP and research, such
as presenting results at a
conference or writing an article for a
journal, is an important part
of professional practice. Identify one
professional journal and one
nursing or health care conference where
you might present your
project. Discuss why each of your
choices is the best option for you
to disseminate your new knowledge.
Participation 15.0
Grade Scale
GPA Value Minimum Maximum Interpretation
of Level of
A 4.0 95.0 100.0 Superior;
A- 3.7 92.0 94.99 Superior;
B+ 3.3 90.0 91.99 Superior;
B 3.0 87.0 89.99 Above average; good
B- 2.7 84.0 86.99 Average standard
C+ 2.3 80.0 83.99 Average standard
C 2.0 76.0 79.99
D 1.0 72.0 75.99 Below standard
F 0.0 0.0 71.99 Failure
I 0.0 0.0 Course work is
W 0.0 0.0 Authorized
withdrawal; no
– 0.0 0.0
– 0.0 0.0
pdf (15)
For student policies, please refer to the University Policy Handbook Capstone Project Change Proposal – Improving a Fall Prevention Program in a Clinical Environment