brian foster chest pain shadow health assessment Transcript

Brian foster chest pain shadow health assessment Transcript


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Hello. I am June and will be interviewing you today, and later conduct a physical exam

03/25/20 10:27 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Good morning.
Your avatar
Please let me know your name (Clarified to Can you verify your identity please?.)

03/25/20 10:28 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Brian Robert Foster. (Clarified to to confirm what is my name.)
Your avatar
Welcome Mr Foster. What brings you to the clinic today?

03/25/20 10:29 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I have been having some troubling chest pain in my chest now and then for the past month.
Your avatar
I am sorry that you have been having the chest pain. brian foster chest pain shadow health assessment Transcript

03/25/20 10:30 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Thanks. I appreciate that.
Your avatar
Please tell me what the pain you have been having is like (Clarified to Can you tell me what the pain is like?.)

03/25/20 10:31 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Well, it mostly feels tight and uncomfortable right in the middle of my chest. (Clarified to if I can tell you what the pain is like.)
Your avatar
when did the pain start?

03/25/20 10:32 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I first noticed it earlier this month. I thought it might just be heartburn and it passed after about a couple of minutes.
Your avatar
does the chest pain radiate?

03/25/20 10:33 AM PDT

Brian Foster
The pain doesn’t radiate anywhere. It’s mostly just right in the middle of my chest.
Your avatar
Do you feel pain in your arm?

03/25/20 10:33 AM PDT

Brian Foster
No, when I am having the chest pain, it’s mostly just in middle of my chest.
Your avatar
do you feel pain in your shoulder?

03/25/20 10:36 AM PDT

Brian Foster
No, the pain hasn’t been in my shoulder.
Your avatar
do you have back pain?

03/25/20 10:36 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I haven’t had back pain, no.
Your avatar
do you have neck pain.

03/25/20 10:37 AM PDT

Brian Foster
My neck’s been fine.
Your avatar
how long does the chest pain last ?

03/25/20 10:37 AM PDT

Brian Foster
When I feel it, it seems to get better over the course of a couple of minutes or so.
Your avatar
what is the frequency of the chest pain?

03/25/20 10:37 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Well, it has happened three times the past month. It usually goes away after about a couple of minutes.
Your avatar
Were episodes of your chest pains related? (Clarified to What were you doing the last time you had chest pain?.)

03/25/20 10:39 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Well, the pain seems to start when I’m doing something physical . . . the first time it happened while I was doing yard work, and the second time . . . I had to take the stairs at work because the elevator broke. Both times it got better if I took a break or sat down to rest. (Clarified to what I was doing when I had chest pain last.)
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how do you feel when in pain? (No matching questions found.)

03/25/20 10:41 AM PDT

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am sorry about that? (No matching questions found.)

03/25/20 10:42 AM PDT

Your avatar
How would you rate the chest pain?

03/25/20 10:43 AM PDT

Brian Foster
When I’m having it, it’s really tight and uncomfortable. Maybe like a 5 out of 10. Right now it’s like a zero.
Your avatar
is the pain crushing ?

03/25/20 10:43 AM PDT

Brian Foster
No, it’s more tight and uncomfortable.
Your avatar
Am sorry about that. (No matching questions found.)

03/25/20 10:44 AM PDT

Your avatar
Am sorry about that.

03/25/20 10:44 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Thanks. I appreciate that.
Your avatar
is the pain gnawing?

03/25/20 10:44 AM PDT

Brian Foster
No, it’s not like that. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
Your avatar
is the pain burning ?

03/25/20 10:45 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Not really.
Your avatar
is the pain aggravated by activity?

03/25/20 10:45 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Well, I think it’s when I’m doing something physical most of the time. The first time it happened, my chest started hurting after I was doing some yard work. The second time happened when the elevator broke at work so I had to take the stairs. My office is on the 5th floor.
Your avatar
Thats understandable (No matching questions found.)

03/25/20 10:46 AM PDT

Your avatar
Thats understandable

03/25/20 10:46 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Thanks. I appreciate that.
Your avatar
does eating make your pain get worse ? (Clarified to Do certain foods make the pain worse?.)

03/25/20 10:47 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I don’t think that has anything to do with it, but I guess I don’t know. (Clarified to if certain foods make the pain worse.)
Your avatar
does lying down help your pain?

03/25/20 10:48 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I’m not sure. I think lying still seems to help a little.
Your avatar
Have you taken medication for the pain?

03/25/20 10:48 AM PDT

Brian Foster
No, not yet.
Your avatar
Have you taken any anxiety medication?

03/25/20 10:49 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I’ve never taken anxiety meds. My life is pretty easy. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
Your avatar
Have you taken any medication?

03/25/20 10:53 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Yeah, let’s see, I take atorvastatin for cholesterol, metoprolol for blood pressure. . . Oh yeah, and I take fish oil too. I hear that’s good for your cholesterol. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
Your avatar
True, that good for your cholesterol, continue taking it.

03/25/20 10:54 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Good to know. Thank you.
Your avatar
What dosage of metoprolol do you take?

03/25/20 10:56 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I think it’s 100 mg, once a day.
Your avatar
what about the dose of atorvastatin medication? (No matching questions found.)

03/25/20 10:57 AM PDT

Your avatar
what is the dose of atorvastatin medication?

03/25/20 10:58 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I think it’s twenty milligrams a day.
Your avatar
How long have you been taking atorvastatin and metoprolol? (No matching questions found.)

03/25/20 10:58 AM PDT

Your avatar
How long have you been taking atorvastatin?

03/25/20 10:59 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I think about a year. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
Your avatar
How long have you taken metoprolol?

03/25/20 10:59 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I think it’s been about one year.
Your avatar
Are you allergic?

03/25/20 11:01 AM PDT

Brian Foster
No, well . . . I’ve had a bad reaction to codeine before, but that is all I know of.
Your avatar
Have you been diagnosed with hypertension?

03/25/20 11:02 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Yes, I supposedly have moderately high blood pressure.
Your avatar
Am sorry to hear this?

03/25/20 11:02 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Thanks. I appreciate that.
Your avatar
have you been told your cholesterol is high?

03/25/20 11:03 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I’ve been told it’s moderately high. I’ve never noticed any actual symptoms from that though.
Your avatar
Have you been tested for diabetes?

03/25/20 11:04 AM PDT

Brian Foster
My mom and my sister both have diabetes, but I don’t have it.
Your avatar
Did you have any treatment for chest pain?

03/25/20 11:06 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I don’t have any shortness of breath, just the chest pain.
Your avatar
Have you been monitoring your blood pressure?

03/25/20 11:07 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Not usually. They check it when I get checkups. My doctor has never seemed overly concerned about it.
Your avatar
do you remember your last blood pressure readings?

03/25/20 11:08 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I don’t remember. I don’t think it was too bad, though.
Your avatar
have you done an EKG test recently?

03/25/20 11:08 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I had one about three months ago. They usually put one on me at my annual physical.
Your avatar
well, an EKG test is all about blood pressure monitoring.

03/25/20 11:09 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Good to know. Thank you.
Your avatar
what was the result of the EKG?

03/25/20 11:09 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I don’t remember the actual results, but as far as I know, it was normal.
Your avatar
Do you have a primary care provider?

03/25/20 11:10 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Dr. Melinda Smith.
Your avatar

03/25/20 11:10 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Good to know. Thank you.
Your avatar
When did you last visit your care provider?

03/25/20 11:10 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I had a physical about 3 months ago.
Your avatar
Do you have stress?

03/25/20 11:11 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Not usually, but I’m feeling pretty anxious not knowing what’s going on with my chest.
Your avatar
Am sorry about this.

03/25/20 11:11 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Thanks. I appreciate that.
Your avatar
Do you exercise?

03/25/20 11:12 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Well I used to ride my bike a lot but it got stolen a couple years ago. I guess I haven’t had much regular exercise since then. I want to get a new bike if the doctor says it is OK to exercise with this chest pain I’ve been having.
Your avatar
Am sorry that the chest pain makes you not exercise.

03/25/20 11:13 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Thanks. I appreciate that.
Your avatar
what is your typical breakfast?

03/25/20 11:13 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I usually have something. Most days I drink an instant breakfast, or I’ll have a granola bar. Sometimes Maria will make a big breakfast on weekends with eggs, pancakes, bacon, hash browns, that kind of stuff.
Your avatar
what is your typical lunch?

03/25/20 11:14 AM PDT

Brian Foster
There’s a sub shop near the office, so I usually get a turkey or Italian sub from there. Sometimes a salad if I’m feeling healthy . . . or guilty.
Your avatar
what is your typical dinner?

03/25/20 11:14 AM PDT

Brian Foster
My wife and I like to grill. We usually have some grilled meats and veggies for dinner.
Your avatar
do you take salt? (No matching questions found.)

03/25/20 11:15 AM PDT

Your avatar
Do you drink water regularly?

03/25/20 11:15 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I usually drink water all day at work. At least four glasses, probably more. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
Your avatar
Its good to take water, continue.

03/25/20 11:16 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Good to know. Thank you.
Your avatar
Do you smoke cigarettes?

03/25/20 11:17 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Nope, I had a lot of friends who did but I never started.
Your avatar
Do you take alcohol?

03/25/20 11:17 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I rarely drink during the week. If I drink at all it’s a couple beers on the weekend while I’m grilling or watching football. Maybe a little bourbon occasionally.
Your avatar
thats moderate drinking.

03/25/20 11:18 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Good to know. Thank you.
Your avatar
Do you have fever?

03/25/20 11:18 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I haven’t had a fever, no.
Your avatar
do you have chills?

03/25/20 11:18 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I haven’t had chills, no.
Your avatar
Do you have fatigue?

03/25/20 11:18 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I’m not more tired than normal.
Your avatar
do you have night sweats ?

03/25/20 11:19 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Nope, no night sweats.
Your avatar
Do you feel dizzy?

03/25/20 11:19 AM PDT

Brian Foster
No, I haven’t felt dizzy.
Your avatar
Do you have palpitations?

03/25/20 11:19 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I don’t think so. I haven’t noticed any.
Your avatar
Have you had angina?

03/25/20 11:20 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I’ve never been diagnosed with angina. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
Your avatar
have you ever had edema?

03/25/20 11:20 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I haven’t noticed any swelling.
Your avatar
have you had blood clots?

03/25/20 11:20 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Not that I know of.
Your avatar
Any history of of rheumatic fever?

03/25/20 11:21 AM PDT

Brian Foster
No, I never had that.
Your avatar
do you have history of heart murmur?

03/25/20 11:21 AM PDT

Brian Foster
No, none that I know of.
Your avatar
do you have a cough?

03/25/20 11:22 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I don’t have a cough.
Your avatar
do you have difficulty breathing?

03/25/20 11:22 AM PDT

Brian Foster
My breathing’s fine.
Your avatar
Do you have orthopnea?

03/25/20 11:22 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Orthopnea? That sounds like the name of a weird bird. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
Your avatar
Well, Thats shortness of breath?

03/25/20 11:23 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Good to know. Thank you.
Your avatar
Do you have shortness of breath?

03/25/20 11:23 AM PDT

Brian Foster
My breathing’s fine.
Your avatar
Do you have sore throat?

03/25/20 11:24 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I haven’t had a sore throat in a long time.
Your avatar
Do you have change in sense of taste?

03/25/20 11:24 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I can still taste things fine.
Your avatar
Do you have dysphagia?

03/25/20 11:25 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I haven’t had any trouble swallowing.
Your avatar
Do you have nausea?

03/25/20 11:25 AM PDT

Brian Foster
No, I haven’t felt nauseous. I just had pain in my chest.
Your avatar
do you have diarrhea ?

03/25/20 11:28 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I have, but it is very rare for me.
Your avatar
Do you have constipation?

03/25/20 11:29 AM PDT

Brian Foster
I haven’t had problems with that. I wish it were only that.
Your avatar
do you have heartburn or GERD?

03/25/20 11:29 AM PDT

Brian Foster
No, I’ve never had problems with heartburn. I sure hope that’s all this is, but it’s pretty intense if it’s heartburn.
Your avatar
Do you have a family history of heart attack? brian foster chest pain shadow health assessment Transcript

03/25/20 11:30 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Well, my mom’s dad died of a heart attack. He was pretty young too.
Your avatar
Do you have a family history of stroke?

03/25/20 11:30 AM PDT

Brian Foster
No, none that I know of.
Your avatar
Do you have a family history of pulmonary embolism?

03/25/20 11:32 AM PDT

Brian Foster
No, nobody had that.
Your avatar
Thank you Mr Foster for answering for answering my questions, I will now do the Physical examination. (No matching questions found.)

03/25/20 11:34 AM PDT

Your avatar
Thank you Mr Foster for answering for answering my questions, I will now do the Physical examination. brian foster chest pain shadow health assessment Transcript

03/25/20 11:34 AM PDT

Brian Foster
Good to know. Thank you.
Your avatar
 Measured vitals

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:37 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Tested blood pressure in left arm with cuff

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:41 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Tested blood pressure in right arm with cuff

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:42 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Measured vitals

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:43 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected face

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:44 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected for jugular venous distension: No jugular venous distention; JVP 3 cm above sternal angle

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:47 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected anterior chest wall

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:48 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected left side of abdomen

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:48 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected right hand: no visible abnormal findings

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:50 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected left hand: no visible abnormal findings

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:50 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected fingernails of left hand

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:50 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected right hand: no visible abnormal findings

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:50 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected left hand: no visible abnormal findings

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:50 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected fingernails of right hand

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:50 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected left leg

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:51 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected right leg

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:51 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected toenails on left foot

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:51 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected toenails on right foot

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:51 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected left leg

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:51 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected right leg

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:51 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected right leg for edema: No edema

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:53 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Inspected left leg for edema: No edema

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:53 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Checked capillary refill in fingernails brian foster chest pain shadow health assessment Transcript

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:53 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Checked capillary refill in fingernails

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:53 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Checked capillary refill in fingernails

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:53 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Checked capillary refill in fingernails

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:53 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Checked capillary refill in fingernails

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:54 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Checked capillary refill in fingernails

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:54 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated right carotid pulse: Bruit present

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:56 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated left carotid pulse

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:56 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated right carotid pulse: Bruit present

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:58 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated right carotid pulse: Bruit present

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:58 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated left carotid pulse

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:59 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated aortic area with the bell

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:59 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated aortic area with the diaphragm

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:59 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated aortic area with the bell

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:59 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated pulmonic area with the bell

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:59 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated pulmonic area with the diaphragm

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:59 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated Erb’s point with the diaphragm brian foster chest pain shadow health assessment Transcript

Exam Action
03/25/20 12:59 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated Erb’s point with the bell

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:00 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated Erb’s point with the diaphragm

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:00 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated tricuspid area with the diaphragm

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:00 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated tricuspid area with the bell

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:00 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated tricuspid area with the diaphragm

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:00 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated mitral area with the diaphragm

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:00 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated mitral area with the bell

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:00 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated mitral area with the diaphragm

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:00 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated breath sounds in anterior right lower lobe

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:00 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated breath sounds in anterior right middle lobe

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:00 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated breath sounds in anterior right upper lobe

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:01 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated breath sounds in anterior left upper lobe

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:01 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated breath sounds in anterior left mid-chest (upper lobe)

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:01 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated breath sounds in anterior left lower lobe

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:01 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left lower lobe on side

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:01 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left lower lobe

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:01 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left mid-back (lower lobe) brian foster chest pain shadow health assessment Transcript

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:01 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left upper lobe

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:01 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right upper lobe

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:01 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right mid-back (lower lobe)

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:01 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right lower lobe

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:01 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right lower lobe on side

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:01 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated aorta in abdomen

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:03 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated right femoral pulse

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:05 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated right iliac pulse

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:05 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated right renal pulse

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:05 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated left renal pulse

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:05 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated left iliac pulse

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:05 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated left femoral pulse

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:06 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated right upper quadrant

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:07 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated right lower quadrant

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:07 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated left upper quadrant

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:07 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated left lower quadrant

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:07 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated right lower quadrant

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:12 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated right upper quadrant

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:13 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated right lower quadrant

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:14 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated right upper quadrant

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:14 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated left upper quadrant

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:14 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated left lower quadrant

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:14 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated over liver

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:19 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Auscultated over spleen brian foster chest pain shadow health assessment Transcript

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:19 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated right carotid pulse: Thrill, 3+

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:21 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated left carotid pulse: No thrill, 2+

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:21 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated PMI: Displaced laterally; brisk and tapping; less than 3 cm

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:22 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated right brachial pulse: No thrill, 2+

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:23 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated left brachial pulse: No thrill, 2+

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:23 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated right radial pulse: No thrill, 2+

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:25 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated left radial pulse: No thrill, 2+

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:26 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated right femoral pulse: No thrill, 2+

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:26 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated left femoral pulse: No thrill, 2+

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:27 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated right popliteal pulse: No thrill, 1+

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:27 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated left popliteal pulse: No thrill, 1+

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:27 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated right tibial pulse: No thrill, 1+ brian foster chest pain shadow health assessment Transcript

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:28 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated left tibial pulse: No thrill, 1+

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:28 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated right dorsalis pedis pulse: No thrill, 1+

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:30 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated left dorsalis pedis pulse: No thrill, 1+

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:30 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated right lower quadrant with light pressure: No tenderness reported; no masses, guarding, or distension

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:31 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated right upper quadrant with light pressure: No tenderness reported; no masses, guarding, or distension

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:31 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated left lower quadrant with light pressure: No tenderness reported; no masses, guarding, or distension

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:31 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated left upper quadrant with light pressure: No tenderness reported; no masses, guarding, or distension

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:31 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated right upper quadrant with deep pressure: No masses

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:32 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated right lower quadrant: with deep pressure: No masses

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:32 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated left lower quadrant with deep pressure: No masses

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:32 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated left upper quadrant with deep pressure: No masses

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:32 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated liver: Palpable 1 cm below right costal margin

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:33 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated for spleen: Not palpable

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:34 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated for right kidney: Not palpable

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:34 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Palpated for left kidney: Not palpable

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:34 PM PDT

Your avatar
 Tested skin turgor

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:34 PM PDT

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 Percussed right upper quadrant

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:36 PM PDT

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 Percussed right lower quadrant

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:36 PM PDT

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 Percussed left upper quadrant

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:36 PM PDT

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 Percussed left lower quadrant

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:36 PM PDT

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 Percussed spleen

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:37 PM PDT

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 Percussed for liver span: 7 cm in the mid-clavicular line

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:38 PM PDT

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 Performed EKG

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:38 PM PDT

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 Inspected left side of abdomen

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:43 PM PDT

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 Inspected front of abdomen

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:46 PM PDT

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 Inspected left side of abdomen
brian foster chest pain shadow health assessment Transcript

Exam Action
03/25/20 1:46 PM PDT

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