

NSG-533-IKC – Advanced Pharmacology Discussions

State Legal Requirements for CRNP Prescriptive Authority Course Outcome: Fulfill legal requirements for writing prescriptions as a CRNP in this Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with § §  21.283—21.287 (relating to CRNP). Link: The link provided for the Pennsylvania Code outlines the legal…

Hypertension/Heart Failure Discussion Essays

Module X: Hypertension/Heart Failure Discussion Must post first. Subscribe A 50yo African American woman presents to clinic feeling tired for the last 3 months.  She also has trouble breathing when walking 2-3 blocks.  She sleeps on 2 pillows at night…

NSG-533 Diabetes/Endocrine Topic Discussion

NSG-533 Diabetes/Endocrine Topic Discussion Module II: Diabetes/Endocrine Topic Discussion Must post first. Subscribe Often we see a great deal of misinformation in the care of patients with diabetes, and often this misinformation is centered around the role and choice of…

Pain Management Discussion Nursing Essays

NSG-533-IKC – Advanced Pharmacology Opioid overuse is a significant problem in the United States and abroad. According to Covvey 2015, hydrocodone is one of the most prescribed and widely abused schedule II drugs, contributing to the opioid epidemic. Prolonged use…

Skin and Soft Tissue/UTI Essays

NSG-533-IKC – Advanced Pharmacology   17 ViewsViews 17 0 4 RepliesReplies 4 View profile card for Kathryn Mosholder Last post Oct 25, 2020 11:03 PM by Kathryn Mosholder Lala, V., & Minter, D. (2020). Acute cystitis. NCBI Bookshelf.  Gauthier, A. (2017). Nitrofurantoin (MACROBID) vs.…

Bone and Joint Disorders Discussion Essays

Module VI: Bone and Joint Disorders Discussion   Must post first. Subscribe Calcium and Vitamin D supplementation are essential to bone health and the management of osteopenia and osteoporosis.  In the past few years, information regarding the potential risks of…

Respiratory Tract Infections Essays

Module VII: Respiratory Tract Infections   Must post first. Subscribe When faced with a choice between 2 or more possible answers, using a “STEPS” analysis may be a useful clinical decision making tool.  The goal is to provide information for…

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