

Family Health Assessment

Family Health Assessment Select a family to complete a family health assessment. (The family cannot be your own.) Before interviewing the family, develop three open-ended, family-focused questions for each of the following health patterns: 1. Values, Health Perception 2. Nutrition…

Evidence-Based Practice – Intervention Presentation on Diabetes

Evidence-Based Practice – Intervention Presentation on Diabetes Based on the summary of research findings identified from the Evidence-Based Project—Paper on Diabetes that describes a new diagnostic tool or intervention for the treatment of diabetes in adults or children, complete the…

Diabetes: Evidence-Based Practice Project

Diabetes: Evidence-Based Practice Project Evidence-Based Practice Project—Paper on Diabetes. Identify a research or evidence-based article that focuses comprehensively on a specific intervention or new diagnostic tool for the treatment of diabetes in adults or children. In a paper of 750-1,000…

Health Promotion Among Diverse Populations

Health Promotion Among Diverse Populations Details: Analyze the health status of a specific minority group. Select a minority group that is represented in the United States (examples include: American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian American, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino,…

Home Visit with Sallie Mae Fishe

Home Visit with Sallie Mae Fishe observe the simulated “Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher” video (). Refer to “Sallie Mae Fisher’s Health History and Discharge Orders” for specifics related to the case study used to inform the assignment. Using…

Nursing Ethics

Nursing Ethics Introduction to the Study of Ethics Ethics is the study of moral thought in which reasoned thinking results in sound decision making despite the presence of values conflict. The evolution of intellectual development and ethical reasoning span our…

Bariatric Surgery Essay

Bariatric Surgery Essay The case scenario provided will be used to answer the discussion questions that follow on Bariatric Surgery Essay. Bariatric Surgery Essay Case Scenario Mr. C., a 32-year-old single man, is seeking information at the outpatient center regarding…


THE TERRY SCHIAVO CASE An explanation of how an ethical theory and/or ethical principle might be applied to address the chosen topic.Rubric: Appropriately identifies own position on issue, drawing support from lecture content, experience, and information beyond assigned sources. Integrates…


VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA An explanation of how an ethical theory and/or ethical principle might be applied to address the chosen topic.Rubric: Appropriately identifies own position on issue, drawing support from lecture content, experience, and information beyond assigned sources. Integrates ethical theory…

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