Assignment: Plan of Care Proposal Power Point Presentation

Assignment: Plan of Care Proposal Power Point Presentation

Directions: All speaker notes & pictures must have In-text citations. Please do not copy word for word. This is an accumulative power point from the last 6 weeks that you have written. You can use all previous material/Articles to build this power point with accompanying speaker’s notes. 

The book we are using is The Case Manager’s Handbook 6th ed. by Catherine M. Mullahy

Chapter 13 “Evidence-Based Practice for Case Managers: Data-Driven Decision Making”


Chapter 23 “The Case Manager’s Role in the Era of Value-Based Health Care” Assignment: Plan of Care Proposal Power Point Presentation

Chapter 24 “New Case Management and Healthcare Provider Approaches for Managing the High-Risk, High-Cost Patient”

Population Health:  What is it?

The focus of population health management is “value-based” care. Population health management utilizes a strategy of improving the delivery of care, containing healthcare costs, and improving the health of the overall community (Mullahy, 2016).

Population health management is also connected to reimbursement, as healthcare systems are tasked with prevention of readmissions and working with community leaders to decrease/reduce the number of persons with conditions such as obesity and incidence of smoking (Mullahy, 2016).

In this Assignment, you will develop a plan of care proposal. This plan of care will be in the form of a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. Please include the following information in your PowerPoint.

  • Introduction of Presenter: 1 slide
  • Summary of POI: 2–3 slides
  • Highlights from Interview of Case Manager: 1 slide
  • Discussion of Legislative Issue: 1 slide
  • Discussion of Legal and Ethical Issues Related Your POI: 1 slide
  • Technology in your POI (currently used technology and your
  • idea for new technology): 2 slides
  • Population Health Model — Visualization and Description of Model Developed: 1–2 slides
  • Best Practices/Recommendations for Case Management in Your POI: 2–3 slides
  • Barriers to Implementing Best Practices: 1 slide
  • How to Overcome Barriers: 1 slide
  • Quiz for the Audience — Three Review Questions for Audience: number of slides will vary
  • Summary of Information: 1 slide
  • List of References at least Five scholarly resources are required, you will most likely have more than five.
  • Citations should be included on slides throughout presentation

Presentation Requirements

Recorded Audio PPT: Please record audio to your PPT presentation. The finished Assignment should be a narrated PowerPoint presentation of 16–20 slides, not including title and reference slides. The audio presentation should be at least 12 minutes and not exceed 15 minutes. Assignment: Plan of Care Proposal Power Point Presentation. The viewpoint and purpose of this Assignment should be clearly established and sustained. I will do the recorded audio (voice-over).

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (displayed above);
  • consult the Grading Rubric to make sure you have included everything necessary;
  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors; and
  • review APA formatting and citation information found in the Writing Center, online, or elsewhere in the course.

Your writing Assignment should:

  • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
  • use APA 6th edition format for organization, style, and crediting sources, including:
    • properly formatted header
    • use of in-text citations
    • title and reference slides
    • headings (if applicable)


Rule of Thumb for power point

  • Stay under 6 words per line
  • Stay under 6 lines per slide
  • Avoid long sentences
  • Larger font indicates important information
  • Font size ranges from 18 to 48
  • Fancy fonts are hard to read
  • ALL CAPS ARE HARD TO READ or can sometimes look like shouting. However, sometimes all caps are used to get the reader’s attention. Use judgement when using all caps..
  • Avoid abbreviations and acronyms
  • Limit punctuation marks!!!!!
  • Bulleting gives structure/organization to slides
  • Limit to 6 bullets per slide
  • Make bullets visible; 18-24 font
  • Limit each bullet to 6 words
  • Contrast the text with the background

Class, avoid “overcrowding” the slides, use bullet points, short worded sentences etc., and use the speaker note section to explain each slide… Speaker notes are important and it is the area where you will place long sentences, paragraphs to explain each slide. In the speaker notes you will also in-text cite information. It is almost similar to a “written paper version” although not that lengthy. Sometimes, speaker notes might be 4-6 sentences a paragraph or two paragraphs to get all of the main points and notes in to describe each slide. This is again, where you will do the majority of the in-text citations. Your slides might occasionally have a citation to cite pictures, art, or listed information that you got from a reference to give credit to the reference.  Assignment: Plan of Care Proposal Power Point Presentation

Reference Articles sent

Experts: Baby’s mother is the best treatment for NAS. (2016). Brown University Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology Update18(5), 1–4. Assignment: Plan of Care Proposal Power Point Presentation


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