Anticoagulation Pharmacological Interventions
Explain why anticoagulant medications would be prescribed for AH.
Compare anticoagulation medication classes. Your comparison should include:
- Mechanism of action
- Indications or contraindications
- Why one might be prescribed over another for AH
- Cost of the medications in each class
- Interaction with other medications, vitamins and herbal supplements, and food
Format your assignment as one of the following:
- 7- to 10-slide presentation (Not Counting Title Slide, Introduction, Reference Slides)
- 1- to 2-minute podcast (Submit APA-Formatted Reference Page)
- 7- to 10-minute oral presentation (Submit APA-Formated Reference Page)
- 430-word paper (APA Formatting Required)
- Another format approved by your instructor (Send Request via Private Message)
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