The Contribution of Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) to The Nursing Profession

The Contribution of Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) to The Nursing Profession

The Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) is one of the professions in the nursing fraternity that requires increased professional awareness. Considerably, the training of an APN means that one has to have some degree of professional alignment regarding the nursing professions. The theoretical perspectives presented in this program are ideal for anyone who wants to possess the relevant knowledge that will make him or her work effectively.


First, the program provides the learners with the chance to look at some of the theories that related to their areas of study. Essentially, theories are vital as they made me develop my working philosophy. In most cases, APN’s ought to have a particular attitude towards certain patient issues. As such, this makes APN’s to develop a positive behavior towards patient cases. When an APN does not have any professional philosophy, it is likely that his or her professional conduct may be inconsistent (Kleinpell, 2013). However, when one goes through this program, he or she will have a philosophy which will guide their practice when handling the needs of patients.

Apart from making one to develop a professional philosophy, the program provides an opportunity to experience practical professional situations. The lessons in this program allow an individual to engage with the concepts and make some practical conclusions. Considerably, this coincides with Dunphy, Winland-Brown, Porter and Thomas (2015) argument that indicates that students contextualize ideas appropriately when there is a chance to transform theoretical data into practical situations. Unlike other programs that focus on the information presented in secondary resources, this program gives the learners an opportunity to take part in the generation of knowledge in their targeted areas of the profession.


Dunphy, L. M., Winland-Brown, J., Porter, B., & Thomas, D. (2015). Primary care: Art and science of advanced practice nursing. FA Davis

Kleinpell, R. M. (2013). Outcome assessment in advanced practice nursing. Springer Publishing Company.

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