Memo – suffixes, word roots, and combining vowels

The purpose of this assignment is to use prefixes, suffixes, word roots, and combining vowels to build and define terms of Therapy and to interpret the meaning of those terms used in written and verbal communication.

Play this week’s games to familiarize yourself with the prefixes, suffixes, and word roots related to this week’s topic.

Imagine you are an official in a hospital or public health agency.

Write a memo, at least 350 words in length, to a fictional colleague in which you use 5 words from the Summary Tables in this week’s chapters.

Be sure to use the words in such a way that it is clear to the reader that you know the exact meaning of each of the 5 words.

These terms take five words and use them in the writing of the expression at least 350 words









After thinking about the questions people had regarding this week’s assignment, I wanted to clarify what a memo is.


A memo or memorandum is (as defined by :

  1. a short note designating something to be remembered, especially something to be done or acted upon in the future; reminder.
  2. a record or written statement of something. informal message, especially one sent between two or more employees of the same company, concerning company business.

For this assignment you are to write a note of 350 words that uses 5 of the words in the summary tables.

A sample memo can be found at:


The idea of duty in Wake 3 … is imposed for this week


Go to the Word Shop templates

And memo ‘s search will come mold ready ..

Then write in it the expression on the basis that you are employed hospital or something healthy and message orientation to a colleague work ..

You are required to use five words from the terms in the tables of the second module.

So that your entire expression is at least 350 words ..


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