Utilitarian & Kantian Principles and Kohlberg’s Theory Essay Questions and Answers

Utilitarian & Kantian Principles and Kohlberg’s Theory Essay Questions and Answers

Utilitarian & Kantian Principles and Kohlberg’s Theory Essay Questions and Answers – Question 1

1. Discuss the example of Harry Truman dropping nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the context of the Utilitarian and Kantian principles. Also include a discussion of Elizabeth Anscombe’s critic of Truman.

Utilitarian & Kantian Principles and Kohlberg’s Theory Essay Questions and Answers – Question 2

 2. Describe the Categorical Imperative. Be sure to include a description of how Kant derives the principle from an understanding that Morality is a matter of reason not emotion.

Utilitarian & Kantian Principles and Kohlberg’s Theory Essay Question and Answer – Question 3

3. What is Kant’s argument against lying? What is problematic about it, and what happens when it comes into conflict with other absolute rules?

Utilitarian & Kantian Principles and Kohlberg’s Theory Essay Questions and Answers – Question 4

4. How do Kant’s core values cause him to embrace retribution, and reject rehabilitation?

Utilitarian & Kantian Principles and Kohlberg’s Theory Essay Questions and Answers – Question 5

5. What are the Utilitarian arguments for the implementation of retribution?

Utilitarian & Kantian Principles and Kohlberg’s Theory Essay Question and Answer – Question 6

6. Discuss Kolberg’s six stages of moral development. Include in your discussion the examples of Amy and Jake, and how their different approaches to a moral dilemma would be understood in the context of Kohlberg’s theory.

Utilitarian & Kantian Principles and Kohlberg’s Theory Essay Questions and Answers – Question 7

7. Discuss Giligan’s Objection to Kolberg’s labeling of Amy and Jake. What are the differences between the way men and women approach moral dilemma’s according to Giligan?

Utilitarian & Kantian Principles and Kohlberg’s Theory Essay Questions and Answer – Question 8

8. Discuss the ethics of care. How does it differ from the pre-dominantly male oriented approaches to morality that have been discussed?

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