FNP vs EDU Role Analysis Essay
Compare and contrast the role of the the family nurse practitioner and the nurse educator in a minimum of 300 words APA formatted paper using credible and scholarly resources.
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2. Please click on the rubric below for detailed expectations
FNP vs EDU Role Analysis Essay
Initial Discussion Post 50% of Point Total
Student thoroughly addresses required content and all questions posed in the discussion prompt. The post demonstrates a solid understanding
of the topic, incorporates supporting information from the assigned readings and other outside research.
Points. FNP vs EDU Role Analysis Essay.
Excellent: The submitted work demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the discussion topic. The information provided is accurate, indepth,
meets word number requirement, synthesizes information from the course materials and includes a minimum of three scholarly references. FNP vs EDU Role Analysis Essay.
Proficient: The submitted work demonstrates an adequate understanding of the discussion topic. The information provided is adequate, meets
word number requirement, synthesizes information from the course materials and includes a minimum of two scholarly references; however, all
concepts of the discussion may not be fully developed.
Poor: The submitted work demonstrates a basic or incomplete understanding of the discussion topic. The information provided is inadequate,
does not meet word number requirement, does not focus on the assignment’s topic, and insufficient number of references to support content of discussion. FNP vs EDU Role Analysis Essay.
Not Met: Either no work was submitted (0 points) or the submitted work does not meet any of the minimum criteria and demonstrates no
understanding of the material; no supporting references provided. 0
Peer Responses 25% of Point Total
Student responds to at least two of their peers’ initial discussion posts; posts build upon the ideas and information posed with supporting
scholarly references.
Excellent: Responds to two or more peers’ initial posts; responds to instructor’s comments (if applicable); responses demonstrate an analysis
of the peers’ comments that extend and deepen the conversation, supported by a minimum of two scholarly references. 25
Proficient: Responds to two or more peers’ initial posts; responds to instructor’s comments (if applicable); responses provide reflection and insight into the posts, supported by a minimum of one scholarly reference. FNP vs EDU Role Analysis Essay.
Poor: Responds to peers’ initial posts; responses lack clarification or addition of new information into the posts; insufficient scholarly
references to support content of discussion. 15
Not Met: Either no peer responses were submitted (0 points) or the responses do not meet any of the minimum criteria; no supporting
references provided. 0
Frequency of Distribution of Posts 10% of Point Total
Student is active in the weekly discussion forum by posting on at least two separate days.
Participation in the discussion forum on two separate days of the week. 10
Participation in the discussion forum on one day of the week. 5
No participation in the discussion forum. FNP vs EDU Role Analysis Essay.
Academic Writing and Format 15% of Point Total
Posts are organized in a logical, clear, and concise manner. Writing is free of spelling and grammatical errors. All references are correctly cited
in APA format.
Excellent: Posts are very organized, well written, and references are correctly cited; no errors in spelling or grammar. 15
Proficient: Posts are adequately organized and satisfactorily written; contains one to two errors in spelling, grammar, or APA formatting of
references. 10
Poor: Posts are inadequately organized and poorly written; contains three to four errors in spelling, grammar, or APA formatting of references. 5
Not Met: Either no posts were submitted for evaluation (0 points) or posts are unorganized, poorly written, and contain a substantial number of
errors in spelling, grammar, or APA formatting of references. 0
Total Score. FNP vs EDU Role Analysis Essay