Argosy University – PSY210 assignment quiz

Argosy University – PSY210 assignment quiz

1. Question : Identify each of the following as examples of nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio scales of measurement. (4 points each)

1. A poll of registered voters in Florida asking which candidate they support

2. The length of time required for a wound to heal when using a new medicine

3. The number of telephone calls arriving at a switchboard per five-minute period

4. The distance first-year college football players can kick a ball

5. Mental health diagnoses present in an elderly population

6. The rankings of employees on their job performance

2. Question : Two hundred raffle tickets are sold. Your friend has five people in her family who each bought two raffle tickets. What is the probability that someone from her family will win the raffle? Argosy University – PSY210 assignment quiz.


3. Question : Jolie has 45 minutes to do her statistics homework. If the mean is 38 minutes and the standard deviation is 3, calculate Jolie’s z score. Once calculated, interpret your findings in terms of Jolie’s performance.

(HINT: use the normal distribution and the probability that other students performed better or worse.)Argosy University – PSY210 assignment quiz.

4. Question : A psychologist measures units of change for a memory test after students are given an opportunity to sleep only four hours. The following change units were obtained: 7, -12, 4, -7, 3, -10. Find the a) mean, b) median, c) mode, d) standard deviation, e) range, and f) variance.

5. Question : A student scored 81 on a chemistry test and 75 on a history test. For the chemistry test, the mean was 70 and the standard deviation was 20. For the history test, the mean was 65 and the standard deviation was 8. Did the student do better on the chemistry test or the history test? Explain your answer. Argosy University – PSY210 assignment quiz.

6. Question : Suppose you want to figure out what to do with your degree in psychology. You ask some fellow students from your psychology program who recently graduated to find out what they are doing with their degree and how much it pays. What type of sampling is this? What are the limitations of this sampling approach? Argosy University – PSY210 assignment quiz,

7. Question : Variables in which the values are categories are known as

Student Answer: Interval variables

Nominal variables

Ordinal variables

Ratio variables

8. Question : Before the researcher can conduct a statistical test, the research question must be translated into

Student Answer: A testable hypothesis

Additional observations

Mathematical symbols


9. Question : The hypothesis stating that there are no differences, effects, or relationships is

Student Answer: The alternative hypothesis. Argosy University – PSY210 assignment quiz.

The baseline hypothesis

The null hypothesis

The reasonable hypothesis

Points Received: 4 of 4


10. Question : A group of students made the following scores on a 10-item quiz in psychological statistics: {5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10} What is the mean score? Argosy University – PSY210 assignment quiz.

Student Answer: 6.6




Points Received: 4 of 4


11. Question : A group of students made the following scores on a 10-item quiz in psychological statistics: {5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10} What is the median score?

Student Answer: 6




Points Received: 4 of 4


12. Question : A group of students made the following scores on a 10-item quiz in psychological statistics: {5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10} What is the mode? Argosy University – PSY210 assignment quiz.

Student Answer: 5




Points Received: 4 of 4


13. Question : A group of students made the following scores on a 10-item quiz in psychological statistics: {5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10} What is the range of scores?

Student Answer: 5




Points Received: 4 of 4


14. Question : A group of students made the following scores on a 10-item quiz in psychological statistics: {5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10} What is the variance, treating these scores as a sample? Argosy University – PSY210 assignment quiz.

Student Answer: 1.53




Points Received: 4 of 4


15. Question : The standard normal distribution has all the following properties EXCEPT:

Student Answer: The mean, mode, and median are all equal

The total area under the curve equals 1

The curve is specified by two parameters, the mean and the standard deviation

The curve extends to + and – 3 standard deviations from the mean

Points Received: 4 of 4


16. Question : According to the Empirical Rule, approximately _______% of the data in a normal distribution will fall within ±1 standard deviation of the mean.

Student Answer: 34




Points Received: 4 of 4


17. Question : In statistical computations, the number of values that are free to vary is known as

Student Answer: Degrees of freedom. Argosy University – PSY210 assignment quiz.

Freedom factor

Variability index

Variation quotient

Points Received: 4 of 4


18. Question : Which of the following reflects a Type I error?

Student Answer: Rejecting the null hypothesis when in reality the null hypothesis is true

Rejecting the null hypothesis when in reality the null hypothesis is false

Accepting the null hypothesis when in reality the null hypothesis is true

Accepting the null hypothesis when in reality the null hypothesis is false

Points Received: 4 of 4


19. Question : Which type of sampling is used when the experimenter asks 5 area doctors to refer pregnant women to his study and accepts all women who offer to be in his study? Argosy University – PSY210 assignment quiz.

Student Answer: purposive sampling

convenience sampling

cluster sampling

stratified sampling

Points Received: 4 of 4


20. Question : In our statistics equations, n refers to:

Student Answer: mean

standard deviation

normal distribution

number of subjects

Points Received: 4 of 4


21. Question : Which of the following is true regarding alpha?

Student Answer: it is also known as the level of significance

value is set by the researcher,

value is equal to the probability of a type I error

all of the above are true

Points Received: 4 of 4


22. Question : Macy proposes that boys who play sports are viewed as more attractive than boys who do not play sports. What is her null hypothesis?

Student Answer: Boys who play sports are not viewed as more attractive than boys who do not play sports

Playing sports will influence how attractively boys are viewed

Boys who play sports are more attractive than girls who play sports

There can be no null hypothesis

Points Received: 0 of 4

Comments: the answer is a

23. Question : You calculate a t of 2.38 and note that the tabled value for .01 is 3.22 and for .05 is 2.19. You would conclude that the null hypothesis can be: Argosy University – PSY210 assignment quiz.

Student Answer: Accepted at the .05 level

Rejected at the .01 level

Rejected at the .05 level

None of the above

Points Received: 4 of 4


24. Question : A researcher is studying political conservatism among 11 engineering students and 11 humanities students. The number of degrees of freedom for a t test is:

Student Answer: 22




Points Received: 4 of 4


25. Question : A t test for dependent groups should be used instead of a t test for independent samples:

Student Answer: If each participant is measured twice

Whenever there are equal numbers of subjects in each group

Whenever there are only two groups

All of the above

Points Received: 0 of 4

Comments: the answer is a

26. Question : In a normal distribution, what percent of the population falls within one and two standard deviations of the mean? Argosy University – PSY210 assignment quiz.

Student Answer: 34%



cannot tell from the information given

Points Received: 4 of 4


27. Question : Which of the following is more affected by extreme scores?

Student Answer: Mode



None of the above are affected

Points Received: 4 of 4


28. Question : On a histogram, what does the vertical (y) axis refer to?

Student Answer: Individual scores



Deviation scores

Points Received: 4 of 4


29. Question : Which statistic refers to the average amount by which the scores in the sample deviate from the mean?

Student Answer: Range

Standard deviation



Points Received: 4 of 4


30. Question : Assume a normal distribution for N = 300. How many cases would one expect to find between +1 and -1 standard deviations around the mean? Argosy University – PSY210 assignment quiz.

Student Answer: 102




Points Received: 4 of 4


31. Question : A z score of zero tells us that the score is at the________of the distribution.

Student Answer: Mean

Very top

Very bottom

None of the above since z cannot be zero

Points Received: 4 of 4


32. Question : In a unit normal curve, what goes on the x axis?

Student Answer: Frequencies

Observed scores

z scores


Points Received: 0 of 4

Comments: the answer is c

33. Question : Which of the following is a measure of variability?

Student Answer: Mean



All of the above

Points Received: 4 of 4


34. Question : The only measure of central tendency that can be found for nominal data is the

Student Answer: Mean




Points Received: 4 of 4


35. Question : If the probability of event A is 0.45 and the probability of event B is 0.35 and the probability of A and B occurring together is 0.25, then the probability of A OR B is: Argosy University – PSY210 assignment quiz.

Student Answer: 0.8




Points Received: 4 of 4


36. Question : A researcher knows that the average distance commuting students live from campus was previously 8.2 miles. Because of the rising prices of gasoline, the research wants to test the claim that commuting students now live closer to campus. What is the correct alternative hypothesis?

Student Answer: The new mean distance is 8.2 miles.

The new mean distance is less than or equal to 8.2 miles.

The new mean distance is less than 8.2 miles.

The new mean distance is greater than or equal to 8.2 miles.

Points Received: 4 of 4


* Times are displayed in (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada). Argosy University – PSY210 assignment quiz.

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