Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone

Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone

You are to create a Design for Change proposal inclusive of your Practice Issue and Evidence Summary worksheet from your Capstone Project Milestone 1. Your plan is to convince your management team of a nursing problem you have uncovered and you feel is significant enough to change the way something is currently practiced. In the event you are not currently working as a nurse, please use a hypothetical clinical situation you experienced in nursing school, or nursing education issue you identified in your nursing program. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.


Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

CO1: Applies the theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines to individuals, families, aggregates, and communities from entry to the healthcare system through long-term planning. (PO1)
CO2: Proposes leadership and collaboration strategies for use with consumers and other healthcare providers in managing care and/or delegating responsibilities for health promotion, illness prevention, health restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitative activities. (PO2)
Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

Milestone 2 consists of the proposal for your Design for Change Capstone Project. Use the Turnitin Inbox to submit this assignment by the end of Week 4.


Milestone 2 is worth 225 points.

You are required to use the assignment specific item(s) (article/systematic review/topic/form/templates) or you will earn a “0” for the assignment. In addition, assignments that do not follow the current guidelines or use the required item, as defined above, will be evaluated for evidence of an academic integrity violation. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

view the feedback you received from your instructor for Milestone 1, and use it to develop this milestone.
Create a proposal for your Design for Change Capstone Project. Open the recommended assignment specific Milestone 2 Design Proposal Outline (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Use this to write your paper. You will include the information from Milestone 1, your practice issue and evidence summary worksheets, as you compose this proposal. Your plan is to convince your management team of a practice problem you have uncovered that is significant enough to change current practice. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.
The format for this proposal will be a paper following the Publication manual of APA 6 th edition.
The paper is to be four- to six-pages excluding the Title page and Reference page.
As you organize your information and evidence, include the following topics.
Introduction: Write an introduction but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (2010, p. 63). Introduce the reader to the plan with evidence-based problem identification and solution.
Change Model Overview: Overview of the ACE Star model (the model we have been discussing this session); define the scope of the EBP; identify the stakeholders, and determine the responsibility of the team members. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.
Evidence: Conduct internal and external searches of evidence; integrate and summarize the evidence summary worksheet from Milestone 1; develop a recommendation for change.
Translation: develop a hypothetical action plan; include measurable outcomes, reporting to stakeholders; identify next steps and disseminate the findings.
Conclusion: Provide a clear and concise summary, inclusive of the problem issue, the five points of the ACE Star change model; and ways to maintain the change plan.
Citations and References must be included to support the information within each topic area. Refer to the APA manual, Chapter 7, for examples of proper reference format. In-text citations are to be noted for all information contained in your paper that is not your original idea or thought. Ask yourself, “How do I know this?” and then cite the source. Scholarly sources are expected, which means using peer-reviewed journals and credible websites. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.
Tables and Figures may be added as appropriate to the project. They should be embedded within the body of the paper (see your APA manual for how to format and cite). Creating tables and figures offers visual aids to the reader and enhances understanding of your literature review and design for change. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.
Submit your paper by 11:59 p.m. MT by Sunday of the end of Week 4.
**Academic Integrity Reminder**

By submitting this assignment, I pledge on my honor that all content contained is my own original work except as quoted and cited appropriately. I have not received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment.
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Introduction
Introduction to the plan is nursing focused, with evidence-based problem identification and potential solutions clearly identified.) Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.
25.0 pts
Introduction to the plan is nursing focused, and evidence-based. Potential interventions clearly identified.
22.0 pts
Introduction to the plan is missing one of the elements listed in the first column.
20.0 pts
Introduction to the plan is missing two elements listed in the first column.
10.0 pts
Introduction lacks evidence to support need for change and/or potential solution is not evidenced-based.
0.0 pts
Introduction is missing.
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Change Model Overview
An overview of the ACE Star model as a guide for change is given. Scope of the problem is identified. Stakeholders are identified. Team members and their roles and practice area are identified and discussed. State how nurses should use this model as a guide to facilitate change.
50.0 pts. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.
Overview of the ACE Star model is given. Scope of problem is identified. Rationale for change is present. Stakeholders are identified. Practice area, team members and role are discussed.
44.0 pts
All elements in the first column are included but discussion of one or more items lacks details.
40.0 pts
Overview is missing one of the elements from the first column.
19.0 pts
Overview of the ACE Star model is given. Scope of problem is not identified. Rationale for change is not present. Stakeholders are not identified. Practice area, team members and role are not discussed. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.
0.0 pts
Change Model Overview is missing all elements of the first column.
50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Evidence
Evidence is provided thru basic information that indicates a change is needed. For example, there have been 6 urinary tract infections over the last two months and there were none present the last two years at the same time period. What are some of the evidence-based interventions you discovered in your Evidence Summary that do you plan to use? Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.
50.0 pts
Evidence summary is thoroughly provided with information of the current problem in the work setting indicating a change is needed. Interventions discovered in Evidence Summary are used in planning for change.
44.0 pts
Evidence summary contains all elements in the first column, however, one or more items lacks detail.
40.0 pts
Evidence is vaguely provided through information of the current problem in the work setting indicating a change is needed. Some of the interventions discovered in Evidence Summary are used in planning for change. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.
19.0 pts
Evidence is provided through information of the current problem but is not convincing. Interventions discovered in Evidence Summary are not used in planning for change.
0.0 pts
Evidence summary is not provided.
50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Translation
Activities to achieve the final steps of change are fully described. What is needed to achieve? How do you translate what information you have gathered into practice? Include measurable outcomes. How do you inform staff? What is your plan of action to pilot the plan? What is the timeline?
50.0 pts
Activities to achieve final steps of change are fully described. Ways to translate evidence into practice are discussed (outcomes). Methods to inform staff, activities planned for plan of action and timeline are discussed. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.
44.0 pts
Activities to achieve final steps of change are adequately described.
40.0 pts
Activities to achieve final steps of change are briefly described.
19.0 pts
Minimal description of the activities to achieve final steps of change.
0.0 pts
Activities for final change plan are missing. Translation of evidence into practice is missing.
50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Conclusion
Clear, solid summary of the key points, ACE Star model and steps of the change plan are included; ways to sustain the change plan are described. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.
25.0 pts
Detailed summary of main points using ACE Star model. Ways to sustain plan are thoroughly described.
22.0 pts
Summary of main points/model is brief. Ways to sustain plan are briefly described.
20.0 pts
Summary of main points/model is vague. Ways to sustain plan are vaguely described.
10.0 pts
Summary of main points/model OR ways to sustain plan are not described.
0.0 pts
Summary is missing. There is no plan to sustain change.
25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Mechanics
APA format 6th edition. Grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling correct. References, citations correct. Paper formatted in APA format. 0-1 errors. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.
25.0 pts
APA format 6th edition. Grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling correct. References, citations correct. Paper formatted in APA format. 0-1 errors
22.0 pts
Two to three errors in elements from the first column.
20.0 pts
Four to five errors in elements from the first column.
10.0 pts
Six to seven errors in elements from the first column.
0.0 pts
More than seven errors.
25.0 pts
Total Points: 225.0

Capstone Project Milestone 2- Design for Change Proposal Guidelines

Capstone Project Milestone 1:

Practice Issue and Evidence Summary Worksheets


Student Name:                                                          Date:


  1. Refer to the guidelines for specific details on how to complete this assignment.
  2. Type your answers directly into the worksheets below.
  3. Submit to the Drop box by the end of Week 3, Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT.
  4. Post questions about this assignment to the Q & A Forum. You may also email questions to the instructor for a private response. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.


Practice Issue Worksheet


List the topic and include the citation for the systematic review you have selected from our approved list (optional: an additional scholarly source of support):

Preventing 30-day hospital readmissions, of the congestive heart failure patient.

Leppin, A. L., Gionfriddo, M. R., Kessler, M., Brito, J. P., Mair, F. S., Gallacher, K., & … Montori, V. M. (2014). Preventing 30-day hospital readmissions: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. JAMA Internal Medicine, 174(7), 1095-1107. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.1608


What is the nursing practice issue you have identified related to the topic you have chosen?

Will initiating a patient care plan on heart failure education and providing a 48-hour post discharge follow up on a hospital cardiac unit; minimize the readmission rates of heart failure patients within 30 days? Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

Congestive Heart failure patient’s accounts for one of the largest group of patients with frequent hospital readmission. Education both inpatient and outpatient can help minimize hospital readmission. Combining multiple teaching models has shown to be more effective in reducing the number of hospital readmissions.

Hospital readmissions for Congestive heart failure create a huge impact on the healthcare system as well as on the patient. Finding ways to help reduce the rate of readmissions is important for the patient’s quality of life and also minimizing costs incurred to the hospitals. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

Readmissions within weeks after a congestive heart failure discharge are associated with negative patient outcomes, and increased hospital costs. Patients require knowledge and self care skills to manage this condition. Patients need the understanding of the basics of heart failure discharge instructions and if education is poor, that could potentially increase the rate of readmission.

Fully describe the scope of the practice issue:

20% of all Medicare covered patients are readmitted to the hospital within thirty days of discharge. These readmissions can cost the American public billions of dollars a year. Because the Affordable Care Act has implemented incentives to reduce readmission, it is important for our hospital to develop and implement practices to help prevent readmissions

Education at discharge and throughout the hospital stay is a vital component of improving outcomes in heart failure patients. Patient and family education that involves a multidisciplinary team that emphasizes medication adherence, sodium and fluid restrictions, and recognizing signs and symptoms that indicate progression of disease may be as important as ensuring that patients are prescribed appropriate medical therapy and attend a follow up. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

In addition to verbal information, a combination of educational materials is used to enhance a patient’s ability to absorb information. Books, medication pamphlets, education print outs, teach back, follow up, and outpatient resources such as websites need to be used. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.


What is the practice area?

__X_ Clinical

_X__ Education

___ Administration

___ Other (List):

How was the practice issue identified? (check all that apply)

___ Safety/risk management concerns

_X__ Unsatisfactory patient outcomes

___ Wide variations in practice

_X__ Significant financial concerns



___ Difference between hospital and community practice

__X_ Clinical practice issue is a concern

___ Procedure or process is a time waster

___ Clinical practice issue has no scientific base

__ Other:

Describe the rationale for your checked selections:

CHF is a common disease that can be difficult to manage; with poor patient outcomes. Since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, hospitals lose reimbursement for extensive readmissions. If a hospital that makes $30,000,000 a year in Medicare reimbursement and 3% is taken off for extensive readmissions that is a $900,000 reduction in revenue for the hospital. Even without the decrease in reimbursement, poor patient outcomes are enough of an incentive to reevaluate our treatment plans and develop ways to help these patients. Hospitals need to focus on enhancing the effects of an education program, which includes: Education from admission to discharge, teach back, call back nurse, follow up, home health, community service resource, etc. We need to help patient’s capacity for self-care in their transition from hospital to home. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.


What evidence must be gathered? (check all that apply)

Studies regarding follow-up and education from a literature search will be helpful in deciding which interventions would be most effective. Knowledge about the Affordable Care Act and its requirements for reimbursement is another area that would be helpful in developing cost-effective interventions to prevent readmissions. A financial analysis would provide the evidence needed to know how the hospital’s reimbursement is paid and if there has been a decrease in reimbursement since the adoption of Affordable Care Act. The Hospital Readmission Reduction Program, in conjunction with the Affordable Care Act to monitor hospitals readmissions rates for myocardial infarctions, congestive heart failure, pneumonia and COPD, which were added in 2015.

Hospital readmission rates are at a high; however, evidence about hospital strategies that are associated with lower readmission rates is limited. We would need to identify hospital strategies that were associated with lower readmission rates for patients with heart failure. We would need to distinguish which type of education is retained and keeps the patient compliant. What is the RN’s perception of patient discharge education and what are their practices.
Is there a difference in the perception of heart failure discharge education of registered nurses. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

employed in an acute care setting and those employed in a non-acute care setting?

The studies I read showed that patient education and continuous post discharge follow-up interventions conducted by nurses could significantly reduce the rates of readmissions to the hospital or to the physicians’ office. This aims at the permanent training, reinforcement, improvement and evaluation of self-care of the heart failure patient, which include weight monitoring, sodium and fluid restriction, physical activities, compliance of medications, monitoring of signs and symptoms of worsening and when to seek medical help. This will test nursing interventions with a direct effect on improved heart failure patient readmissions. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

As more is learned about the important effects of education and self- care on patients’ outcomes, the need to move away from the traditional view of patients as passive recipients of information is clear. Patients should be viewed as active partners in the management of their health. Cardiac nurses play a fundamental role in the


__X_ Literature search

_X__ Guidelines

___ Expert Opinion

___ Patient Preferences

_X__ Clinical Expertise

__X_ Financial Analysis

__X_ Standards (Regulatory, professional, community)

___ Other


Describe the rationale for your checked selections:

Literature research will be collected to assess whether following up with patients should be implemented and whether or not it would be beneficial to the patient in preventing readmission. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

Clinical expertise will need to be assessed to determine whether staff doing the education is well educated and compliant in the teaching and able to answer any questions the patient may have. Clinicians must apply their expertise to assess the patient’s problem and should integrate effective interventions as evidenced by research

Standards; these include Federal, State, local and other regulatory frameworks that are necessary for the adoption of effective intervention strategies. The patient may need professional resources outside in the community, so getting information on local resources will Also be beneficial to inform the patient during the discharge and follow up. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

Financial analysis would provide the evidence needed to the hospital’s reimbursement


Evidence Summary Worksheet

Directions: Please type your answers directly into the worksheet.


Describe the practice problem in your own words with reference to the identified population, setting and magnitude of the problem in measurable terms:

Reducing hospital readmissions is a national focus for healthcare. Consequently, patient discharge education is increasingly important for improving clinical outcomes and reducing hospital costs. Hospital readmissions are widespread, costly, and often avoidable. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

Overall, hospital readmission is a challenge every institution faces. Even after you implement better processes to focus on decreasing your readmission rate, there will always be cases in which a patient must be readmitted. Unplanned hospital readmission, or a patient’s return to the hospital for the same or related issue is not only inconvenient for the patient; it also poses a significant concern for hospitals.

The successful implementation of multiple interventions is essential to produce a significant reduction in heart failure readmissions. The majority of these interventions is “nurse-driven”, and can most efficaciously be implemented in structured nurse-led heart failure programs. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

Type the complete APA reference for the systematic review article you chose from the list provided. It must be relevant to the practice issue you described above. Include the APA reference for any additional optional supplemental scholarly source related to the review you wish to use.

Leppin, A. L., Gionfriddo, M. R., Kessler, M., Brito, J. P., Mair, F. S., Gallacher, K., & … Montori, V. M. (2014). Preventing 30-day hospital readmissions: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. JAMA Internal Medicine, 174(7), 1095-1107. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.1608


Identify the objectives of the article:

The objective of the article was to synthesize the evidence of the effectiveness of interventions to decrease early hospital readmissions and identify intervention features—including their impact on treatment burden and on patients’ capacity to enact post discharge self-care—that might explain their varying effects. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

Provide a statement of the questions being addressed in the work and how these relate to your practice issue:

The high readmission rates experienced in the health-care system are generally attributed to inadequate skills for patients to administer self-care after discharge from hospitals. This is evidenced by the fact that approximately 20 percent of patients are readmitted to the hospital within 30 days after discharge. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

Summarize (in your own words) the interventions the author(s) suggest to improve patient outcomes.

The authors suggest that more effective interventions despite being complex are an important aspect of supporting patient capacity for self-care and should be adopted. Further, they claim that the efficiency of interventions tested recently is minimal. Interventions used to improve patient outcomes included in the discharge planning process: case management, telephone follow up, tele-monitoring, patient education, self management, medication intervention, home visits, scheduled follow ups, patient hotlines and streamlining. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

Summarize the main findings by the authors of your systematic review including the strength of evidence for each main outcome.  Consider the relevance to your project proposal for the Milestone 2 project paper. (If an optional supplemental source is also used, include a statement of relevance to it as well.)

OBJECTIVE is to synthesize the evidence of the efficacy of interventions to reduce early hospital readmissions and identify intervention features–including their impact on treatment burden and on patients’ capacity to enact post discharge self-care–that might explain their varying effects. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

Addressing the early hospital readmission has been recognized and is a costly occurrence. Patients were discharged from hospital without social support and lack of education on how to care for their selves or diagnosis at home and are one of the factors that contribute to hospital readmission. If hospitals provide the supported intervention such as patient education, discharge planning (prepare for discharge), self-management, follow up, home visit, and community resource, this would enhance patients’ capacity for self-care in their transition from home to hospital and in turn reduce the risk of early readmission. The findings also showed that the majority of the interventions tested were effective at reducing readmissions into the hospital. The interventions that supported the patient’s once returning home were most favorable. This is relevant to my project proposal because contacting a patient via phone allows the patient to be comfortable and independent. The author emphasized the risk of cause in unplanned readmission with or without hospital deaths at 30 days post discharge. The study selected randomized trials to assess the effect of interventions on the readmission within 30 days of discharge in adult patients hospitalized. The finding is if patients who receive follow up, and support on post discharge at home to patients and families related to diagnosis and treatment will reduce readmissions. Both clinician from hospital and primary care need to get involve in patients’ care. The strength of evidence for main outcome is to provide support to patients, which can play an important role to reduce hospital readmission rates. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

Outline evidence-based solutions that you will consider for your project.

Plan the research by meeting with the multidisciplinary team and to discuss what is trying to be implemented.

–          Engage co-workers to be involved

–          Execute the research plan.

–          Evaluate the outcome of readmissions.

–          Address patient communication needs during discharge

–          Engage patients and families in discharge planning and instruction

–          Provide discharge instruction that meets patient needs

–          Identify follow up providers that can meet patient needs

The follow-up phone call consists of five components:

–          Assessment of health status.

–          Medication check.

–          Clarification of follow up appointments.

–          Post discharge home resources.

–          Review of what to do if a health or medical problem arises (signs & symptoms).

Evidence-based research has shown that programs that provide appropriate patient education; increases patient participation in his/her care, assists individuals in making informed decisions and increases patient adherence to treatment. Patient education needs to be individualized and based according to the individual’s needs and skills. Before establishing patient education it is important to keep in mind, the patient’s health literacy, their willingness in participating in their self-care and resources available. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

Discuss any limitations to the studies that you believe impacts your ability to utilize the research in your project.

Patient and family education through out the hospital stay, through teach-back along with patient follow up, could be increasingly useful in heart failure education programs. However, significant barriers to patient self-care education are often present, such as cognitive impairment, and poor health literacy. Studies have demonstrated that we may not relay information to patients in a way they can understand. Instructions at discharge should be given in plain language, use verbal, audio, and visual instruction, be repeated by multiple providers (physician, nurse, dietician, physical therapy, and pharmacist, etc.), and be confirmed using a teach-back method where patients are asked to repeat back what they understand regarding their discharge instructions. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.


Practice Issue and Evidence Summary Worksheets



Your Name

Chamberlain College of Nursing

NR451 RN Capstone Course

Term and Year



Your title here

This paragraph(s) is to introduce the paper. State the problem and potential solutions backed by evidence. Briefly, introduce the nursing focused plan. Remember this is a scholarly APA assignment so you cannot use first person. Remember also that you will keep all the bolded headings and just remove the non-bolded content when you start your paper. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

Change Model Overview

In this first paragraph, provide an overview of the ACE Star model Evidence-Based Practice Process. Feel free to state why nurses should use this model as a guide to facilitate change. Under each of the second level headers listed below, you now link your identified topic to the ACE Star model EBP Process. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

Define the Scope of the EBP

Restate your practice issue. Why is this a problem? Give statistics and information to back the scope of the problem at your facility/work area. How does this problem impact healthcare on a broader scale?


You will be the leader of the team since this is your project. Who will you also include in your team? Make sure you choose relevant stakeholders. You should have no more than eight members. Do not list your team members by name but instead by position (pharmacists, charge nurse, etc.).

Determine Responsibility of Team Members

Why are the members chosen important to your project? What are their roles?


Conduct internal/ external search for evidence. What type of evidence did you find in addition to you Evidence Summary? EBP guidelines? Quality improvement data? Position statements? Clinical Practice Guidelines?  Briefly discuss the strength of this research. This is not where you describe the results of your studies. This is done in the following steps. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

Summarize the Evidence

In this section, you need to synthesize the information from the systematic review article. What are some of the evidence-based interventions you discovered in your Evidence Summary that do you plan to use? Be sure and cite all of your references, in proper APA format, from any and all articles into this one paragraph.

Develop Recommendations for Change Based on Evidence

What is your recommendation based on the research? Ideally, you will have found enough support in your evidence to proceed with implementing your pilot program. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.


Action Plan

You have not implemented your project yet, therefore, this section will be hypothetical. Develop your plan for implementation. What are the specific steps you will take to implement your pilot study?  What is the timeline for your plan? Make sure you include a plan for evaluation of outcomes and method to report the results. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

Process, Outcomes Evaluation and Reporting

What are the desired outcomes? How will they be measured? How will you report the results to the key stakeholders?

Identify Next Steps

How will you implement the plan on a larger scale? Will this be applicable to other units or the facility as a whole? What will you do to ensure that the implementation becomes permanent?

Disseminate Findings

How will you communicate your findings internally (within your organization) and externally (to others outside of your organization)? Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

Design Proposal Outline


Provide a clear and concise summary. Review the key aspects of the problem as well as the change model. Be sure to include important aspects of the five points of the ACE Star change model EBP process and ways to maintain the change plan. Practice Issue, Evidence Summary Worksheets and Design for Change Proposal Capstone Project Milestone.

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