Human Physiology for Advanced Nursing Practice Essay assignment papers – NURS 6050; PHYS 6050

Human Physiology for Advanced Nursing Practice Essay assignment papers – NURS 6050; PHYS 6050


  1. COURSE NUMBER: NURS 6050; PHYS 6050


  1. COURSE TITLE: Human Physiology for Advanced Nursing Practice


Ill.      CREDIT HOURS: 3 Semester Hours


  1. ALLOCATION OF TIME: offered on line, as distance education option


  1. PLACEMENT IN THE CURRICULUM: Typically, first year in M.S.N. program


  1. PRE- AND CO-REQUISITES: admission to the graduate program in nursing; consent of the instructor. Human Physiology for Advanced Nursing Practice Essay assignment papers – NURS 6050; PHYS 6050.


VII.    COURSE DESCRIPTION: In-depth analysis of normal physiological processes across the life-span.  Provides a physiological basis for students for area of practice with emphasis placed on the correlation of these concepts with clinical manifestations.


VIII.  FACULTY: Bob Lust, Ph.D., Professor and Chairman, Department of Physiology; Professor, Adult Health Nursing; Professor, Department of Surgery


Office location:  Brody 6N-98.

Contacts:        Telephone 744-2762 (daytime, and after hours messages)

Telephone 744-2761 (evenings)

Telephone 756-3939 (home)

Pager: 757-5950

office hours : anytime, but check for conflict, or by appointment


  1. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:


  1. Integrate knowledge of physiology in advanced assessment, diagnosis, and clinical practice.
  2. Recognize and analyze human responses to altered physiological patterns.
  3. Synthesize knowledge of physiology to apply to pathophysiological manifestation for advanced assessment, diagnosis and clinical practice. Human Physiology for Advanced Nursing Practice Essay assignment papers – NURS 6050; PHYS 6050.




  1. Reading Assignments
  2. Self-assessment fact checks
  3. Assigned Clinical Case Studies
  4. Moderated discussion boards, as needed
  5. On-line weekly lectures/chat/Q&A sessions hosted by Centra




  1. Course Grade:

A = 90-100

B = 80-89

C = 70-79

F = <70


Grades will be based on responses to questions for posted clinical scenarios in each block of topics.  There are six topic blocks, each of them equally weighted in determining the final grade. No final exam. Human Physiology for Advanced Nursing Practice Essay assignment papers – NURS 6050; PHYS 6050.

Unless previous arrangements have been made, any assignments submitted past the due date/time will have a maximum grade of “B”, and will lose one additional letter grade for each 48 hours past due.  Unexpected circumstances do arise in adult education, but every effort must be made to gain approval in advance for alternate submission arrangements.  “After the fact” considerations are difficult and generally cannot be accommodated.

All student grades will be posted in Blackboard, unless requested otherwise in writing by the student.  Grades for individual students not posted will be available upon request from the faculty member in writing or by e-mail, and will be provided by regular US mail to the address provided by the student.   A student also may obtain final course grades by using her/his PIN number, and via the OneStop ( using her/his exchange user I.D. and password.  In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, faculty are not allowed to post student grades by social security number, any sequential part thereof, or any other personally identifiable characteristics.  Upon receipt of a written request to the Office of the Registrar, a report of grades is sent to the student at her/his permanent home address.  Questions about final examination grades should be directed to the instructor. Human Physiology for Advanced Nursing Practice Essay assignment papers – NURS 6050; PHYS 6050.




Required: Human Physiology, 4th edition.  Dee Unglaub Silverthorn.

Pearson/Benjamin Cummings Publishers, 2006.  ISBN # 0-8053-6851-5


Suggested:  Pathophysiology, 3rd edition.  Lee-Ellen Copstead and Jacquelyn Banasik.  Elsevier/Saunders, St. Louis MO.  2005.   ISBN # 0-7216-0338-6




  1. Academic integrity: Academic integrity is expected of every East Carolina University student. (Refer to the East Carolina University Student Government Association Documents; see Academic Integrity Violations section.) All course work for grading is to be the individual work of the student, unless group work is expressly assigned by the instructor. Human Physiology for Advanced Nursing Practice Essay assignment papers – NURS 6050; PHYS 6050.


  1. Disabilities: East Carolina University seeks to fully comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students with disabilities are urged to register at the Department for Disability Support Services. Special accommodations for test taking will be made only with a letter from this office. Human Physiology for Advanced Nursing Practice Essay assignment papers – NURS 6050; PHYS 6050. 




  1. Block 1
  2. Cell communication
  3. Cell signaling
  4. Systems integration
  5. Homestatic concepts and control
  6. Introduction to endocrine control
  7. Autonomic nervous system control

B.   Block 2

  1. Metabolism and nutrition
  2. Energy balance
  3. Diabetes
  4. Temperature regulation
  5. Growth


C.  Block 3

  1. RBCs, and anemia
  2. Platelets, Hemostatasis, thrombosis
  3. WBCs, inflammation, allergy
  4. altered immune function, HIV
  5. neoplasia


  1. Block 4
  2. Blood flow and perfusion
  3. Blood pressure and hypertension
  4. Normal and altered cardiac function
  5. Heart failure and altered rhythms
  6. Shock


E.  Block 5

  1. Respiratory function and gas exchange
  2. gas transport
  3. Obstructive diseases
  4. Restrictive diseases


F.  Block 6

  1. Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
  2. Acid base balance
  3. Renal Failure
  4. Human Physiology for Advanced Nursing Practice Essay assignment papers – NURS 6050; PHYS 6050


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