NURS 6053 Interprofessional Organizational & Systems Leadership Essay Assignment Discussions

NURS 6053 Interprofessional Organizational & Systems Leadership Essay Assignment Discussions

NURS 6053 Week 1 Discussion: Organizational Foundations

As you strive to grow in your leadership skills and abilities, you will find that the context in which you work influences your motivation and areas of focus.In a similar vein, your commitment to developing professionally can contribute toward organizational effectiveness.

To that end, it is critical to recognize the importance of organizational culture and climate. In particular, through this week’s Learning Resources, you may consider several questions: How do an organization’s mission, vision, and values relate to its culture? What is the difference between culture and climate? Moreover, how are culture and climate manifested within the organization?


For this Discussion, you explore the culture and climate of your current organization or one with which you are familiar. You also consider decisions and day-to-day practices and the way they relate to the organization’s mission, vision, and values.

To prepare:

  • Review the information related to planning and decision making in health care organizations presented in the textbook, Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application. Consider how planning and decision making relate to an organization’s mission, vision, and values, as well as its culture and its climate.
  • Familiarize yourself with the mission, vision, and values of your organization or one with which you are familiar. Consider how the statements and actions of leaders and others within the organization support or demonstrate the organizational mission, vision, and values. In addition, note any apparent discrepancies between word and deed. Think about how this translates into expectations for direct service providers. Note any data or artifacts that seem to indicate whether behaviors within the organization are congruent with its mission, vision, and values.
  • Begin to examine and reflect on the culture and climate of the organization. How do culture and climate differ?
  • Why is it important for you, as a master’s-prepared nurse leader, to be cognizant of these matters?

By Day 3

  • Post a description of your selected organization’s mission, vision, and values. Describe relevant data, or artifacts, words, and actions of leaders and others in the organization that support, or perhaps appear to contradict the organization’s mission, vision, and values statement. In addition, discuss the organization’s culture and its climate, differentiating between the two. Explain why examining these matters is significant to your role as a nurse leader. NURS 6053 Interprofessional Organizational & Systems Leadership Essay Assignment Discussions.
  • Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches:

  • Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence, or research.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.
  • Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.

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NURS 6053 Weekly Discussions

NURS 6053 Module 2 Discussion: Transitioning From Closed to Open Systems

How do effective nurse leaders and others approach problem solving and decision making in organizations? As suggested in this week’s Learning Resources, systems theory provides a valuable way to assess situations and prepare to address problems.

For this week’s Discussion, you identify an issue or process that could be improved and apply knowledge and strategies related to systems theory.

Note: You may find it helpful to view the NURS 6053 Interprofessional Organizational & Systems Leadership Essay Assignment Discussions instructions and use the same problem for this Discussion.

To prepare:

  • Review the information presented in this week’s Learning Resources on systems theory and the difference between open and closed systems.
  • Reflect on the practices and processes with which you are familiar in your organization. Identify one problematic issue or process that could be improved.
  • Consider the problem from a closed-system perspective. Then think about how the issue or process you selected could be addressed by viewing it from an open-system perspective. How would the transition from a closed- to an open-system view help you and others to address the problem and improve outcomes?

By Day 3

  • Post a description of the problem that you identified in your selected organization. Explain the problem from a closed-system perspective. Then, describe how the problem could be addressed by viewing it from an open-system perspective, and explain how this modification would help you and others improve health care outcomes.
  • Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches:

  • Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence, or research.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.
  • Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.

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NURS 6053 Weekly Discussions

NURS 6053 Week 3 Discussion: Organizational Structures and Leadership

In most health care settings, it is unlikely that you would hear the terms “ad hoc” or “matrix” as you walk down the hallway. Although it is helpful for any organization to delineate pathways of responsibility and authority in an organizational chart, the lived experience of these structures is most apparent through the inquiries and behaviors people share everyday.

In your own workplace, you may find yourself wondering, who should I turn to when I have a practice dilemma? or Where can I go to learn more about this issue? These questions speak to the intricacies of formal and informal organizational structure and leadership.

To prepare:

  • Review the information presented in Chapter 12 of the course text. Focus on the information about formal versus informal structure as well as the types of organizational structures.
  • Consider the overall structure or hierarchy of your organization or one with which you are familiar. Which organizational structure best describes your organization—line (or bureaucratic), ad hoc, matrix, service line, or flat? Note: It is possible to have a combination of structures in one organization. Is decision making centralized or decentralized in this organization?
  • What is the role of committees, task forces, and councils in the organization, and who is invited to join? Consider how this relates to formal and informal leadership.
  • Reflect on how decisions are made within a specific department or unit. Which stakeholders provide input or influence the decision-making process? Assess this in terms of formal and informal leadership.
  • To support your analysis, consider your own experiences and investigate these matters by speaking with others at the organization and reviewing available documents. Be sure to consider how the concepts of formal and informal structure and leadership relate to one another and are demonstrated in the organization and in the particular department or unit.

By Day 3

Post a depiction of your organization’s formal structure, indicating whether it is best described as line, ad hoc, matrix, service line, flat, or a combination.Describe how decisions are made within the organization and within one department or unit in particular, noting relevant attributes of centralized/decentralized decision making. Explain the influence of formal and informal leadership on decision making within this department or unit.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches:

  • Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence, or research.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.
  • Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.

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NURS 6053 Weekly Discussions

NURS 6053 Discussion – Week 4: Critiquing a Change Effort

As a nurse leader, you need to have the skills and knowledge to collaborate and communicate with those who plan for and manage change. This capacity is valuable in any health care setting and for many different types of change. Furthermore, it is essential to be able to evaluate a change effort and determine if it is promoting improved outcomes and making a positive difference within the department or unit, or for the organization as a whole.

To prepare:

  • Review Chapters 7 and 8 in the course text. Focus on the strategies for planning and implementing change in an organization, as well as the roles of nurses, managers, and other health care professionals throughout this process.
  • Reflect on a specific change that has recently occurred in your organization or one in which you have worked previously. What was the catalyst or purpose of the change?
  • How did the change affect your job and responsibilities?
  • Consider the results of the change and whether or not the intended outcomes have been achieved.
  • Was the change managed skillfully? Why or why not? How might the process have been improved?

By Day 3

  • Post a summary of a specific change within an organization and describe the impact of this change on your role and responsibilities. Explain the rationale for the change, and whether or not the intended outcomes have been met. Assess the management of the change, and propose suggestions for how the process could have been improved.
  • Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses. NURS 6053 Interprofessional Organizational & Systems Leadership Essay Assignment Discussions.

By Day 6

  • Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches:
  • Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence, or research.
  • Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.

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NURS 6053 Weekly Discussions

NURS 6053 Week 5 Discussion: Groups

The dynamic and increasingly complex world of health care often requires nurses to work collaboratively on interprofessional teams. In the group environment, individuals with unique skills and expertise come together to focus on a common goal; however, groups must become cohesive before they can become effective.

Your experiences working with groups—whether you perceive them as positive, negative, or neutral—can be used to facilitate insight and development.Health care, with its focus on interprofessional teamwork and collaboration, offers ample opportunities and an imperative for continuous learning.


For this Discussion, you focus on strategies for facilitating the group process.

To prepare:

  • Review the information in this week’s Learning Resources regarding the stages of group formation, problematic roles individuals play in groups, and strategies for facilitating and maintaining positive group collaboration. In particular, review Learning Exercise 19.14 of the course text.
  • Reflect on various groups with which you have been or are currently involved. Select one specific group to analyze for the purposes of this Discussion.Identify the purpose or task that the group is or was meant to perform.
  • Consider the four stages of group formation (forming, storming, norming, and performing). How would you describe the progression between stages? Is there a stage in which you believe your group is or was “stuck”?
  • Consider the task or group-building role you normally play in a group setting. How could you apply the information from the Learning Resources to improve your group participation and facilitation, as well as the functioning of the group as a whole?
  • In addition, think about which individuals within your group (including yourself) may fall into problematic roles such as the Dominator, the Aggressor, or the Blocker. How have you and your group members addressed the enactment of these roles and its impact on interactions? With information from the Learning Resources in mind, what strategies would you apply now or going forward?

By Day 3

  • Post a description of a group with which you have been or are currently involved. Assess where the group is in terms of the four stages of group formation.If you are reflecting on a past experience, explain if your group moved through all four stages. Describe the task or group-building role you typically play, or played, in this group. Then, explain what strategies you, as a leader, can apply to better facilitate the group process and address any problematic individual roles in the group.
  • NURS 6053 Interprofessional Organizational & Systems Leadership Essay Assignment Discussions

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches:

  • Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.
  • Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.
  • Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.

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NURS 6053 Week 6 Discussion: Power Dynamics

There is no graded Discussion Board assignment this week; however, a Week 6 optional discussion board is available for your voluntary participation. Bring to mind a nurse whose words, behaviors, or reputation convey power. What is it about this individual that suggests power? How does your perception of this person relate to your view of yourself as a nurse leader and the image you associate with nursing?

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NURS 6053 Weekly Discussions

NURS 6053 Week 7 discussion: Addressing Barriers to Effective Communication

From moment to moment, a nurse leader’s day involves communication—with patients, families, colleagues, supervisors, and so on.

Think of a particular day you spent working in a health care environment, and consider three or four distinct points in time. For each point of time, consider the following: With whom did you interact? Which forms of communication did you use? What issues were communicated about—did they seem to be light-hearted or sensitive? Straightforward or complicated? How would you describe the pace of the interactions and your work? NURS 6053 Interprofessional Organizational & Systems Leadership Essay Assignment Discussions.

As you consider these questions, it becomes clear that communication can be quite complex, with many layers of meaning that shape the experience for everyone involved. How could this awareness help you to understand instances of ineffective communication when they arise?

To prepare:

  • Review the information in Chapter 19 of the course text, as well as the assigned articles.
  • Reflect on an incident involving ineffective communication within your organization or another health care setting. Consider this incident through the lens of the communication process outlined in Figure 19.1 of the course text.
  • What barriers contributed to this incident? What other challenges may have influenced this situation?
  • Using the information presented in the other Learning Resources, consider what could have been done to prevent or address the ineffective communication. Why do you think the use of these strategies would have resulted in better outcome(s)?

By Day 3

  • Post a summary of an incident involving ineffective communication. Describe communication barriers and other challenges that contributed to the incident.Propose one or more strategies that could have been employed to promote a better outcome. Be sure to refer to elements of the communication process.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

  • Respond by critiquing at least two of your colleagues’ postings on two different days using elements of the communication process and recommend additional strategies to overcome the barriers. If you think other factors may have contributed to the situation, provide an analysis with the support of literature. NURS 6053 Interprofessional Organizational & Systems Leadership Essay Assignment Discussions.

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NURS 6053 Week 7 Assignment: Application: Leadership

Analysis Group Paper

This week you will begin a group paper that you will develop over the next few weeks. By Day 3 of this week, you will be placed in a collaborative group and provided with a work area for your group (See the Groups area below Week 11 in the left-hand navigation bar. If you do not see your team area by the end of Day 3, contact your Instructor.)

Before you begin to work with your group, read the information below describing the paper. Then join your group, introduce yourself, and begin work on selecting a topic.

To prepare:

  • Review the Peer Evaluation Form for important information on how this assignment is graded.
  • Identify a group facilitator.
  • Within your group, select a topic relevant to interprofessional leadership and the health care field on which to focus your group paper. The following are some potential topics for your group to consider:
  • Matrix organizations
  • Accountable care organizations
  • Horizontal and vertical organizations
  • Role conflict and ambiguity
  • Employee recruitment and selection
  • Interpersonal relationships in the C-suite of organizations (the relationships between the CEO, CFO, and CNO)
  • Resistance to change
  • Succession planning
  • Whistle blowing
  • “Just” culture

Team Stepps

When your group has selected a topic, the group facilitator will submit the topic to the Instructor for approval on the Discussion Board in the Week 5 Group Project Topic Forum. NURS 6053 Interprofessional Organizational & Systems Leadership Essay Assignment Discussions.

Conduct research on your topic using the Walden Library and other credible sources.

To complete:

By Day 7 of Week 7

As a group, write a 3- to 5 (page count does not include title and reference page) page paper that includes the following:

Section 1: Introduction

Section 2: Significance of the topic (based on literature that speaks to the relevancy of the concept selected in terms of interprofessional leadership)

Section 3: Review of the literature related to the concept that the group selects (current best practices, positive or negative impact on leadership or health care organizations, etc.)

Section 4: Application to nursing (e.g., implications or consequences for nursing leaders)

Section 5: Conclusion

All group members are expected to collaborate fully on this project, and your group paper should demonstrate an original and thoughtful application of the ideas presented in the Learning Resources and the research literature.

NURS 6053 Weekly Discussions

NURS 6053 Week 8 Discussion: The Distinction Between Leadership and Management

Think of the managers you have reported to thus far in your career. Now consider the people you have worked with or know of that you would consider leaders. Based on these experiences, what would you surmise about the responsibilities of managers and leaders and about the distinctions between these two categories in health care settings?

This week’s Learning Resources classify management and leadership (which are often confused in everyday discussion) and explain their significance for health care organizations. As you advance professionally, it is critical to understand the distinctions between management and leadership and how you can apply this knowledge for increasing effectiveness in your workplace.

To prepare:

  • Review the information in the Learning Resources.
  • Conduct additional research on your own and select at least two current, credible sources that contribute to your understanding of management and leadership. NURS 6053 Interprofessional Organizational & Systems Leadership Essay Assignment Discussions.
  • Reflect on how the roles of management and leadership differ in supporting the organization to set and achieve goals.
  • Drawing upon specific examples from a current or previous practice setting, bring to mind someone who seemed to be a leader but not a manager and someone who seemed to be a manager but not a leader (generally speaking, or within a specific circumstance). Be prepared to support your assessment with specific behavioral descriptions found in the literature.

By Day 3

Post an analysis of how management and leadership roles differ in terms of supporting an organization to set and achieve goals. In addition, post descriptions of an individual who demonstrates leadership behaviors but not management behaviors and an individual who demonstrates management behaviors but not leadership behaviors. Provide your rationale, identifying specific characteristics of effective managers and leaders. (Note: Do not identify these individuals by name, position, or location.)

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches:

  • Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence, or research.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.
  • NURS 6053 Interprofessional Organizational & Systems Leadership Essay Assignment Discussions

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Week 9 Discussion Leadership Style

Throughout your career, you will work with many people who display differing leadership styles. As a nurse leader, it is imperative that you communicate well and get along with those whose leadership style does not align with your preferences. It is also important to understand your own leadership style, as this can prompt insight into how others relate to you and what skills you may need to develop as your leadership responsibilities grow.

To prepare:

  • Review the information in the Learning Resources, including the leadership styles identified in Chapter 2 of the course text.
  • Bring to mind a leader in your organization or one with which you are familiar. Would you describe his or her style as authoritative, democratic, or laissez-faire? Why?
  • Which characteristics or approaches demonstrated by this person would you integrate into your own leadership style? Which ones would you prefer not to integrate? NURS 6053 Interprofessional Organizational & Systems Leadership Essay Assignment Discussions.
  • Think about how this leader’s style and resulting interactions may impact health care quality and patient outcomes.

By Day 3

Post a description of a leader, distinguishing his or her style as authoritative, democratic, or laissez-faire. Describe the characteristics that inform your perception, and explain which ones you would integrate into your own leadership style, as well as which ones you would prefer not to integrate. Explain at least one potential effect of this leadership style on health care quality and patient outcomes.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches:

  • Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence, or research.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.
  • Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.

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