NURS 730: Clinical Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation Essay Assignment papers- Gonzaga University Syllabus
NURS 730: Clinical Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation – 3 credits
This course emphasizes the steps involved in the development of a business plan for the creation of a new clinical service or program or a clinical practice. Students will conduct a needs assessment, develop mission and values statements, create the program design, conduct a financial analysis, and design evaluation strategies and measures.
Topical Outline:
Module 1: Mission and Values
Module 2: SWOT Analysis
Module 3: Change Theory
Module 4: Right-Brain Analysis
Module 5: Left-Brain Analysis
Module 6: Interprofessional Collaboration
Module 7: Presenting a Business Plan
Required Texts and Readings: Lowney, C. (2003). Heroic leadership: Best practices from a 450-year old company that changed the world. Chicago, IL: Loyola Press.
Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business model generation. Hoboken, NJ: Jon Wiley & Sons.
Course Requirements & Grade Computation:
The following scale will be used to assign letter grades for this course:
95 – 100% | = A | = 4.0 | ||
92 – 94.99% | = A- | = 3.7 | ||
89 – 91.99% | = B+ | = 3.3 | ||
85 – 88.99% | = B | = 3.0 | ||
82 – 84.99% | = B- | = 2.7 | ||
79 – 81.99% | = C+ | = 2.3 | ||
75 – 78.99% | = C | = 2.0 | ||
72 – 74.99% | = C- | = 0.0 | ||
69 – 71.99% | = D+ | = 0.0 |
65 – 68.99% | = D | = 0.0 | NURS 730: Clinical Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation Essay Assignment papers- Gonzaga University Syllabus | |
Below 65% | = F | = 0.0 |
*Final course grades will not be rounded up.
Teaching Methods:
Throughout the course, students will complete learning activities included within structured modules. Successful completion of modules may involve readings, viewing slides or video clips, and participation in various learning activities such as Blackboard discussion forums, small group interactions, and/or preparation of materials, projects, or scholarly papers. You are expected to complete the required readings to enhance your understanding of the concepts presented in each module. A variety of activities will be suggested for you to use to evaluate your understanding of the content in each module. Additional detail will be available about all modules on Blackboard. NURS 730: Clinical Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation Essay Assignment papers- Gonzaga University Syllabus.
Discussion forums are an important part of online learning since they provide us with the opportunity to interact with one another in a back-and-forth manner, similar to what occurs during face-to-face classroom discussions. The intent of these discussion forums is to simulate in-class discussions and provide you with the opportunity to interact with faculty and your peers about the week’s topic. Specific discussion questions will be posted for each forum. When grading these forums, I will use the following grading rubric.
Grading Criteria for Blackboard Postings
Timeliness | ||
1 Point | 0.5 Points | 0 Points |
Posts both original contribution and response(s) to peers by the required deadlines or has requested an extension at least 24 hours in advance of the deadline (unless there is a true emergency). | Posts either the initial contribution or the response(s) to peers after the deadline. | Is late posting both the initial contribution and the response(s) to peers.
NURS 730: Clinical Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation Essay Assignment papers- Gonzaga University Syllabus |
Integration of Module Content in Posting | ||
4 Points | 2-3 Points | |
Integrates and applies module content to the discussion and cites appropriate sources to indicate which readings informed your thinking. Addresses all discussion questions in posting. Posting shows evidence of critical analysis. | Somewhat integrates and applies module content to the discussion. May fail to cite sources that informed your thinking. May only address some of the questions in posting. Posting shows some evidence of critical analysis. | States an opinion, but there is minimal integration and application of module content to the discussion. Does not cite appropriate references. May only address some of the questions in posting. Posting lacks critical analysis and depth. |
Response to Peers Shows Evidence of Critical Thinking | ||
2 Points | 1 Point | 0 Points |
Response shows evidence of critical thinking and reflection. Adds depth to the conversation by raising relevant questions, offering a new perspective, or appropriately redirecting the dialogue. | Response reflects some critical thinking and reflection. Extends the conversation to some extent by raising relevant questions, offering a new perspective, or redirecting the dialogue. | Response reflects minimal critical thinking or reflection. May agree with a peer’s posting but does not extend the conversation or add any new insights. |
Respectful Interaction | ||
1 Point | 0 Points | |
Interacts appropriately, professionally, and respectfully. May disagree with a peer (actually this is encouraged) but does so in a respectful and thoughtful manner using evidence to support comments. | Posting and/or response is inappropriate, unprofessional, or disrespectful. Becomes defensive when position is challenged, or questions are raised about posting.
Scholarly Presentation | ||
2 Points | 1-1.5 Points | 0-.75 Points |
Posting and response are presented in a scholarly manner with no more than three mistakes in spelling, punctuation, grammar, choice of words and/or APA format. In general, there are complete sentences, ideas flow, and there is a logical sequence to the posting, i.e., does not just “ramble” on without a clear purpose. Generally, cites source(s) correctly in the body of the posting. A listing of references cited in the posting are listed at the end in APA format (similar to a reference page) –all required elements (author, year of publication, title, location and name of publisher) must be included and in the correct order. It is obvious that student has utilized the APA Manual (6th ed.) in preparing his or her posting. | There are a few mistakes (4 to 5) in spelling, punctuation, grammar, choice of words, and/or APA format in posting and/or response. There may be some issues related to incomplete sentences, flow of ideas, or logical sequence to the posting, i.e., may “ramble” on without a clear purpose or exceed the allowed number of paragraphs.
There are several mistakes (6 or more) in spelling, punctuation, grammar, choice of words, and/or APA format in posting and/or response. There are either incomplete sentences, problems with the flow of ideas or logical sequence to the posting, i.e., may “ramble” on without a clear purpose or exceed the allowed number of paragraphs.
Course Calendar | ||||
Week | Start Date | Module | Readings | Assignment Deadline Dates
(may always submit before deadline) |
1 | 1/15/19 |
Mission & Values |
Read Lowney for a sense of the critical importance of a mission and clearly identified values:
· Lowney, C. Heroic leadership: Best practices from a 450-year old company that changed the world. Chicago, Illinois: Loyola Press, 2003. · Lublin, N. (2009). How to write a mission statement that isn’t dumb. · Radtke, J.M. (1998). How to write a mission statement. |
· Introduction by Friday, 1/18/19.
· Posting on two businesses and their mission statements with rationale as to why they are considered exceptional by Sunday, 1/20/19. |
2 | 1/22/19
· Posting on student’s CPPS and mission/values by Wednesday, 1/23/19
· Respond to one classmate providing feedback on his/her mission and values statement by Friday, 1/25/19. |
· After receiving feedback, post Transformational Leadership Inventory to answer the question: “How do my values reflect the four pillars;” also repost revised mission statement. Both due by Monday, 1/28/19
3 | 1/28/19 |
SWOT Analysis |
· MindTools. SWOT analysis: Discover new opportunities, manage and eliminate threats.
· Community Tool Box. (2012). SWOT analysis: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
· Posting of SWOT analysis chart with strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to student’s CPPS; also, must indicate how the CPPS addresses a broader issue in the larger healthcare system by Monday, 2/4/19
· Respond to at least one other classmate with suggestions for how to enhance the identified opportunities and strengths and overcome or mitigate the threats and weaknesses by Friday, 2/8/19
2/4/19 | |||
Change Theory
· Lewin’s Change Management Model
· Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model · Shirey, M. (2013) Lewin’s theory of planned change as a strategic resource. Journal of Nursing Administration, 43, 69-72. |
· Submit Change Theory paper by Sunday, 2/17/19.
6 | 2/19/19
Right-Brain Analysis
· Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2012), 14-51, browse 54-119 for examples of various business models, and 122-145.
U.S. Small Business Administration: · Using technology to stay competitive · Bplans. Family medicine clinic business plan: Park Square Family Medicine.
· Posting of description of how student plans to market his/her CPPS including factors from the right-brain segment of the business model canvas; also identify “What don’t I know that I need to know about the right-brain segment of my CPPS?” Post both by Monday, 2/25/19
· Respond to a classmate’s posting with suggestions for how to improve his/her marketing plan/strategies by Friday, 3/1/19.
7 | 2/25/19 | |||
8 | 3/4/19
Left-Brain Analysis
· Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2012), 170-215.
U.S. Small Business Administration: · Using technology to stay competitive · Bplans. Family medicine clinic business plan: Park Square Family Medicine |
· Post an Excel spreadsheet or a Word table listing the costs of student’s CPPS considering the key activities, key partners, and key resources and identify “What don’t I know about the left-brain segment of my CPPS?” by Friday, 3/8/19.
· Respond to at least one classmate’s posting with suggestions for how to improve the left-brain segment of the business model canvas by Wednesday, 3/20/19.
Between weeks 8 & 9 is Spring Break! 3/11-15/18
10 | 3/25/19 | 6
Interprofessional Collaboration
· Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel. (2011). Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: Report of an expert panel. Washington, D.C.: Interprofessional Education Collaborative.
· Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2012), 216-231. |
· Post summary of feedback obtained from expert consultant with critical analysis of feedback and summary of any evidence from literature supporting or refuting the expert’s advice by Friday, 4/5/19 |
11 | 4/1/19 | |||
12 | 4/8/19
Presenting a Business Plan
· Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2012), 244-273.
NURS 730: Clinical Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation Essay Assignment papers- Gonzaga University Syllabus |
· Present a 10-minute overview of your business model to your assigned small group (potential investors/venture capitalists) using an active Power Point slide presentation (or Prezi or PowToon) by Monday, 4/15/19.
· Provide a critique of at least one of the business models presented by one of your classmates in your small group identifying the strengths and areas that could be clarified or enhanced by Monday, 4/22/19.
13 | 4/15/19
14 | 4/23/19 | · Submit a one-page summary of “How Money Spent” describing how you decided to spend money with rationale addressing the criteria by Friday, 4/26/19.
· Submit a 10-page paper addressing the elements of a business plan for your CPPS by Sunday, 4/28/19.
15 | 4/29/19 | · Prepare a two-paragraph posting indicating how you will evaluate whether you are meeting your mission for your CPPS and whether the leadership attributes you identified in Module 1 will be “lived out” in your business model by Friday, 5/3/19.
16 | 5/6/19 | Course Evaluations | · Submit course evaluation to Zagweb by Friday, 5/10/19. |
Write your business plan
Your business plan is the foundation of your business. Learn how to write a business plan quickly and efficiently with a business plan template.
Business plans help you run your business
A good business plan guides you through each stage of starting and managing your business. You’ll use your business plan as a roadmap for how to structure, run, and grow your new business. It’s a way to think through the key elements of your business.
Business plans can help you get funding or bring on new business partners. Investors want to feel confident they’ll see a return on their investment. Your business plan is the tool you’ll use to convince people that working with you — or investing in your company — is a smart choice. NURS 730: Clinical Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation Essay Assignment papers- Gonzaga University Syllabus.
Pick a business plan format that works for you
There’s no right or wrong way to write a business plan. What’s important is that your plan meets your needs.
Most business plans fall into one of two common categories: traditional or lean startup.
Traditional business plans are more common, use a standard structure, and encourage you to go into detail in each section. They tend to require more work upfront and can be dozens of pages long.
Lean startup business plans are less common but still use a standard structure. They focus on summarizing only the most important points of the key elements of your plan. They can take as little as one hour to make and are typically only one page.

Traditional business plan
This type of plan is very detailed, takes more time to write, and is comprehensive. Lenders and investors commonly request this plan.

Lean startup plan
This type of plan is high-level focus, fast to write, and contains key elements only. Some lenders and investors may ask for more information.
Traditional business plan format
You might prefer a traditional business plan format if you’re very detail oriented, want a comprehensive plan, or plan to request financing from traditional sources.
When you write your business plan, you don’t have to stick to the exact business plan outline. Instead, use the sections that make the most sense for your business and your needs. Traditional business plans use some combination of these nine sections.
Executive summary
Briefly tell your reader what your company is and why it will be successful. Include your mission statement, your product or service, and basic information about your company’s leadership team, employees, and location. You should also include financial information and high-level growth plans if you plan to ask for financing.
Company description
Use your company description to provide detailed information about your company. Go into detail about the problems your business solves. Be specific, and list out the consumers, organization, or businesses your company plans to serve.
Explain the competitive advantages that will make your business a success. Are there experts on your team? Have you found the perfect location for your store? Your company description is the place to boast about your strengths. NURS 730: Clinical Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation Essay Assignment papers- Gonzaga University Syllabus.
Market analysis
You’ll need a good understanding of your industry outlook and target market. Competitive research will show you what other businesses are doing and what their strengths are. In your market research, look for trends and themes. What do successful competitors do? Why does it work? Can you do it better? Now’s the time to answer these questions.
Organization and management
Tell your reader how your company will be structured and who will run it.
Describe the legal structure of your business. State whether you have or intend to incorporate your business as a C or an S corporation, form a general or limited partnership, or if you’re a sole proprietor or LLC.
Use an organizational chart to lay out who’s in charge of what in your company. Show how each person’s unique experience will contribute to the success of your venture. Consider including resumes and CVs of key members of your team.
Service or product line
Describe what you sell or what service you offer. Explain how it benefits your customers and what the product lifecycle looks like. Share your plans for intellectual property, like copyright or patent filings. If you’re doing research and development for your service or product, explain it in detail.
Marketing and sales
There’s no single way to approach a marketing strategy. Your strategy should evolve and change to fit your unique needs.
Your goal in this section is to describe how you’ll attract and retain customers. You’ll also describe how a sale will actually happen. You’ll refer to this section later when you make financial projections, so make sure to thoroughly describe your complete marketing and sales strategies.
Funding request
If you’re asking for funding, this is where you’ll outline your funding requirements. Your goal is to clearly explain how much funding you’ll need over the next five years and what you’ll use it for. NURS 730: Clinical Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation Essay Assignment papers- Gonzaga University Syllabus.
Specify whether you want debt or equity, the terms you’d like applied, and the length of time your request will cover. Give a detailed description of how you’ll use your funds. Specify if you need funds to buy equipment or materials, pay salaries, or cover specific bills until revenue increases. Always include a description of your future strategic financial plans, like paying off debt or selling your business.
Financial projections
Supplement your funding request with financial projections. Your goal is to convince the reader that your business is stable and will be a financial success.
If your business is already established, include income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements for the last three to five years. If you have other collateral you could put against a loan, make sure to list it now.
Provide a prospective financial outlook for the next five years. Include forecasted income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and capital expenditure budgets. For the first year, be even more specific and use quarterly — or even monthly — projections. Make sure to clearly explain your projections, and match them to your funding requests.
This is a great place to use graphs and charts to tell the financial story of your business.
Use your appendix to provide supporting documents or other materials were specially requested. Common items to include are credit histories, resumes, product pictures, letters of reference, licenses, permits, or patents, legal documents, permits, and other contracts.
Example traditional business plans
Before you write your business plan, read these example business plans written by fictional business owners. Rebecca owns a consulting firm, and Andrew owns a toy company. NURS 730: Clinical Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation Essay Assignment papers- Gonzaga University Syllabus.
Example business plans
Before you write your business plan, read these example business plans written by fictional business owners. Rebecca owns a consulting firm, and Andrew owns a toy company.
You might prefer a lean startup format if you want to explain or start your business quickly, your business is relatively simple, or you plan to regularly change and refine your business plan.
Lean startup formats are charts that use only a handful of elements to describe your company’s value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances. They’re useful for visualizing tradeoffs and fundamental facts about your company.
There are many versions of lean startup templates, but one of the oldest and most well known is the Business Model Canvas, developed by Alex Osterwalder. You can search the web to find free templates of the Business Model Canvas, or other versions, to build your business plan.
We’ll discuss the nine components of the Business Model Canvas version here. NURS 730: Clinical Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation Essay Assignment papers- Gonzaga University Syllabus.
Key partnerships
Note the other businesses or services you’ll work with to run your business. Think about suppliers, manufacturers, subcontractors and similar strategic partners.
Key activities
List the ways your business will gain a competitive advantage. Highlight things like selling direct to consumers, or using technology to tap into the sharing economy.
Key resources
List any resource you’ll leverage to create value for your customer. Your most important assets could include staff, capital, or intellectual property. Don’t forget to leverage business resources that might be available to women, veterans, Native Americans, and HUBZone businesses.
Value proposition
Make a clear and compelling statement about the unique value your company brings to the market.
Customer relationships
Describe how customers will interact with your business. Is it automated or personal? In person or online? Think through the customer experience from start to finish.
Customer segments
Be specific when you name your target market. Your business won’t be for everybody, so it’s important to have a clear sense of who your business will serve. NURS 730: Clinical Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation Essay Assignment papers- Gonzaga University Syllabus.
List the most important ways you’ll talk to your customers. Most businesses use a mix of channels and optimize them over time.
Cost structure
Will your company focus on reducing cost or maximizing value? Define your strategy, then list the most significant costs you’ll face pursuing it.
Revenue streams
Explain how your company will actually make money. Some examples are direct sales, memberships fees, and selling advertising space. If your company has multiple revenue streams, list them all.
Example lean business plan
Before you write your business plan, read this example business plan written by a fictional business owner, Andrew, who owns a toy company. NURS 730: Clinical Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation Essay Assignment papers- Gonzaga University Syllabus.