CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University

CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University

Getting Started: Critical Reading and Research

Reflecting on Your Writing: Reading and Research Strategies

Beginning an essay can often be the most difficult portion. However, when separated into small steps, this process becomes well defined and much more manageable. During these first steps, any writing that takes place is likely to be minimal and rough. This is acceptable, as you realize you are in the prewriting stage and that you have more writing and revising ahead of you. CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

For this Discussion, you will reflect on your own approach to reading and how you have (or, perhaps, have not) used a strategy, such as note-taking, underlining, highlighting, etc., in the past to gather and assess the main ideas from a journal article. Based on what you have learned from the week’s Learning Resources, you will share your thoughts and experiences on reading and researching.


To prepare for this Getting Started: Critical Reading and Research Discussion:

  • Review the Learning Resources on arguments and critical reading, and the infographic on Analysis.
  • Reflect on your research process in relation to understanding an author’s argument or main idea.
  • You may reflect on past or current examples of your reading and research process.

By Day 3 of Getting Started: Critical Reading and Research

Post a 1- to 2-paragraph reflection on your reading and research process, describing strategies that you currently use, as well as any strategies that you could use more effectively. (Note: You may choose to reflect specifically on your approach to this Discussion in relation to reading and research.) CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

By Day 5 of Getting Started: Critical Reading and Research

Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts in one or more of the following ways:

  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posts.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Ask a probing question.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posts.

By Day 7 of Getting Started: Critical Reading and Research

Return to this Discussion to read the responses to your initial post.

Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message.

Getting Started: Critical Reading and Research

According to Subramanyam,”The reader should begin by reading the title, abstract and conclusions first. If a decision is made to read the entire article, the key elements of the article can be perused in a systematic manner effectively and efficiently (2013).” A cogent and organized method is presented to read articles published in scientific journals (2013). My reading strategy can be an interesting one because I love to read. Before I start to read a book, I would have a basic idea of what the book is about (highlight and sticky notes). This allows me to ask myself three questions before I start to read. They are: What do I already know? What more do I want to know?, and How can I benefit from the topic? (Index cards)  It is important for me to make sure that I am fully understanding what is being said, so when I come across a particularly difficult part of the text I can stop and think about what I have read. Also, I make sure I keep track of the information and ideas of the text. Reading is a must daily in my household especially the newspaper or a book of choice. CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

First, in research I always start with title and abstract. That tells me whether or not it is an article I am interested in and whether I will actually be able to understand it both scientifically and linguistically. I then read the introduction so that I can understand the question being framed, and jump right to the figures and tables so I can get an understanding of the data. I then read the discussion to get an idea of how the paper fits into the general knowledge. Research should not be done in a linear way (from beginning to end); instead, it should be done strategically and with a critical mindset, questioning your understanding and the findings (Rodriguez, 2015).

Secondly, in research I generally read the abstract and conclusions. The conclusions help me understand if the goal summarized in the abstract has been reached, and if the described work can be of interest for my own study. I also always look at plot and figures, as they help me get a first impression of a paper. Then, I usually read the entire article from beginning to end, going through the sections in the order they appear so that I can follow the flow of work that the authors want to communicate. This works best for me. CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

In conclusion, this section is vital. If someone uses an article as a source, it is best to know the general outcome of the author’s research. It is a good idea to read the different section after it is read especially the abstract, then again after reading the rest of the article. The questions can be asked:  Was it proven wrong?, Right?, or Inconclusive? This is a great way to look at it.


Rodriguez, N. (2015). Infographic: How to read a research paper. Elsevier Connect. Retrieved from

Subramanyam, R.V. (2013). Art of reading a journal article: Methodically and effectively. NCBINational Center for Biotechnology Information Search database (1):65-70. Retrieved from


Reflecting on Your Writing: Paraphrasing and Academic Integrity

As a scholar, knowing how to paraphrase is a critical skill when accurately reflecting a colleague’s ideas. Effective paraphrasing is used to articulate a source’s essential ideas but without directly copying the author’s words or phrases. This week’s Learning Resources will help you develop effective paraphrasing skills and avoid unintentional plagiarism.

For this Discussion, you will reflect on your own writing in relation to paraphrasing and academic integrity. Based on what you have learned from the week’s Learning Resources, you will share your thoughts and experiences on paraphrasing and academic integrity with your colleagues. CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

To prepare for this Discussion

  • Read and Listen to the Learning Resources on paraphrasing and academic integrity.
  • Reflect on your paraphrasing process in relation to academic integrity. You may even choose to consider your approach to this specific assignment in relation to summary and academic integrity.

By Day 3 of Reflecting on Your Writing: Paraphrasing and Academic Integrity

Post a 1- to 2-paragraph reflection on your paraphrasing strategy, including one strength as well as one opportunity for improvement. (Note: You may choose to reflect specifically on how you will apply the effective summary concepts in this week’s Assignment.) Be sure to address any strategies you may have to ensure academic integrity in your writing.

Read 3–5 of your colleagues’ posts.

By Day 5 of Reflecting on Your Writing: Paraphrasing and Academic Integrity

Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts in one or more of the following ways:

  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posts.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Ask a probing question.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posts.

By Day 7 of Reflecting on Your Writing: Paraphrasing and Academic Integrity

Return to this Discussion to read the responses to your initial post.

Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message.

Reflecting on Your Writing: Paraphrasing and Academic Integrity

Reflecting on Your Writing: Paraphrasing and Academic Integrity

 My refection on reflection on my paraphrasing strategy, including one strength as well as one opportunity for improvement, i.e., to reread, rewrite, check and analyze as a strategy, and this alone is a salient strength, in addition to being able to improve on my paraphrasing, such them, (obeying the number one rule in paraphrasing), change the words but –– not the meaning (Laureate Education, 2015). CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

 An important part of the strategy is to use the paraphrased content in a sentence narratively (Walden University Writing Center, 2016), i.e., once again, do not change the meaning of the author such-that; reading and thinking about the purpose, looking away, imaging, writing, and then checking and citing (Walden University Writing Center, 2015) becomes the main process as to exactingly how I paraphrase another’s work.

 In sum, my intention is to use previous research to support my current work, such then, I must at all times attempt to articulate my points in a way that the author’s work and mine are aligned, to show purpose in the content and context, and to open new opportunities for integrity and –– positive social change.


Laureate Education. (2015).[Infographic]. Effective Paraphrasing Strategies, Baltimore, MD: Author.

Walden University Writing Center. (2016).Citations: In-text and parenthetical citations. Retrieved from

Walden University Writing Center. (2015). Paraphrasing sources: Paraphrasing strategies [Video file]. Retrieved from

Assignment: Paraphrasing Main Points

Let’s put your strategy into practice! You have critically read your selected journal article, made notes, and outlined three main points. You will now paraphrase the three main points that you selected from last week’s Assignment. This is a crucial part of the writing process because you are letting your reader know that you understand an author’s ideas. CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the three main ideas you selected from the Week 2 Assignment.
  • Review the Learning Resources related to paraphrase and academic integrity.
  • Review the content of your selected journal article.


The Assignment: Paraphrasing Main Points Assignment:

Paraphrase the three directly-quoted main points of the journal article you selected. Your paraphrases should combine to form 1 paragraph.

Remember that you are writing a first draft, and the important thing is to better understand the focus of each main idea to rewrite in your own words. While you should always strive for the best writing possible, at this stage, do not dwell too much on each word or overly edit your work. We will spend the next few weeks revising.

By Day 7 OF Assignment: Paraphrasing Main Points

Submit your Assignment using the Walden Course Paper template.

Note: Assignments that are submitted without using the Walden Course Paper template will not be reviewed by your Instructor.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK3Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 3 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 3 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK3Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database. CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

Week 3 Discussion SAMPLE

Reflecting on Your Writing: Paraphrasing and Academic Integrity

A paragraph is a group of related sentences that support one main idea. In order to write a good paragraph, a person needs to understand the four essential elements of paragraph writing and how each element contributes to the whole. The four elements essential to good paragraph writing includes unity, order, coherence, and completeness. For me, especially writing anything I need to check grammar and spelling, allow time to read my writing through at least a couple of times, make sure each sentence has a subject (what is your sentence about?), see if the subjects and verbs agree with each other – check for plurals and singulars, check the verb tenses of each sentence – be consistent about when things happen/happened, and ends that I organize the material within a paragraph according to the MEAL plan. CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

According to Duke University’s Thompson Writing Program, “recommends that you organize the material within a paragraph according to the MEAL plan:

  • Main Idea: Your topic sentence stating the concrete claim the paragraph is advancing.
  • Evidence: Paraphrase or direct quotations from the source material you are using to support your topic sentence’s claim.
  • Analysis: Your explanation and evaluation of the evidence; explaining the evidence you provided and its relevance in your own words. CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.
  • Lead Out: Concluding; preparing your reader to transition to the next paragraph (and the next claim).”

The MEAL plan matches the general format of academic writing on many levels: that of assertion, evidence, and explanation (Duke University Thompson Writing Program, (n.d.)).  Many students make the mistake of writing toward a topic sentence or claim, rather than from one; keeping the MEAL plan in mind as you write will help you begin your paragraphs strongly and develop your analysis thoroughly (n.d.).

Academic integrity not only applies to research and the generating of new knowledge, it applies to all aspects of teaching and learning. Class assignments and tests are tools to help students learn; grades show if and how students achieve learning goals.


Duke University Thompson Writing Program. (n.d.). Paragraphing: The MEAL plan. Retrieved from

Walden University Writing Center. (2015). Paraphrasing sources: Paraphrasing strategies [Video file]. Retrieved from

Week 3: First Drafts: Paraphrasing Ideas

Now that you have critically read and selected your article’s main points, you are ready to begin rewriting those main points into your own words; otherwise known as paraphrasing. Remember, you will have the opportunity to practice revision, step-by-step throughout the duration of this course.

This week, you will examine strategies for effective paraphrasing and ensuring academic integrity in your scholarly writing. After reviewing the Learning Resources for this week, you will post a reflection on your own paraphrasing strategies, and share your thoughts and experiences with your colleagues. You will also paraphrase all three main points from last week’s Assignment.

CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University Learning Objectives

Students will:
  • Describe strategies for ensuring academic integrity
  • Describe personal strategy for paraphrasing
  • Apply the principles of effective paraphrasing and academic integrity in the first rewrite of three main ideas

Photo Credit: [DirtyDog_Creative]/[Vetta]/Getty Images

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Walden University Writing Center. (2015i). Walden templates: General templates: APA course paper template (6th ed.). Retrieved from


Note: Please submit all assignments using the abovementioned APA Course Paper Template.

Laureate Education. (2015). [Infographic]. Effective Paraphrasing Strategies, Baltimore, MD: Author.

Walden University Writing Center. (2016). Citations: In-text and parenthetical citations. Retrieved from

Walden University Writing Center. (2016). Common reference list examples. Retrieved from CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University

Walden University Writing Center. (2015h). Using evidence: Incorrect paraphrasing. Retrieved from

Sharkey-Smith, M. (2014, May 27). Patchwork paraphrasing [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Required Media

Walden University Writing Center. (2015). Paraphrasing sources video playlist [Video files]. Retrieved from


Note: View the entire playlist of videos on this web page. The approximate combined length is 5 minutes.

Walden University Writing Center. (2015). Paraphrasing sources: Paraphrasing strategies [Video file]. Retrieved from


Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 5 minutes.

Walden University Writing Center. (2015). Paraphrasing sources: Paraphrasing examples [Video file]. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 3 minutes.

Revising Your Writing: Structure and Transitions

Structure refers to how you begin and conclude a paragraph, whereas transitions are the subtle ways you guide the reader, compare, and connect ideas. These concepts are represented in the “M” and “L” (main idea and lead-out) sections of the MEAL plan for paragraphs. They are also necessary in scholarly writing to ensure your reader’s engagement and interest. CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

This week’s Learning Resources provide a useful framework for better understanding ways to use structure and transitions in your writing to create flow between paragraphs and overall cohesion for your essay.

For this Discussion, you will reflect on your own writing in relation to creating structured, well-connected paragraphs. Based on what you have learned from the week’s Resources, you will share your thoughts and experiences on structure and transitions.

To prepare for this Revising Your Writing: Structure and Transitions Discussion:

  • Review the Learning Resources on transitions, paragraph development, and the MEAL plan.
  • Reflect on your writing process in relation to structure and transitions.

By Day 3 OF Revising Your Writing: Structure and Transitions

Post a 1- to 2- paragraph reflection on your skills in using structure and transitions to create a sense of flow in an essay. Include any phrases, words, or sentences that you have used in the past. (Note: You may choose to reflect specifically on how you will apply strategies for structure and transitions in this week’s Assignment.) CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

Read 3–5 of your colleagues’ posts.

By Day 5 OF Revising Your Writing: Structure and Transitions

Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts in one or more of the following ways:

  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posts.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Ask a probing question.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posts.

By Day 7 OF Revising Your Writing: Structure and Transitions

Return to this Discussion to read the responses to your initial post.

Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message.

Revising Your Writing: Structure and Transitions

CAEX 6060: Week 4 Discussion

Posta 1-2 paragraph reflection on your skills in using structure and transitions to create a sense of flow in an essay. Include any phrases, words, or sentences that you have used in the past.

When determining the flow of my papers, I always refer to my literature review matrix to group like-minded quotes together. This helps to determine what I will talk about in my essay and where everything fits best. I also try to start with sentences that relate to the topic and provide background information on what I will be writing about to give readers an idea of the main points. The background normally does not contain many direct quotes and focuses on describing what will be discussed. When I begin to transition from the background information into the body of my paper, I always find ways to relate the last sentence to my next paragraph. I spend time grouping similar quotes together so the transitions can be easier. I also use words and phrases such as: in addition, also, another, and as mentioned. Skarbakka (2013) provides an overview on ways to transition such as avoiding stating the obvious, eliminating chances of repeat information, and ensuring that transitions make sense. Following these guidelines can help write an effective paper that enhances previous studies and provides insight on new evidence. CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

Revising Your Writing: Structure and Transitions References

Skarbakka, K. (2013, January 10). Steer your reader right with effective transitions [Blog post]. Retrieved from


Reflecting on Your Writing: Instructor Feedback

As a scholar and part of the intellectual community, you will want to understand ways to integrate feedback to be able to join a larger conversation. A significant part of scholarly writing is revising based on your colleagues’ feedback, and now that you have a substantial amount of writing; it is time to reflect on the ways you have incorporated your Instructor’s feedback.

This week’s Learning Resources will help you examine rhetorical strategies for placing yourself in the scholarly conversation, such as using the personal pronoun, “I.” For this Discussion, you will reflect on how your voice fits into the scholarly conversation—beginning with the conversation between your Instructor and yourself. This initial Discussion is part of a continual conversation during the remainder of this course as your Instructor and yourself revise, review, and reflect on your writing. CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the Learning Resources on audience and sentence structure.
  • Reflect on your ways you have incorporated your Instructor’s feedback and your part in the scholarly conversation. You may even choose to consider how you approached this specific Assignment in relation to scholarly voice and transitions.


By Day 3 of Reflecting on Your Writing: Instructor Feedback

Post a 1- to 2-paragraph reflection on your use of your Instructor’s feedback throughout the past few weeks of this course and your participation in the scholarly conversation. (Note: You may choose to reflect specifically on how you will apply scholarly voice concepts in this week’s Assignment.)

Read 3–5 of your colleagues’ posts.

By Day 5 of Reflecting on Your Writing: Instructor Feedback

Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts in one or more of the following ways:

  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posts.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Ask a probing question.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posts.

By Day 7 of Reflecting on Your Writing: Instructor Feedback

Return to this Discussion to read the responses to your initial post.

Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message.

Reflecting on Your Writing: Instructor Feedback

During the last four weeks, I have noticed I am improving on my critical thinking skills when reading each student’s discussion postings and Dr. Ray’s replies and input in these postings.  I especially see a boost in recognizing my aptitude to contemplate wordings and thoughts by confirming I am understanding these accurately.  The importance of this practice is to agree with the writer that I comprehend the correct depiction of what the author is conveying (Robbins, 2016).  Pondering helps the reader to expand on her proficiencies and reevaluate its value, instead of merely continue completing tasks the same way as in the past.  The process of reflection is the aptitude to think about one’s deeds as to participate in a manner of uninterrupted CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University Studies illustrate that a blend of student self-reflection and review from colleagues is complementing the outcome in more meaningful learning.  I see the benefit of connecting with a group as the friendship between all of us is already comfortable and casual.  I value challenging feedback from my peers and Dr. Ray as my critical thinking can only improve.  I am benefiting from receiving positive feedback because my contribution to the class makes me feel more confident.  I welcome adverse critique as well, as I learn another person’s view of what is argued.   Whether criticism is positive or negative, I am inspired to give more of what I can contribute (Robbins, 2016).

My goal in the next four weeks is to learn how to make a distinction in my academic writing voice amid my views and wordings and those of other writers.  It is vital that I learn to use my voice when writing my dissertation discovering (MacPhail, 2014).  We should not only present thoughts, evidence, and suppositions but we also have an idea of belief or position.  It is about our uniqueness and that we are brave to convey it.


MacPhail, T. (2014).  The art and science of finding your voice.  Retrieved from

Robbins, S. (2016). Finding your voice as an academic writer (and writing clearly), Journal of Social Work Education, 52(2), 133-135, doi:10.1080/10437797.2016.1151267

Assignment: Adding Your Evaluation

How does your voice fit in the scholarly conversation? How can you revise and align your opinions to participate with the intellectual discussion of your fellow scholar-practitioners? CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

With the principles outlined in the Learning Resources in mind, it is time to join the conversation by adding your own evaluation to the paragraphs you wrote in Week 4.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the Learning Resources on audience, sentence structure, evaluation, and analysis.
  • Review the content of your selected journal article.

The Assignment:

Revise the three paragraphs from the Week 4 Assignment, adding your own evaluation of the article’s main points. In the MEAL plan, this portion is referred to as the A section, or analysis, and is often the most difficult portion to include.

Add 1–2 sentences to each paragraph, detailing your evaluation of each main point.

By Day 7 of Assignment: Adding Your Evaluation

Submit your Assignment using the Walden Course Paper template. Your submission should be 3 paragraphs long.

Note: Assignments that are submitted without using the Walden Course Paper template will not be reviewed by your Instructor.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK5Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 5 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 5 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK5Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database. CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

Assignment: Adding Your Evaluation

Week 5 Reflecting on Your Writing: Instructor Feedback

Hi Mariana,  as you are, I am interested in why the writing and reading skills of present student generation have declined.

A decreasing composing proficiency is a growing matter for all immersed in high school and college learning.  Many beliefs that quality of scholar writing may be because of further inferior to any other time while others doubt whether a “golden age” of scholastic perfection genuinely ever was present (Carter and Harper, 2013).  Sadly, a large number of empirical research results directed in recent years have given adequate proof that the individuals who trust that composition keeps on declining are to be accurate.  Furthermore, there is proof that writings from students are deteriorating.  One current analysis of alumni was writing aptitude utilizing “the SAT II Writing Test, Part B,”  confirm a descending pattern, uncovering that alumna learners do show better proficiency when compared to a typical student in secondary school (Singleton, 2009).

Students should get explanations of why their writing is inaccurate and shown how it can be revised and enhanced (Carter & Harper, 2013).  Though advanced learning establishments keep on managing cuts and the execution of traditional estimations, managers and teachers can and should emphasize more on reading and writing prerequisites in the educational modules and the courses Fahimi and Rahimi, 2015).  Progressive first-year writing classes will give the students a basis.  However, the educational institutes should proceed all through the student’s academic time.  Research shows that increased expectancies for writing and reading competence (Kellogg and Rauelson, 2007).

Indications of basic reasoning and academic study skills is emerging in many research studies.  It is construed that students benefit from these skills and how well they handle their education.  These obstacles frequently arise because undergraduates and graduates are from various instructive societies and academic disciplines, and accordingly, classes will, in general, include students with blended interest, different levels of English language, academic research and, know-how in writing proficiencies.  Further, students too may differ in their capacities to think basically and work autonomously (Brooke, 2018). CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

It is conceivable to see critical contrasts in student’s capacities to write and study our language in every schoolroom.  One reason for changing language levels is because of various  scholarly proficiencies: a few students are prepared to write academic papers more than others; some are more self-governing that others (Balderas and Cuamatzi, 2018); and some have progressively demanding courses to manage, making it difficult for them to handle time management (Babcock and Marks, 2010).  Babcock and Marks, 2010, states that 1961 undergraduates typically spent 24 hours each week on homework, while in 2003 students allowed merely 14 hours per week.

Training and education are vital to how countries will manage later on.  Academic progress and success must be to give the younger generations the essential information and abilities, and the propensities for realizing, that empower them to learn continually for the duration of their lives.  The focus is on the difficulties in accommodating assorted variety (Kellogg and Rauelson III, 2007).


Babcock, P. & Marks, M. (2010). Leisure College, USA: The decline in student study time, Education, Outlook No. 7. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public

Policy Research. In, Carter, M., & Harper, H. (2013). Student writing: Strategies to reverse ongoing decline. Acad. Quest, 26, 285-295

Balderas, I., & Cuamatzi, P. (2018). Self and peer correction to improve college students’ writing skills. PROFILE: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 20(2), 179-194, doi:

10.15446/profile.v20n2.67095.  Available at: https://eds-a-ebscohost-

Brooke, M. (2018). Content and language integrated learning for first and second-year university students – Aspirations, challenges, and solutions.Theory and Practice in Language

Studies, 8(7), 778-784, doi:10.17507/tpls.0807.08. Available at:

Carter, M., & Harper, H. (2013). Student writing: Strategies to reverse ongoing decline. Acad. Quest, 26, 285-295, doi: 10.1007/s12129-013-9377-0. Available at: https://eds-b- ebsc

Fahimi, Z., & Rahimi, A. (2015). On the impact of self-assessment practice on writing skill. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences,192, 730-736. sbspro.2015.06.082. In Balderas, I., & Cuamatzi, P. (2018). Self and peer correction to improve college students’ writing skills. PROFILE: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 20(2), 179-194

Jill Singleton-Jackson, D. Barry Lumsden, and Ron Newsom, “Johnny Still Can’t Write, even if He Goes to College: A Study of Writing Proficiency in Higher Education Graduate

Students,” Current Issues in Education 12, no.1 (2009): 1–39. Available at: https://eds-b-ebscohost-com.ezp.waldenulibra

Reflecting on Your Writing: Flow and Cohesion

Flow and cohesion are abstract terms that many people, including both Instructors and students, interpret differently. In this week’s Assignment, you are to think about flow and cohesion as guiding your reader through your essay. Cohesion binds your paragraphs, linking them together so your reader can understand why one idea comes before the next. Flow is what transitions and guides your reader form one paragraph to the next. CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

This week’s Learning Resources will help you examine your work for flow and cohesion. For this Discussion, you will reflect on your own writing in relation to flow and cohesion. Based on what you have learned from the week’s resources, you will share your thoughts and experiences on revising for flow and cohesion. You may also choose to reflect on your practice of responding to feedback.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the Learning Resources on flow and cohesion.
  • Review the Learning Resources on responding to feedback, including the infographic.
  • Review your Self-Assessment from Week 1.
  • Reflect on your writing process in relation to flow and cohesion. You may even choose to consider how you approached this specific Assignment in relation to flow and cohesion.
  • Reflect on your progress so far, based on your Self-Assessment from Week 1.

By Day 3

Post a 1- to 2-paragraph reflection on your use of flow and cohesion in your scholarly writing. (Note: You may choose to reflect specifically on how you will apply concepts in this week’s Assignment.) You may also choose to post a reflection on any changes in your writing process since Week 1. v.

Read 3–5 of your colleagues’ posts.

By Day 5

Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts in one or more of the following ways:

  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posts.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Ask a probing question.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posts.

By Day 7

Return to this Discussion to read the responses to your initial post.

Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message.

Reflecting on Your Writing: Flow and Cohesion

Cohesion is an essential part of scholastic writing since it directly shapes the characteristics of my writing.  A unified sentence bond together, and it needs to have cohesion: the ability to stand alone as an independent sentence.  At the same time, it must flow with the sentences surrounding it (Daniel and Eley, 2018).  A cohesive sentence conveys concepts and connections to the readers, such as when raindrops fall on my newly waxed car. The water drops try to bond as one.  Another example is group cohesion where individuals are united such as when I join an association and become a member among many.  Favart, Potocki, Broc, Quemart, Bernicot, and Olive. (2016), provide a description of three traits of group cohesion.  (1) Interpersonal attraction, where group participants have a desire to intermingle or network with each other.  Members relish this relation and look for this characteristic.  (2) Group pride, where members associate sees their participation to a particular grouping with liking.  (3) The member is committed to the function of the group.  Here, members of the group place importance to the objectives of the group.  The followers want to operate together to accomplish undertakings that line up with these purposes even when it is difficult.  An example of group cohesion is when I used to play soccer and, I joined a team where we bonded very tight to achieve a goal – winning the game. CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

I will make sure my writing is coherent so that the reader can connect across paragraphs and sentences.  Example of this skill is to bring the last words in one paragraph to emerge in the first part of the next.  This way, the reader will experience flow in the writings.

I found a great model called WEED where

W stands for What – the first sentence in the paragraph should make it clear what subject I am covering – the topic sentence.

E is for Evidence – I need to support my views with quality research, and then reference it.

E is for Example – I should consider whether I need to provide examples to illustrate my subject

D is for Do – Summation or stating the implications of my evidence such as why the theme supports my argument.  This summation is essential if I am asked to analyze anyone’s writings (Williams and Bizup, 2014). CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

Dr. Young Mind (2015) gives us a great list of cohesive words and phrases to help us get more comfortable with cohesively bridging paragraphs.

“1. Additive words: also, and, as well as, at the same time as, besides, equally important,

further, furthermore, also, likewise, moreover, too, not only… but also.

2. Amplification words:  for example, for instance, in fact, specifically, that is, to illustrate

3. Repetitive words: again, in other words, that is, to repeat

4. Contrast words: but, conversely, despite, even though, however, in contrast, notwithstanding, on the one hand, on the other hand, still, although, though, whereas, yet, nevertheless, on the contrary, in spite of this

5. Cause and effect words: accordingly, as a result, because, consequently, for this reason, since, as, so, then, therefore, thus

6. Qualifying words: although, if, even, therefore, unless

7. Example: for example, for instance

8. Emphasizing words: Above all, more/most importantly

9. Reason words: for this reason, owing to this, therefore

10. Order words: afterward, at the same time, before, firstly/secondly, formerly, lastly, finally,

later, meanwhile, next, now, presently, today/yesterday/last week/next year, subsequently, then,

until, ultimately, while, historically, in the end, eventually

11. Explanation: in other words, that is to say

12. Attitude: naturally, of course, certainly, strangely enough, surprisingly, fortunately,

unfortunately, admittedly, undoubtedly

13: summary Finally, in conclusion, in short, to summarize.”


Daniel, S., & Eley, C. (2018). Improving cohesion in or writing: Findings from an identity text workshop with resettled refugee teens. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 61(4), 421-432, doi: 10.1002/juaal.700. Available at:

Favart, M., Potocki, A, Broc, L., Quemart, P., Bernicot, J., & Olive, T. (2016). The management of cohesion in written narratives in students with specific language impairment: Difference between childhood and adolescence. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 59, 318-327, doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2016.09.009. Available at:

Mind, Y. (2015). Coherence and cohesion [ONLINE]. Available at:

Williams, J., & Bizup, J. (2014). Style: the basics of clarity and grace, (5th ed.).  New York, New York: Pearson Education CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University

Assignment: Responding to Feedback

By now, you have received multiple weeks of feedback from your Instructor. Are you consistently and thoughtfully addressing their feedback in your revisions? Please do so, as feedback is intended to be considered and appropriately addressed. In addition, you will want to review your work for further revisions, ensuring your writing is clear and precise.

For this Assignment, you will review the Learning Resources on feedback, and flow and cohesion. With the principles outlined in the Learning Resources in mind, you will further revise your paragraph from the Week 5 Assignment.


To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the Learning Resources on feedback, and flow and cohesion.
  • Review feedback obtained from your Instructor (weekly assignments) and from colleagues (Discussion posts). You may wish to make a list of topics that your Instructor has raised in their feedback to you over the previous weeks, and construct a reference file for use in your future revisions.

The Assignment:

Revise the three paragraphs from the Week 5 Assignment, addressing relevant feedback from your Instructor. You may also add new content to your paragraphs. However, you should not use any other sources beyond your chosen article.

By Day 7 OF Assignment: Responding to Feedback

Submit your Assignment using the Walden Course Paper template.

Note: Assignments that are submitted without using the Walden Course Paper template will not be reviewed by your Instructor. CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK6Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 6 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 6 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK6Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

Week 6 Discussion SAMPLE

Reflecting on Your Writing: Flow and Cohesion

Hi L,

Seeing how the writing arguments invigorate the readers relies upon how cohesion and flow are presented in the writings.  Thus, it is vital the authors can recognize who the readers are, and what message the authors want to illustrate.  In light of this, the author should present the study outcome by such means that is easily understood by the intended readers.  The content should demonstrate a rational consistency where the information flows and interconnect all through the article   (Walden University, 2018).

In the least complex terms, cohesion is the way toward connecting sentences all through a selection of semantic bonds.  Cohesive writing is prose that is well-defined and straightforward.   All thoughts are presented in an organized way and integrated coherently (Crossley, and McNamara, 2016).  When composing is strong, each component is associated, permitting concepts to flow sensibly.  It should feel natural to read the article, while all information is flowing smoothly from one piece to the next.   A standout amongst other methods for guaranteeing cohesion is to intentionally begin each paragraph or sentence with info that builds up a framework for what the next text will be.  Composing along these suggestions keeps any perplexity on the reader’s part, guaranteeing they understand all the related subtleties expected to fathom the following dialog (Lin, and  Xin, 2016).  Utilizing similar sentence makeup with similar catchwords is an effective method used to underscore thoughts.  Two essential approaches accomplish this is replicating a similar sentence formation and catchphrase pattern in consecutive sentences.  An alternative means is recapping a similar sentence makeup and keyword combinations in distinct sections.  This similarity emphasizes the comparable sentence exemplars, setting up the connection between them in the meantime (Mahlboob, 2014).

“What happens when the author begins a sentence with new information?”  The reader forms another thought with no unique perspective.  The reader may attempt (mistakenly) to interface this info to the preceding sentence.  This situation generates perplexity as it needs cohesion.

The reader then needs to review his interpretation which slows down the reading process. Starting sentences with old info makes authoring cohesive.  It enables the writer to emphasize additional and vital material at the end of the sentence, as a reader usually emphasize the viewpoints when reading at the end of a paragraph or sentence (Lin, and  Xin, 2016).


Crossley, S., & McNamara, S. (2016). Say more and be more coherent: How text elaboration and cohesion can increase writing quality. Journal of Writing Research, 7(3), 351-370.

Available at:

Lin, J., & Xin, X. (2016). Effect alignment on text cohesion in the continual task. English Language Teaching, 9(1), 133-141. Available at:

Mahlboob, A. (2014Understanding and providing ‘cohesive’ and ‘coherent’ feedback and writing.  Writing & Pedagogy, 7(2/3), 355-376, doi: 10.1558/wap.v7i2-3.26461. Available


Walden University Writing Center (Producer).  (2018). Cohesion and flow: Bringing your paper together [Webinar]. Available at:

Reflecting on Your Writing: Proofreading

Proofreading and ensuring correct grammar and punctuation is an important final step before completing any scholarly writing assignment. Be sure to allot the necessary time for this step when planning the timeline for this and future assignments.

This week’s Learning Resources will help you better understand the proofreading tools available to you so that you can submit a strong final draft. For this Discussion, you will reflect on your own writing in relation to final proofreading. Based on what you have learned from the week’s Resources, you will share your thoughts and experiences on proofreading. You may also choose to reflect on any grammar- or punctuation-related strategies you have used in the past or are currently using. CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

To prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources on proofreading.
  • Review the Learning Resources on grammar and punctuation.
  • Reflect on your writing process in relation to proofreading. You may even choose to consider how you approached this specific assignment in relation to proofreading, grammar, and/or punctuation.

By Day 3 OF Reflecting on Your Writing: Proofreading

Post a 1- to 2-paragraph reflection on your use of proofreading. (Note: You may choose to reflect specifically on how you will apply concepts of proofreading in this week’s Assignment.) In addition, identify any grammar-related issues in your writing and ways you have addressed them in this course.

Finally, post your Final Plan and Course of Action timeline for your colleagues to review. Your Final Plan and Course of Action consists of 1–2 sentences where you outline your plan for finishing your essay, including the exact sentence, “I will submit the final draft of my evaluative essay for CAEX 6060/6061: Graduate Writing II by XX/XX/20XX.” You may also add the phrase, “I will complete final proofreading, editing, and revision of my evaluative essay by XX/XX/20XX.” Be sure to fill in the date that you will complete your revision and submit your final draft!

Read 3–5 of your colleagues’ posts.

By Day 5 OF Reflecting on Your Writing: Proofreading

Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts in one or more of the following ways:

  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posts.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Ask a probing question.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posts.

By Day 7 OF Reflecting on Your Writing: Proofreading

Return to this Discussion to read the responses to your initial post.

Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message.

Reflecting on Your Writing: Proofreading

Proofreading a content depends on stored understanding, linguistic procession, and attention to resources.  Editing written documents are further taxing that becomes a challenge to understand what the author attempt to convey to his readers (Shafto, 2015).   Before the author starts proofreading his writings, he should make sure he first revises the broader aspects of the transcript, should the author still chip away at emphasis, design, and advancement of the entire writing or segments.  From the remarks of his instructor or university writing center on previous writings, he should create a rundown of errors he needs to look for (Hyatt, Bienenstock, and Tilan, 2017).

During the proofreading process, the author should not work from the computer screen, but rather from a printout.  Likewise, he catches different issues that he cannot grasp when scrutinizing in silence.  By reading the text backward, sentence by sentence, the reader can focus only on the words and phrases without paying attention to the context or content (Walden University, 2018).

Walden University academic guides provide the following tips for proofreading:  The reader should set aside the document for a few hours before proofreading, allowing the reader to see the paper once again.  Another suggestion is not to rely exclusively on grammar and spell checkers but make use of printed dictionaries.  One technique that keeps the writer from skipping ahead of possible mistakes is to make use of a ruler or a sheet of paper to conceal the lines underneath.  Another tip is to edit a specific type of mistake such as if commas is a frequent problem, continue to check for just that one problem. Then follow up with the next most frequent problem (Hyatt, Bienenstock, and Tilan, 2017).

Lastly, proofreading is not just about errors.  Maybe the reader needs to polish the sentences, making them smooth, interesting and clear.  The writer should look for long sentences as these can be not as much well-defined than briefer, more straightforward phrases. Often long sentences can be divided into two sentences.  The author should pay attention to the rhythm of the text, and look for arbitrary phrases, repetition, and awkward spots.  Walden University Writing Center (2018) provides students with a proofreading checklist bookmark.  I printed this and will make frequent use of this. CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

Grammar-related difficulty

One of the grammar-related challenges I identified at the beginning of this course, was transitions between paragraphs.  I have learned to reread my writings more than once.  This action is one way to catch any sections that appear to jump from one topic to another with no linking sentences.  If I find any paragraphs that are not connected, I mark these and rewrite the sentence to connect with the next section.  As an author of a well-structured paper, I should stay away from using excess transition words because the writing may appear as too stiff and artificial.

Action plan for completing the final essay.

“I will submit the final draft of my evaluative paper for CAEX 6060/6061: Graduate Writing II by 01/15/2019, and I will complete final proofreading, editing, and revision of my evaluative essay by 01/15/2019.”  Before I reach this goal, I will reflect on supporting info and include essay details by bringing in the evidence that I may use to convince my readers.  As the essay advances, I may split the paragraphs into several ones, supporting one topic.  This method should be repeated for each section to explain the facts fully. CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

Next step involves how a writer will conclude his essay.  The concluding paragraph of the article should tie together all his ideas and topics to draw a logical conclusion from the evidence discussed.  Following this step is the reference section, where I verify that the references are lined up in alphabetic order and that the body contains all references.

Reflecting on Your Writing: Proofreading References

Hyatt, J., Bienenstock, E., & Tilan, J. (2017).  A student guide to proofreading and writing in science. Advances in Physiology Education, 41(3), 324-331, doi: 10.1152/advan.00004.2017.  Available at: https://eds-b-ebscohost-

Shafto, M. (2015). Proofreading in young and older adults: The effect of error category and comprehension difficulty. International Journal of Environment. Res Public Health, 12(11), 14445-14460. Available at: https://eds-b-

Sing, V., & Mayer, P. (2014). Scientific writing: Strategies and tools for students and advisors. Biochem Mol Biol Education, 42, 405-413, doi: 10.1002/bmb.20815. Available at:

Walden University Writing Center (2018).  Writing a Paper: Proofreading. Available at: CAEX 6060 /6061 & CAEX 6150/6151: Grad Writing Essay Assignment Sample Papers Walden University.

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