NUR 513- Introduction to Advanced Registered Nursing

NUR 513- Introduction to Advanced Registered Nursing

Week #5 DQ 2 Choose one nursing theorist and discuss how you would apply a selected theoretical model to your practice setting. How would this <a href=”nur518-nursing-theory-plan-of-care/”>model affect EBP</a> in your practice setting? Patricia Brenner is a theorist that proposed that there are 5 stages of nursing excellence. Benner introduced the concept that expert nurses develop skills and understanding of patient care over time through a sound educational base as well as a multitude of experiences. The focus of education and actual hands on skills guide the nurse through a path from “novice” to “expert”. “[Benner] further explains that the development of knowledge in applied disciplines such as medicine and nursing is composed of the extension of practical knowledge (know how) through research and the characterization and understanding of the “know how” of clinical experience (“”, 2010) . I have been employed in both teaching facilities/hospitals and now as an educator of Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN……..</p>
<h3>NUR 513 Week #2 DQ 2</h3>
<p>Identify and discuss the key components of theory analysis, theory synthesis, and theory derivation. Since the science of nursing relies on continuous research and advancement in the field of medicine in order to better meet the needs of our patients it is important to understand the theories as they exist. When discussing the formula involved in constructing nursing theories/models there are three core approaches that can be utilized. One may choose to formulate their own nursing theory by means of theory derivation, theory synthesis or theory analysis. Walker and Avant (2011) characterize derivation as a concept based on an analogy or metaphor, in which the idea can be transposed to another field of study. Derivation is a technique that is useful when ideas have evolved since the original concept analysis of a theory. This allows the researcher and the student alike to utilize the original theory as a foundation to build off of with new technology, information or voc</p>
<h3><span id=”t1_1″ class=”t s1_1 f0″>NUR 513 Week #3 </span> <span id=”t2_1″ class=”t s1_1 f0″>DQ </span> <span id=”t3_1″ class=”t s1_1 f0″>#1</span></h3>
<p><span id=”t4_1″ class=”t s2_1 f0″>What nursing theory or theorist is used in your place of employment, if you don’t </span> <span id=”t5_1″ class=”t s2_1 f0″>use one which one should be used? Why?</span> <span id=”t6_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>My profession includes the instruction of future licensed practical nurses. I believe a </span> <span id=”t7_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>theory that could be used in this type of environment would be Jean Watson’s 10 Carative </span> <span id=”t8_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>Factors. McCance, McKenna and Boore (1999), summarized Watson’s theory based on her </span> <span id=”t9_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>view of</span> <span id=”ta_1″ class=”t s4_1 f0″> “nursing as a human science, with the major focus being the process of human care for </span> <span id=”tb_1″ class=”t s4_1 f0″>individuals, families and groups”.</span> <span id=”tc_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″><a href=”nursing-theory-plan-of-care-theory-selection-nur-513/”>Jean Watson</a> sought to demonstrate that varying levels of </span> <span id=”td_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>caring could provide a more positive atmosphere to encourage optimal health. </span> <span id=”te_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>Jean Watson’s </span> <span id=”tf_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>theory also supports that “caring is central to nursing”. </span> <span id=”tg_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>Watson also hypothesized that caring </span> <span id=”th_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>can promote growth, that a caring environment offers the development of potential, and that </span> <span id=”ti_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>caring also can also promote better health than ju………..</span></p>
<h3>NUR 513 Week 3: DQ #2</h3>
<p>What is the difference between theory-guided practice and evidence-based practice? Provide an example of one of them used in your area of nursing practice. Evidence based practice (EBP) has more recently been the gold standard for nursing care, treatment, and interventions. Walker and Avant (2011) cited the definition of EBP per Eisenberg (1998) as the “[method] that draws on the findings of research to provide information to improve patient care for each individual, while at the same time challenging researchers to address the questions for which clinicians and patients most urgently need information”. EBP as a method of research tends to investigate and challenge hypothesis through trial and error studies to find the most effective practical solutions that can then be translated into actual practice in the patient care environments (TGP). TGP is a more generalized method of nursing evolution that addresses issues in the broadest of sen……</p>
<h3>NUR 513 Week #4 DQ #1</h3>
<p>What are the tenets of the metaparadigm as defined by Nightingale, Orem, Roy, and Watson? How does each theorist differ from the others? Who do you relate to the most? The tenets of metaparadigm have been classified into four categories. These four categories have been defined as nursing, person, environment and health. With the evolution of nursing theory there have been many theorists who utilize these metaparadigms as the framework for their theory/model. Although the commonality between many theorists is this framework of metaparadigms, each theorist differs in how they define each tenent of the metaparadigm. According to Nightingale, a person is viewed as a patient. Furthermore, Nightingale referenced nursing as the care or tasks that are implemented on behalf of the patient and for the patient. In relation to the environment, Nightingale stressed the importance of the environment in guiding the patient to recov……………</p>
<h4><span id=”t1_1″ class=”t s1_1 f0″>NUR 513: </span> <span id=”t2_1″ class=”t s1_1 f0″>Week 4 DQ #2</span></h4>
<p><span id=”t3_1″ class=”t s2_1 f0″>What three main factors do you feel influenced the nurse theorist’s definitions </span> <span id=”t4_1″ class=”t s2_1 f0″>and descriptions of the components of the metaparadigm in their respective </span> <span id=”t5_1″ class=”t s2_1 f0″>models? Explain. </span> <span id=”t6_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>In order for nursing theory to evolve it is imperative that it involves education, research, </span> <span id=”t7_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>and actual functional characteristics in the practical field. </span> <span id=”t8_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>In order for a nursing theorist to </span> <span id=”t9_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>completely explain their theory/model it must fully be researched to find supportive information </span> <span id=”ta_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>and then tested to verify the validity of the proposed theory. </span> <span id=”tb_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>When discussing the </span> <span id=”tc_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>metaparadigm of nursing, it is important to know the four main factors that are the framework of </span> <span id=”td_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>the metaparadigm. </span> <span id=”te_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>These four factors include the person, environment, nursing, and health.</span> <span id=”tf_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>Most nursing theorist formed their own theories/models based on this framework. </span> <span id=”tg_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>They </span> <span id=”th_1″ class=”t s3_1 f0″>may have had slightly different definitions tha…………..</span></p>
<h4>Analysis of a Nursing Conceptual Model Presentation: Overview</h4>
<p><span id=”t1_2″ class=”t s1_2 f0″>Dorothea Orem’s theory of Self Care Nursing had several related parts, the theory of self-</span> <span id=”t2_2″ class=”t s1_2 f0″>care, the theory of self-care deficit and the theory of the nursing system. </span> <span id=”t3_2″ class=”t s1_2 f0″>The first part is the </span> <span id=”t4_2″ class=”t s1_2 f0″>practice of activities that an individual initiates and performs on their behalf in maintaining a </span> <span id=”t5_2″ class=”t s1_2 f0″>wellbeing, life and health. It is associated with the life process of maintenance of the integrity of </span> <span id=”t6_2″ class=”t s1_2 f0″>human structure and functioning. This is essential in all teaching in health care. We want to </span> <span id=”t7_2″ class=”t s1_2 f0″>promote our patients caring for themselves so they can be at the highest level of functioning for </span> <span id=”t8_2″ class=”t s1_2 f0″>them. The second part with self-care deficit specifies when nursing is need. This is when the </span> <span id=”t9_2″ class=”t s1_2 f0″>patient is incapable or limited to the provisions of continuous self-care. This is where all our </span> <span id=”ta_2″ class=”t s1_2 f0″>nursing skills come into play. It is also a teaching opportunity, we can teach

NUR 513- Introduction to Advanced Registered Nursing

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