Strengths of a Nurse Practitioner Essay Assignment
Practicum Assignment 1: Self-Assessment of Clinical Skills
Strengths of a Nurse Practitioner Question description
A self-assessment is an opportunity for you to review what you have learned in the nurse practitioner program, evaluate your clinical skills, and develop goals before exiting the NP program. For this assignment, you will complete the Risk Control Self-Assessment Checklist for Nurse Practitioners and identify your areas of strength and weakness. You also will explain how you plan to improve on these weaknesses, as well as how you plan to master clinical skills you have not obtained prior to exiting NP program. Strengths of a Nurse Practitioner Essay Assignment.
To prepare for Strengths of a Nurse Practitioner:
Complete the Risk Control Self-Assessment Checklist for Nurse Practitioners
Consider your strengths and weaknesses
Review types of patients treated and clinical procedures performed
To Complete
Write a 2 page paper that addresses the following:
Identify at least three strengths as a nurse practitioner
Explain why you consider these strengths and what you can do to maintain them in your practice
Identify at least three weaknesses as a nurse practitioner
Explain how you plan to address each weakness Strengths of a Nurse Practitioner Essay Assignment
Examine at least three clinical skills you need to obtain prior to exiting Nurse practitioner program
Explain how you plan to master the clinical skills before exiting NP program
Analyze the history of advanced practice nurses and the emerging role of your specialty area, and discuss what contributions you plan to make to advance the nursing profession
Strengths of a Nurse Practitioner References
Buppert, C. (2015). What is a nurse practitioner? In Nurse practitioner’s business practice and legal guide (5th ed.) (1-16, 33). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
CNA, & Nurses Service Organization (2012). Risk control self-assessment checklist for nurse practitioners. Retrieved from
Ford, L. C. (2015). Reflections on fifty years of change. FAANP Forum, 6(1), 2-3. Retrieved from
Hamric, A. B., Hanson, C. M., Tracy, M. F., & O’Grady, E. T. (2014). International development of advanced practice nursing. In Advanced practice nursing: An integrative approach(5th ed.) (133-143). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders.
Kooienga, S.A. & Carryer, J.B. (2015). Globalization and advancing primary care health care nurse practitioner practice. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 11(8), 804–811. doi:10.1016/j.nurpra.2015.06.012
Naylor, M. D., & Kurtzman, E. T. (2010). The role of nurse practitioners in reinventing primary care. Health Affairs, 29(5), 893-899. Retrieved from Strengths of a Nurse Practitioner Essay Assignment