Psychology Article Review Essay Paper & Presentation Assignment
Psychology Article Review Paper & Presentation Assignment 400 Points Total (200 points per article review and presentation)
Article 1 Due: Monday, February 11th 8:30am via Canvas Article 2 Due: Monday, March 18th 8:30am via Canvas
General Information: Over the course of the quarter you will need to find and read two different articles related to a topic on psychology. Based on your review, you will need to write a summary and review paper and then present your findings to the class. For your review paper and presentation, you will need to find an article that is related to a topic on psychology you find interesting. Articles must be academic in nature (peer- reviewed) Psychology Article Review Essay Paper & Presentation Assignment. To find your article:
1. Go to the BC Library and Media Center website. 2. Click on ‘Databases’ under ‘Quick Links’ 3. Click on the database you wish to search. I recommend using EBSCOhost and/or
ProQuest. a. EBSCOhost – click the ‘Select/deselect all’ box then click ‘continue’ (this will
allow you to search all of the sub-databases). i. In the search box, enter the topic you are interested in (i.e. role of emotions in marketing). Be sure to check the boxes for ‘Full Text’ and ‘Peer Reviewed’ then click ‘search.’ Psychology Article Review Essay Paper & Presentation Assignment
b. ProQuest – In the search box, enter the topic you are interested in (i.e. role of emotions in marketing). Be sure to check the boxes for ‘Full Text,’ ‘Peer Reviewed,’ and ‘Scholarly Journals’ then click ‘search.’
4. Find an article that is of interest to you and then read it. Article Review: 100 Points Total The write-up should be:
1 FULL page, double-spaced, & 12 point font,
Include your name, date, and class name in the top right corner.
The 1st½ of the paper is a summary of the article (what did you read?).
The 2nd½ should be written from your own ‘voice’ connecting the article to your own experience (i.e. why did you choose the article and what did you learn from the article?).
Include a link to the article you used in your review paper at the top or bottom of the Psychology Article Review Essay Paper & Presentation Assignment paper.
To Turn In: Upload to Canvas by due date and time.
Presentation: 100 Points Total Your presentation needs to be between 2-3 minutes in length and cover the guiding questions below. You do not need to create a PowerPoint or any other formal presentation.
Guiding Questions for Presentation (Projected on the screen during your presentation) What is the article about? Why did you choose this article? What did you learn from the article?
*If you have difficulty writing, you may orally record the review of your article and upload it to CANVAS. **If you have difficulty public speaking, you may give your presentation to the instructor individually on an agreed upon time Psychology Article Review Essay Paper & Presentation Assignment