Manufacturing Beauty Essay

Manufacturing Beauty Essay

Week 6 Assignment Critical Thinking Exercise – Manufacturing Beauty This assignment involves the critical analysis of a case study. The case study subject is model Cindy Jackson exploring attraction and media influence Process:Explore Cindy Jackson’s official website at analyze the contents of the complete website Based on your findings answer the following four questions:1.What does your critical analysis of the website reveal to you about Cindy Jackson’s sense of her social self, her self-concept, her self-esteem and her self-presentation?2.How does the physical attractiveness stereotype of interpersonal attraction factor into your findings about Cindy Jackson?3.How does the mass media influence Cindy Jackson’s life world?4.What do you perceive that the theme of “manufacturing beauty” means?Graded Product: 1.Write an essay presenting your critical analysis in an orderly and persuasive manner2. Using subheadings, address each of the four required questions3. Remember to use APA citations and include a References section, don’t forget to cite and reference Cindy Johnson’s website.4.Spell and grammar check your document 5. Submit your assignment below by 11:59 PM MT on Sunday of Week 6 Grading: 75 points total* 60 points -addressing each of the four required questions effectively, demonstrating critical thinking and using course concepts (15 points per question) * 15 points for orderly presentation in subsections, freedom from spelling and grammar errors, and use of APA style.  Manufacturing Beauty Essay.



New technologies in the field of aesthetic surgery and anti-ageing have gained prominence in the society as means to enhance the physical outlook. A global icon in this field is Cindy Jackson, a 60-year-old woman residing in London, and a notable mass media champion of cosmetic surgery. As a proponent of cosmetic surgery, Cindy underwent aesthetic surgery 30 years ago, halting her ageing physic to permanently resemble that of a 30-year-old woman (, n.d). Further, she has continued to perform cosmetic surgery to her private clients in the belief that the procedure harbors diverse positive outcomes.

Cindy Jackson’s sense of social self, self-concept, self-esteem her self-presentation

From the Website, it is evident that Cindy’s sense of social-self is ingrained in physical attraction, with youngness as the key definer of attraction. As such, retaining the youthful outlook heightens her self-concept viewing it as a significant milestone and as contributing to increased acceptance by others. Consequently, by improving her physical outlook she has increased her self-esteem and the resultant confidence in the eyes of the public.

Physical attractiveness stereotype of interpersonal attraction in Cindy Jackson’s case

The notion that individuals with a higher physical attractiveness tend to poses more positive qualities is well exemplified in Cindy Jackson’s case. For instance, Cindy has not only been featured as a global icon by the international media but has also been the preferred guest speaker at many international medical conferences. The preferential treatment in the media circles as heightened the stereotype that beauty is solely codified in youth and that by halting ageing process one becomes automatically likeable. Further, Cindy’s physical attractiveness has been used to draw an inference about her perceived knowledge of what constitutes beautiful.

Mass media influence Cindy Jackson’s life world

The mass media has significantly enhanced Cindy’s storm of hype with regard to aesthetic and anti-ageing surgery. Notably, through the mass media, the narrative of ageing as unattractive and as an illustration of failure has been expounded to the society (Titton, 2015). For instance, she has been featured as a consultant in global media platforms such as Skype news, and popular TV shows positively enhancing her publicity. Further, Cindy has used media platforms to improve public literacy on matters concerning aesthetic surgery and anti-ageing medications (, n.d). In this regard, with the help of the mass media, Cindy has become a public figure, been able to market her brand on cosmetic surgery, facilitating her reach for new clients. Manufacturing Beauty Essay.

Meaning of the theme of “manufacturing beauty”

Manufacturing beauty primarily entails engraving the definition of the abstract concept of beauty as attainable with cosmetic surgery and anti-ageing medications. Largely, the theme underlying manufacturing of beauty entails distorting reality and denting the self-esteem by making people feel unattractive and then offering a plastic surgery and cosmetics as an adequate solution (Titton, 2015). Notably, the great numbers of people undergoing cosmetic surgery are women in the hope of increasing their social status and sense of attraction. However, while promoting the presumed gains underlying plastic surgery manufacturing of beauty rarely points out the impending risks associated with obvious plastic surgery. In this regard, cosmetic surgery should not only be an option geared towards changing the physical outlook but should integrate caution for it to succeed.

References (n.d) My Surgery. Retrieved from.

Titton, M. (2015). Fashionable personae: Self-identity and enactments of fashion narratives in fashion blogs. Fashion Theory19(2), 201-220. Manufacturing Beauty Essay.

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