64B9-2.015 Standards of Nursing Education

64B9-2.015 Standards of Nursing Education.

(1) Nursing Education programs shall have consistent organization and administrative procedures as follows:

(a) The parent institution shall be approved by the appropriate accrediting agency.

(b) There shall be an organizational chart for the nursing education program, which clearly delineates the lines of authority, responsibility and channels of communication.

(c) There shall be statements of purpose, philosophy and objectives/outcomes, which are consistent with those of the parent institution and Standards of Nursing Education.


(d) There shall be written policies on admission, transfer, readmission, promotion, and retention, congruent with the parent institution, which are periodically reviewed and available upon request.

(e) There shall be evidence of financial support and resources to meet the goals of the nursing education program. Financial resources include adequate educational facilities, equipment and qualified administrative, instructional and support personnel.

(f) There shall be a system of records within the parent institution for the maintenance and issuance of student transcripts and final records.

(2) Resources. The parent institution shall provide financial and administrative support and resources to the nursing program that includes:

(a) Classroom space, laboratories, and office space for the nursing program.

(b) Nursing resource library holdings to include textbooks, journals and instructional media that are pertinent, recent, and have appropriate content and reading level.

  1. A regular schedule for evaluation and deletion of outdated books and instructional media.
  2. Teaching materials to include a variety of current technological aids for both group and self‑instruction.

(c) Secretarial, clerical, and other support personnel services.

(d) Counseling services and remedial assistance for students.

(3) Nursing Program Director Qualifications.

(a) The director of any nursing program shall be a currently licensed registered nurse in Florida (which may include practice under the terms of Rule 64B9‑3.009, F.A.C.). Notification of the appointment must be submitted to the Board.

(b) The director of a professional nursing program shall have a bachelor’s degree in nursing plus a masters or doctoral degree in nursing; and preparation in education and administration, 5 years of experience in academic, clinical, or administrative nursing, or any combination thereof. Past August 2006, incumbent directors will be exempted from meeting this standard.

(c) The director of a practical nursing program shall have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in nursing; and preparation in education and administration, 3 years of experience in academic, clinical, or administrative nursing, or any combination thereof. Past August 2006, incumbent directors will be exempted from meeting this standard.

(d) The director of the nursing program shall not be assigned curriculum instructional duties that would impair program administration.

(e) The director of the nursing program shall have authority to administer the program in accordance with the policies of the parent institution and in relation to:

  1. Development and maintenance of an environment conducive to the teaching/learning process;
  2. Leadership within the faculty for the development and implementation of the curriculum;
  3. Faculty recruitment, development, and evaluation;
  4. Liaison with the Board;
  5. Establishment of clinical sites.

(4) Faculty.

(a) There shall be sufficient faculty with educational preparation and nursing expertise to meet the objectives and purposes of the nursing education program.

(b) Nursing faculty shall have the following qualifications:

  1. Each nurse faculty member shall be currently licensed to practice professional nursing in Florida (which shall include practice under the terms of Rule 64B9‑3.009, F.A.C.).
  2. By August 2009, sixty percent (60%) or more of the nursing faculty in a professional nursing program shall hold a bachelor’s degree in nursing plus a masters or doctoral degree in nursing. Each nursing faculty member who does not meet this requirement shall have a bachelor’s degree in nursing and meet one of the following requirements:
  3. Have the equivalent of at least three years of full time experience in clinical practice as a registered nurse.
  4. Be actively engaged in studies leading to the next highest degree for which eligible. The degree must be in nursing or a related field.
  5. Have current certification as an A.R.N.P. in Florida.
  6. Have at least two years of full time experience as a nurse educator.
  7. Fifty percent (50%) or more of the nursing faculty in a practical nursing program shall hold a bachelor’s degree in nursing. Each faculty member who does not meet this requirement shall meet two of the following requirements:
  8. Have the equivalent of at least two years of full‑time experience in clinical practice as a registered nurse;
  9. Be actively engaged in studies leading to the next highest degree for which eligible. This degree must be in nursing or a related field;
  10. Have the equivalent of at least two full‑time years of experience as a nurse educator;
  11. Have current certification as an A.R.N.P. in Florida.
  12. Faculty shall demonstrate theoretical and clinical competence for each assigned area of instruction.
  13. Variances or waivers to the academic qualifications for nursing faculty shall be justified and must be approved by the Board in accordance with Section 120.452, F.S.
  14. For practical nursing program faculty, an individual who is a RN but is not enrolled in a bachelors or higher degree in nursing program is limited to a maximum of three calendar years.
  15. For professional nursing program faculty, a BSN prepared individual who is not enrolled in a masters or higher degree in nursing or related field program is limited to a maximum of three calendar years.
  16. For professional nursing faculty, a BSN prepared individual who is enrolled in a masters in nursing or related field program shall be approved annually on an individual basis and is limited to a maximum of five calendar years.
  17. The number of faculty variances shall not exceed 20 percent of the number of full time nurse faculty employed (not FTE) by the program.

(c) Nursing Faculty Responsibilities:

  1. Developing, implementing, evaluating, and updating the purpose, philosophy, objectives/outcomes, and organizational framework of the nursing program.
  2. Developing, implementing and evaluating the curriculum.
  3. Developing, evaluating, and revising student admission, progression, retention, and graduation policies within the policies of the institution.
  4. Participating in academic advising and guidance of students.
  5. Providing theoretical instruction and clinical or practicum experiences.
  6. Monitoring instruction provided by preceptors.
  7. Evaluating student achievement of curricular objectives/outcomes related to nursing knowledge and practice.
  8. Providing for evaluation of teaching effectiveness in accordance with parent institution policy.
  9. Participating in activities which facilitate maintaining the faculty member’s own nursing competence and professional expertise in the area of teaching responsibility and maintaining clinical competence through clinical experience, workshops, and/or continuing education.
  10. Participating in a faculty organization, which meets regularly at scheduled and recorded meetings, and provides for faculty involvement in the operation of the program.

(d) Faculty policies and procedures shall be available in writing and shall include qualifications, rights, and responsibilities of faculty members, the criteria for evaluation of performance, and promotion and retention policies.

(e) Clinical preceptors may be used to enhance clinical learning experiences.

  1. Clinical preceptors shall be Florida licensed nurses (which may include practice under the terms of Rule 64B9‑3.009, F.A.C.).
  2. There shall be written guidelines for the use of clinical preceptors that include the following:
  3. Criteria for selecting preceptors.
  4. The functions and responsibilities of the clinical preceptor shall be clearly delineated in a written agreement between the clinical agency, the preceptor and the nursing education program.
  5. The preceptor shall have clinical expertise and competence in the area where serving as a preceptor.
  6. The preceptor is approved by the program faculty and the facility/agency.
  7. The preceptor shall be physically present and available to the student at all times while the student is performing in a nursing capacity with patients or clients.
  8. The faculty member shall retain responsibility for the student’s learning experiences and meet periodically with the clinical preceptor and student for the purposes of monitoring and evaluating learning experiences.
  9. Written clinical objectives are specified and given to the preceptor prior to the preceptorship experience.

(5) Students.

(a) A nursing student shall practice nursing as a student within the meaning of Chapter 464, F.S., only within the courses of an approved program in which the student is enrolled and under the supervision of program faculty.

(b) The nursing program shall admit students to the program based upon the number of faculty, available educational facilities and resources, and the availability of clinical learning experiences for the student.

(c) The program shall provide written policies for admission, readmission, transfer, advanced placement, promotion, graduation, withdrawal, or dismissal to the student shall be consistent with those for students in the parent institution and acceptable educational standards.

(d) The program or parent institution shall provide accurate records of scholastic achievement to each student.

(6) Curriculum for a Professional Nursing Education Program: To ensure the preparation of nurses capable of competent practice, the curriculum for a professional nursing education program shall be implemented by the program director and faculty as written and shall include at least the following, regardless of educational delivery method:

(a) A philosophy or list of assumptions, organizing frame‑work, program objectives/outcomes, course objectives/outcomes, teaching strategies, and evaluation methods which are:

  1. Developed and written by the faculty;
  2. Consistent with the law regulating the practice of nursing as a registered nurse;
  3. Internally consistent;
  4. Implemented as written; and
  5. Distributed to each nursing student.

(b) A curriculum plan showing the sequence of courses, skills lab, and clinical experiences, and the units of credit or number of clock hours allotted to theory, skills laboratory, and clinical experiences to ensure sufficient preparation for the safe and effective practice of nursing as a registered nurse.

(c) A curriculum content that:

  1. Includes courses or content in three major areas;
  2. Physical, biological, technological sciences, and mathematics,
  3. Social and behavioral sciences, which shall include concepts that assist a student in the development of a foundation for:

(i) Understanding and communicating with individuals or groups across the life span, and their interactions in society;

(ii) Understanding the effect of economic, political, religious, cultural, and growth and developmental experiences upon human behavior;

(iii) Understanding of content for any required continuing education courses in Chapter 64B9-5, F.A.C.

  1. Nursing science related to nursing practice in a variety of settings where health care can occur and which shall include the following content:

(i) The nursing process, critical thinking, problem solving, and decision‑making related to meeting the nursing care needs of individuals or groups across the life span;

(ii) Physiological and psychosocial nursing needs of individuals or groups across the life span with commonly occurring acute and chronic physical and mental health problems, illnesses, and adaptations;

(iii) Promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health across the life span including methods of dealing with end of life issues;

(iv) Theoretical and clinical instruction must clearly reflect content in medical surgical, obstetric/maternal‑child, pediatric, geriatric, and psychiatric/mental health nursing;

(v) Management, delegation, coordination, and evaluation of safe, effective nursing care;

(vi) The role of the registered nurse in the health care system, including health teaching and counseling, legal aspects, and ethics;

(vii) Nursing history and nursing trends;

(viii) The law regulating the practice of nursing as set forth in Chapters 456 and 464, F.S. and Chapter 64B9, F.A.C.

(d) Curriculum specific to Baccalaureate degree nursing programs shall additionally include:

  1. Preparation as change agent;
  2. Research and statistical methods;
  3. Theoretical and clinical instruction in community/public health nursing.

(e) Program shall provide information for credits and hours of instruction such that:

  1. The ratio of credit hours to clock hours of theory, skills laboratory and clinical experience shall be specified for each nursing course. These ratios shall be consistent for all nursing courses and conform to parent institutional requirements.
  2. The total hours for graduation from the nursing program shall be at least consistent with those required for graduation from other programs of the parent institution.

(7) Curriculum for a Practical Nursing Education Program: To ensure the preparation of nurses capable of competent practice the curriculum for a practical nursing education program shall be implemented by the program director and faculty as written and shall include the following, regardless of educational delivery method:

(a) A philosophy or list of assumptions, organizing framework or theme, program objectives/outcomes, course objectives/ outcomes, teaching strategies, and evaluation methods which are:

  1. Developed and written by the faculty;
  2. Consistent with the law regulating the practice of nursing, as a licensed practical nurse;
  3. Internally consistent;
  4. Implemented as written; and
  5. Distributed to nursing students.

(b) A curriculum plan showing the sequence of courses, skills lab, and clinical experiences and the units of credit or number of clock hours allotted to theory, skills laboratory, and clinical experiences to ensure sufficient preparation for the safe and effective practice of nursing as a licensed practical nurse.

(c) A curriculum content that:

  1. Spans a minimum length of one academic or calendar year of full‑time study. If the program is offered as part of a high school curriculum, the program shall be implemented no earlier than the beginning of the student’s junior year.
  2. Includes courses or content in three major areas, which may be integrated, combined, or presented as separate courses and shall include:
  3. Basic biological, physical, technological sciences and mathematics which shall include an understanding and application of wellness and disease concepts, safety and security procedures, emergency response, infection control, computer skills medical terminology, blood borne diseases including mandatory instruction on HIV/AIDS under Section 456.033, F.S., mandatory instruction on domestic violence under Section 456.031, F.S., nutrition, and body structure and function.
  4. Basic social and behavioral sciences that shall include concepts that assist a student in the development of a foundation for:

(i) Understanding and communicating with individuals or groups across the life span.

(ii) Understanding the effect of economic, political, religious, cultural, and growth and developmental experiences upon human behavior.

(iii) Understanding legal and ethical responsibilities in the role of the licensed practical nurse.

  1. Basic nursing science related to nursing practice in a variety of structured settings where health care can occur and which shall include the following content:

(i) The nursing process as appropriate to the role of the practical nurse in meeting the basic nursing care needs of individuals or groups across the life span in the promotion of health.

(ii) Basic physiological and psychosocial nursing needs of individuals with commonly occurring acute and chronic physical and mental health problems, illnesses, and adaptations with predictable outcomes.

(iii) Promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health across the life span including methods of dealing with end of life issues.

(iv) Theoretical and clinical instruction must clearly reflect content in medical, surgical, obstetric/maternal-child, pediatric and geriatric nursing.

(v) Provision of safe, effective nursing care.

(vi) Pharmacology and medication administration to include calculation of medication dosages.

(vii) Nursing history and nursing trends.

(viii) The law regulating the practice of nursing as set forth in Chapters 455 and 464, F.S., and Chapter 64B9, F.A.C.

(d) Program shall provide information for credits and hours of instruction.

  1. The ratio of credit hours to clock hours of theory, skills laboratory and clinical experience shall be specified for each nursing course. These ratios shall be consistent for all nursing courses and conform to institutional requirements.
  2. Clinical experiences shall make up at least 50% of the total program.

(8) Clinical Experiences. All clinical experiences shall:

(a) Be an integral part of the total curriculum plan and show a relationship to concurrently taught theory.

(b) Require that faculty plan for the student’s learning experiences in cooperation with agency personnel.

(c) Have Board approval secured prior to the time a facility/agency or community‑based site is utilized for student clinical experience by submitting a request on Board approved forms.

(d) Have contractual agreements between the program and the facility/agency or community‑based site in writing, state rights and responsibilities of each party, include a termination clause and be reviewed annually.

(e) Provide written notification to the Board by the program director when a clinical facility/agency being used for students’ clinical practice loses accreditation or approval status.

(f) Meet established course objectives/outcomes.

(g) Provide the student with the opportunity to practice cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills in the performance of a variety of nursing functions with individuals or groups across the life span.

(h) Occur appropriately in a variety of settings to include healthcare facilities/agencies and community‑based sites.

(i) Simulated clinical experiences using the Human Patient Simulator © or its substantial equivalent may be substituted for no more than 25% of direct care experiences provided that:

  1. Specific clinical objective‑based scenarios are presented, providing the student with appropriate cognitive, affective, and psychomotor development.
  2. Faculty is physically present to guide the simulation experience.
  3. Permission is requested and received from the Board to substitute simulated clinical experiences for direct care experiences.

(j) Include a minimum of 675 hours supervised by appropriate faculty or preceptor for practical nursing programs and a minimum of 600 hours supervised by appropriate faculty or preceptor for professional nursing programs.

(k) Be provided within the state by board approved nursing programs only. Out-of-state programs that are fully approved by another state board of nursing may apply to the board per subsection 64B9-2.011(7), F.A.C. The board may add requirements for maintaining such approval.

(9) Healthcare Facility/Agency Experiences:

(a) Healthcare facilities and agencies used for clinical experiences shall be currently licensed/certified by the State of Florida.

(b) All healthcare facilities and agencies shall provide proof of accreditation or approval by a recognized accrediting or approving agency.

(c) Facilities/Agencies shall have:

  1. A registered nurse licensed under Chapter 464, F.S., who is administratively responsible for nursing services.
  2. A sufficient number of patients/clients to provide learning experiences to meet the objectives of the course.
  3. An environment in which the student is recognized as a learner.
  4. A sufficient number of nursing personnel, currently licensed under Chapter 464, F.S., and appropriately qualified, to ensure that patients receive safe, effective care at all times, and to serve as role models.
  5. Established standards for nursing care congruent with the Board’s legal standards for nursing care.
  6. Written job competencies for all categories of nursing personnel and criteria for making patient assignments.
  7. Appropriate references and current practice/procedure manuals available to students.
  8. A means of communication between faculty and facility/agency administrative personnel and between faculties of all nursing education programs that use the agency.
  9. Evidence that the agency’s personnel understand their relationship to faculty and students and that the responsibility for coordination is specifically identified.
  10. Designated conference areas on, or in close proximity to clinical learning sites.

(d) Clinical experiences based on program objectives shall be planned so that the student is able to gain clinical experience within the operational hours of the healthcare facility/agency or community based site.

(e) When clinical experiences are supplemented by observational experiences, those hours of observational experience shall constitute 20% or less of total clinical hours for that specific clinical course into which the observational experience has been incorporated.

(f) Faculty shall be responsible for supervising students on no more than two units of a healthcare facility during one clinical instruction period.

(g) Faculty‑student ratio shall be at a maximum ratio of 1:12 in healthcare facilities/agencies.

(h) Faculty shall be physically present within the healthcare facility/agency while students are providing direct care to patients/ clients.

(10) Community-Based, Learning Experiences.

(a) The community-based learning experience shall be developed with clearly defined outcomes specific to concurrently taught theory.

(b) Community-based learning experiences may not comprise the majority of clinical experience hours of the total curriculum.

(c) Faculty-student ratio shall be at a maximum ratio of 1:12 in community‑based learning experience setting.

(d) Faculty shall be accessible by two‑way communication, able to respond to an inquiry when made, and readily available for consultation to students in a community-based setting.

(e) Faculty will retain the responsibility for the selection and guidance of the student community‑based learning experiences and for the evaluation of the student performance.

(f) The community-based learning experience is only appropriate for the Professional Nursing program preceptorships.

(11) Preceptorship Experiences.

(a) The student shall be enrolled in the course of the program in which the preceptor experience is a part and shall not be reimbursed for nursing services from the agency in which the experience occurs.

(b) Each designated preceptor may have one alternate preceptor who meets the requirements of paragraph 64B9‑2.015(4)(e), F.A.C. When the designated preceptor is unable to supervise the student due to unforeseen circumstances, this alternate preceptor will supervise the student.

  1. Practical Nursing Preceptorships.
  2. A Practical Nursing preceptorship can occur in any course of the nursing curriculum, which includes concurrent theory.
  3. Faculty shall supervise up to twelve students in any one facility and be readily available on site during the student preceptorship.
  4. The preceptor shall be assigned no more than two (2) students for any preceptor experience.
  5. Professional Nursing Preceptorships.
  6. The supervising faculty member must be available to the student and the preceptor by telephone or beeper.
  7. With faculty approval, the preceptor or the designed alternate may have students accompany them to multiple practice sites for student clinical experience.
  8. The preceptor may have a maximum of two (2) students assigned for preceptorship.
  9. The Professional Nursing preceptorship can occur in any course of the nursing curriculum, which includes concurrent theory, and is beyond the fundamental, introductory nursing clinical course and has a maximum ratio of instructor to students of 1:12.
  10. The Professional Nursing preceptorship may also occur as a culminating experience at the end of the program when the student has completed all nursing theory and clinical experiences in the program and has a maximum ratio of instructor to students of 1:18.

(12) Program Evaluation.

(a) The minimal acceptable level of performance as required by the Board on the National Council of State Boards of Nursing licensing examination for graduates of a nursing education program during the fiscal year of the Department shall be 10% below the national or state average, whichever is lowest, as published by the contract testing service of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.

(b) The nursing program shall have a written plan for the systematic evaluation of the total program and its outcomes for the purpose of determining competency, adequacy and effectiveness. The plan shall include the methodology, frequency of evaluation, assignment of responsibility, and evaluative criteria. The following areas shall be evaluated:

  1. Organization and administration of the program;
  2. Philosophy, conceptual framework, and objectives/outcomes;
  3. Curriculum;
  4. Educational facilities, resources, and services;
  5. Clinical resources;
  6. Students theoretical and clinical performance;
  7. Graduates’ performance on the licensing examination;
  8. Graduates’ nursing competence;
  9. Performance of the faculty;
  10. Protection of patient safety;
  11. The methods and instruments used for evaluation purposes.

(c) There shall be evidence that the evaluation plan is being implemented and that faculty review evaluative data and take corrective action as needed.

Specific Authority 464.006, 464.019(2) FS. Law Implemented 464.019 FS. History–New 1-28-02, Amended 10-19-06.


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