Nurses’ Perceptions of the Concept of Power in Nursing EBP Essay: A Qualitative Research
Prepare a brief of 4 pages to disseminate the findings of this study to your fellow students or colleagues in your practice area (Nursing) or to another group who would be interested in this research such as clients or patients. This is your target audience.
The content of your presentation must include -:
- A title page indicating the title of the paper,
- Who the presenter is (you) and your credentials.
- Next, identify your target audience,
- The title and reference for the article,
- Why you selected this research article, Nurses’ Perceptions of the Concept of Power in Nursing EBP Essay: A Qualitative Research
- The research problem/question and/or purpose,
- Whether the study uses a qualitative or quantitative approach,
- How the researcher(s) to address ethical considerations,
- Major findings of the study, and the value of the article to evidence-based practice.
Your assignment will also be graded for APA, including a reference list, conciseness, creativity, consistency in terms of font size, style, titles etc., and grammar and spelling.
Make sure that The following content elements are clear and accurate:
- Title page (APA)
- Target audience identified
- Presentation is appropriate for the target audience identified
- Reason for article selection
- Title and reference for the article
- Article published within the last 5 years
- Research problem/question and/or purpose
- Research approach and design, if known
- How the researcher(s) addressed ethical considerations
- Major findings
- Value of the article to evidence-based practice
- Nurses’ Perceptions of the Concept of Power in Nursing EBP Essay: A Qualitative Research
Nurses’ Perceptions of the Concept of Power in Nursing: A Qualitative Research
This is a brief prepared with an objective of disseminating the findings to follow Nursing students. The brief can be beneficial also to individuals already practicing nursing as well as patients or clients.
This article was selected with a goal of explaining the concept of power from the prism of nurses in the field of nursing and with a goal of access the various perspectives that may lead to improved understanding of the issue of power in nursing. It is worth acknowledging the fact that power is a complex and extensive issue in nursing and it has a decisive effect on various aspects such as satisfaction, duties and achievement of set professional objectives. This article provides a definitive understanding of the concept of power in the nursing discipline (Sepasi, et al 2016).
The purpose of this article is to highlight and clarify the concept of power in the nursing profession from the perspective of nurses while drawing specific inferences from the experiences and views of nurses in Iran. Nurses’ Perceptions of the Concept of Power in Nursing EBP Essay: A Qualitative Research
This study is a qualitative research that invoked a content analysis strategy. A qualitative research is designed with a goal of revealing the range of perceptions and behavior of the target audience that drive it with specific reference to the selected issues or topic. The strategy uses in-depth examination of small groups of participants in order to support and guide in the process constructing a hypothesis. The outcomes of a qualitative research are often descriptive. Qualitative research contributes to insightful and rich outcomes of the study (Barnham, 2015). In this study, the respondents who participated were selected from a pool of nurses, who are active in management, educational and clinical practices with the help of purposive sampling approach. Purposive sampling, known also as, selective, subjective or judgmental sampling, is a non- probability sampling method often used in qualitative research. Purposive sampling approach focuses on sampling approach in which the units being investigated are anchored the researcher’s judgment. The primary goal of purposive sampling technique is to focus on specific traits of a population that are important to the researcher and can help him or her answer the research questions (Barratt, Ferris & Lenton, 2015). The data collection tools that were used in this study included semi- structured individual interviews. Semi- structured interviews are used best when the researcher is unable to get more than one opportunity to interview the respondent. It is also used when multiple interviewers are sent to the field to gather data. Semi- structured interviews were used in this study because they offered the interviewers with a clear set of instructions and also provided comparable and reliable qualitative data. The results in this study were obtained by using an inductive method and the constant comparison technique to analyze the data. Nurses’ Perceptions of the Concept of Power in Nursing EBP Essay: A Qualitative Research
Ethical issues are extremely critical for establishing limits in research for what the researcher cannot and can do. These limits become critical when health, safety as well as human involvement in research is considered. According to Camille, et al. (2016) all scientific projects have to ethically weighed in to be approved for continuation and checked for safety. Ethical research is premised on safety. If a research is does not adhere to ethical standards, then it means that the outcomes could carry detrimental impacts on the populace. Ethics play a vital role in research straight from the first stage of brainstorming to the administration of the research findings in the public. It is particularly critical in the testing stages since this is when animals and humans come in and comfort and safety must be taken into account. Consequently, this study invoked a number of ethical cautions in order to safeguard the key findings. First, the researcher ensured that all respondents had been briefed prior of the purpose of the study and had given the participants absolute discretion on whether to participate in the research or fail, at any time, to cooperate with the researcher. In addition, the researcher ensured that the identity, bio- data and the information gathered from the interview transcripts were confidentially protected and the respondents were adequately briefed of the manner in which the outcomes of the research were to be made public. Nurses’ Perceptions of the Concept of Power in Nursing EBP Essay: A Qualitative Research
From the study, the following three major findings were made with respect to the power concept in nursing. The first finding was on genesis. From the views of the respondents, the power concept in nursing is formed according to purposed. Nonetheless, such a genesis is overshadowed by the nursing profession and it is influenced by the profession and can only see the light of the day if multiple power sources are supplied. The genesis source of power is classified into three subgroups: being purposeful, being overshadowed by the nature of the profession and being dependent other sources of power. In addition, the study found out that strengthening is another formation of the power concept in nursing. Nurses’ Perceptions of the Concept of Power in Nursing EBP Essay: A Qualitative Research. From this finding, it can be deduced that the concept of power in nursing needs to be stabilized and strengthened both externally and internally. The actual power is the inner feeling that strengthens and enhances both the inner power manifestation as well as individual motivation of professional performance. The findings on strengthening concept of power in nursing acknowledged that the nursing discipline is characterized by the connection to fellow employees and other members of the care and treatment team and as a result, power can be suppressed or amplified depending on this communication. This category comprises three subgroups of the concept of power in nursing: being introverted and emotional; flowing and fluidity as well as strengthening the professional communication context. The third key finding of this study is that the power concept in the nursing profession is based on human values. Nurses’ Perceptions of the Concept of Power in Nursing EBP Essay: A Qualitative Research. The respondents in this research linked the concept of the power of nurses with the idea of human values. Reliability, confidentiality, trust, humility, morality and empathy were seen as the key rings that constituted the communication chain. From the view of the participants, behavior and performance linked to good temper, good ethics, respect and maintaining dignity of individuals, in the same breadth exercising power, results to the success of a manager in the improvement of work. On the contrary, disrespecting, insulting others and applying pressure create distance between subordinate staff and the boss. In addition, observing professional communications and business transactions has been viewed as crucial aspects in the successful exercising of power in the nursing profession. Further, power is seen as a concept in which a person who is deemed to possess a positive moral character is viewed as a powerful leader (Sepasi, et al 2016). Nurses’ Perceptions of the Concept of Power in Nursing EBP Essay: A Qualitative Research.
This article attempts to clarify the concept of power from the understanding of nurses and the findings verify the uniqueness of this concept. Relying on the study’s findings it can be concluded that idea of power in the nursing profession is a purposeful idea that flourished in the context of moral, human as well as caring nature of nurses and varies according to needs. Power concept linked to human values, irrigated by professional communication, grows through an ongoing and fluid structure, and prepares and matures fruits such as professional excellence and improved quality of care (Sepasi, Borhani & Abbaszadeh, 2017). Nurses’ Perceptions of the Concept of Power in Nursing EBP Essay: A Qualitative Research
Barnham, C. (2015). Quantitative and qualitative research. International Journal Of Market Research, 57(6), 837-854. doi:10.2501/IJMR-2015-070
Barratt, M. J., Ferris, J. A., & Lenton, S. (2015). Hidden Populations, Online Purposive Sampling, and External Validity: Taking off the Blindfold. Field Methods, 27(1), 3-21. doi:10.1177/1525822X14526838
Camille, Y., Nian-Lin Reena, H., & Ban Leong, S. (2016). Legal and ethical issues in research. Indian Journal Of Anaesthesia, 60(9), 76-80. doi:10.4103/0019-5049.190627 Nurses’ Perceptions of the Concept of Power in Nursing EBP Essay: A Qualitative Research
Sepasi, R. R., Abbaszadeh, A., Borhani, F., & Rafiei, H. (2016). Nurses’ Perceptions of the Concept of Power in Nursing: A Qualitative Research. Journal Of Clinical & Diagnostic Research, 10(12), 10-15. doi:10.7860/JCDR/2016/22526.8971
Sepasi, R. R., Borhani, F., & Abbaszadeh, A. (2017). Nurses’ perception of the strategies to gaining professional power: A qualitative study. Electronic Physician, 9(7), 4853-4861. doi:10.19082/4853 Nurses’ Perceptions of the Concept of Power in Nursing EBP Essay: A Qualitative Research