Critical Analysis and Reaction a Resource Article

Critical Analysis and Reaction a Resource Article

• From one of the resources provided (Peri, K., Fanslow, J., Hand, J., & Parsons, J. (2009). Keeping older people safe by preventing elder abuse and neglect) and need to discuss:
• Did this resource help you learn?
• Did this resource make you think about this topic in a different way?
• Do you agree with some of the themes in the resource or where there parts of it you disagreed with?
• Are there any impacts on this practice from your resource?
• Need to critical writing: argument with agree or disagree
• To avoid plagiarism (plagiarism check) Critical Analysis and Reaction a Resource Article
• Newest references (at latest 5 years references) to support the argument
• Good citations

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Critical Analysis and Reaction a Resource Article




Did this resource help you learn?

Older people often experience neglect and abuse in the society. However, this fact is not common knowledge within the society. Keeping older people safe by preventing elder abuse and neglect article is quite interesting to me considering that I have never thought much about exploring the world of older people with regard to abuse and neglect. As such, my exploration of this article was guided by the intention to learn more about the older population and the challenges they face during their late ages of their lifespan. The article has helped me to learn how family violence can affect the elderly. Moreover, I have been able to learn of the protective factors and societal-level risk that results in abuse and neglect of the elderly (Peri, Fanslow, Hand & Parsons, 2009). I also learned that empowerment of this population is an effective practical approach to reduce the neglect and abuse risks. Critical Analysis and Reaction a Resource Article.

Did this resource make you think about this topic in a different way?

            As mentioned earlier, I have not been able to explore the elderly population lifestyle and challenges in my course of study. Moreover, having grown in the urban areas, I have not had the chance to interact with many of the elderly persons even during my practice. However, after reading article, I strongly agree that it has made me think about this topic in a different way. Critical Analysis and Reaction a Resource Article. My view of the elderly population living comfortably in the nursing homes and in families who provide social support and care to them has been challenged by this resource and therefore, I have been able to open up my mind to observe and research more of the reality than perceptions Critical Analysis and Reaction a Resource Article. Moreover, the fact that New Zealand does not have exact statistics for neglected and abused older people has increased my curiosity to further indulge in research to be able to understand the magnitude of the problem in the country with the intention of developing evidence-based interventions for the problem (Peri et al., 2009).

Do you agree with some of the themes in the resource or where there parts of it you disagreed with?

I strongly agree with some of the themes in this resource because; they present sufficient evidence associated with the neglect and abuse of the elderly topic. For instance, family and society play a notable role in caring for their elder members. They are the sources of social, financial, security, physical and emotional support to the old people and hence, failure to provide these together with the basic needs of food, shelter, clothing, and healthcare results in neglect (Glauser, & Hustey, 2016). Critical Analysis and Reaction a Resource Article Family violence results in abandonment of the elderly due to divorces (Burnes et al., 2015). The protection theme under the protection factors also clearly articulates relevant procedures to prevent neglect and abuse of the old while the risk factors identify the likely causes of neglect of the elderly.

Are there any impacts on this practice from your resource?

This resource is very crucial in my nursing practice in multiple ways. For example, it opens up the practitioners mind regarding abuse and neglect of the elderly through knowledge that can be used to identify such cases in the geriatrics unit (Salamone, 2015). Moreover, it helps the nurse in understanding the patient health needs and decides on homecare services depending on the prevailing family status to avoid negligence and abuse by violent members (Yan, Chan & Tiwari, 2015). Moreover, it helps in understanding the societal view of the elderly abuse and neglect as well as identifies these cases for appropriate interventions (Brownell, 2015) Critical Analysis and Reaction a Resource Article.



Brownell, P. (2015). Neglect, abuse and violence against older women: Definitions and research frameworks. South eastern European journal of public health1(1).

Burnes, D., Pillemer, K., Caccamise, P. L., Mason, A., Henderson Jr, C. R., Berman, J., … & Salamone, A. (2015). Prevalence of and risk factors for elder abuse and neglect in the community: a population‐based study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society63(9), 1906-1912.

Glauser, J., & Hustey, F. M. (2016). Abuse of the elderly and impaired. Tintinalli’s emergency medicine: A comprehensive study guide, 8e New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Peri, K., Fanslow, J., Hand, J., & Parsons, J. (2009). Keeping older people safe by preventing elder abuse and neglect.

Yan, E., Chan, K. L., & Tiwari, A. (2015). A systematic review of prevalence and risk factors for elder abuse in Asia. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse16(2), 199-219 Critical Analysis and Reaction a Resource Article.

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