Nursing Curriculum Development Discussion Essay

Nursing Curriculum Development Discussion Essay

Topic 1 DQ1

Compare the difference between a traditional faculty role versus the online faculty role. How are the expectations different for each role? What steps will you need to prepare to be successful in each?


Topic 1 DQ2

Referring to the National League of Nursing’s (NLN) Nurse Educator Competencies, choose one

competency and describe how you will achieve this competency in your nurse educator role. Nursing Curriculum Development Discussion Essay.


Topic 2 DQ1

Select two nursing theories and explain how they can be applied in nursing education. How can the theories aid in your teaching practices including clinical or patient specific experiences?


Topic 2 DQ2

Search the literature and find an example of a research study that uses an educational theory in a

nursing education study. Does the study appear to use the theory appropriately? How does the

research contribute to understanding of the theory? Be sure to cite the article Nursing Curriculum Development Discussion Essay.


Nursing Curriculum Development

Topic 1 DQ1

Traditional faculty role includes the teaching role; research role which involves members of the faculty participating in research; and the service role which involves members of the faculty serving in internal committees, mentor and advice student and also assume some administrative appointments. Learning within the traditional setting focuses on conducting learning within a synchronous environment where students and the instructor should be in the same place at the same time to ensure learning taking place and derive motivation (Luhanga, 2018).  According to Luhanga (2018). traditional teaching involves sharing ideas and responding to the reaction of each other; this improves thinking and understanding as well. In the traditional faculty, the educator can identify the students’ needs and provide personalized teaching and also motivate student individually (Luhanga, 2018). Nursing Curriculum Development Discussion Essay To prepare students for traditional learning, they need to be aware of the unit content, materials needed for learning, the time schedule of the classes, examination schedule, and the place/location where learning will take place. Student’s also need to be provided with the timetable of each topic for the entire unit (Luhanga, 2018).

On the other hand, the educator instructs students in certain subject areas, develops lesson plans, and at the same time coordinates learning schedules whereas monitoring the milestones, achievements, and skills of the student. Online learning is conducted through correspondence or via the internet (Frazer et al, 2017).  The most important role of the online faculty is to develop a curriculum-based on the most recent and best knowledge within the filed Nursing Curriculum Development Discussion Essay.  To prepare the students, the educator needs to educate student regarding the technology to use during learning, motivate and encourage students, and engage with student using chat rooms and discussion boards to address their needs (Frazer et al, 2017).

Topic 1 DQ2

 The selected competency is, Competency IV: Participate in Curriculum Design and Evaluation of Program Outcomes.  According to this competency, nurse educators have the role of designing program outcomes and creating curricula that integrate the current healthcare tendencies and prepare nurse graduate to function efficiently within the healthcare setting (National League for Nursing, 2005).  As a nurse educator, one should ensure that the teaching is well planned and provides a learning experience and hence facilitates understanding and application of critical thinking. Curriculum design is the most critical planning for an educator. Therefore, as a nurse educator, I will actively take part in designing the curriculum and integrating the latest evidence in the curriculum. I will utilize my practical experience and insight to develop nursing programs.

Therefore, I will integrate this competency into my courses where my teaching units will have the rubric along with other guidelines to assist in providing consistency in assessing every student. Resources like evidence-based literature and syllabus are vital to validate the work of the students. As an educator, I will help in designing and implementing more older adult and critical ill appropriate nursing care plans and develop clinical rotation with various settings for geriatric and ICU clinical students. Finally, I hope to design continuing education credits for the nursing staff, particularly the staff working in ICU and handling the geriatric population.

Topic 2 DQ1

Two theories applicable in nursing education include the Nursing Need Theory and Self-Care Nursing Theory by Orem. The Need Theory involves the role of the nurse to help patients to maintain health, recover their health or from injuries, or have a peaceful death (Pajnkihar et al, 2017).  According to the Need Theory, nurse should increase the independence of the patient to expedite their recovery by attending their psychological needs, spiritual needs, physiological needs, and patient’s social needs as well. Integration of the Need Theory within the nursing education can aid the educators to teach nurse students how to develop practical treatment plans that complement the personal growth of the patients, allow the patient to slowly gain independence, and finally regain their capacity to take care of themselves (Pajnkihar et al, 2017). For example, a nurse educator can use the Needs Theory to educate the nurse to handle the spiritual needs of older patients who are critically ill and prepare them for a peaceful transition Nursing Curriculum Development Discussion Essay. Similarly, the theory can be used to help older patients regain their independence which may be affected by the disease or old age.

The self-care nursing theory by Orem teaches nurses to help patients to improve their capacity to personally carry out the acts of self-care. Self-care includes activities that people conduct to maintain their wellbeing and individual health (Malekzadeh et al, 2018). Nursing educators can use the theory to teach nurse students how to identify the basic self-care processes that human beings can perform and how to identify patients who are not able to perform self-care effectively (Malekzadeh et al, 2018). During practice, nurses can help patients unable to attend their individual self-care needs by acting on behalf of the patient, for example helping the patient to take a bath. The nurse can also guide patients unable to attend their self-care needs. In addition, through self-care theory, nurses can provide patients with an environment that promotes individual development and teach patients how to cope with any challenge in their life, including their sickness. Basically, through the self-care nursing theory, nurses guide patients to carry out the basic self-care activities (Malekzadeh et al, 2018) Nursing Curriculum Development Discussion Essay.

Topic 2 DQ2

The study conducted Shirazi et al (2017) explored the activities of masters nursing students for self-directed learning. The study applied Kolb’s experiential learning theory to explore the learning activities of the students. According to the results of the study, the nursing students actively took part in learning and used various learning activities and approaches to benefit from diverse working and learning settings (Shirazi et al, 2017). Kolb’s experiential learning theory students use reflective learning to observe, listen and evaluate the learning content from different angles to get the meanings. Afterward, learners utilize thinking and judgment to promote learning (Shirazi et al, 2017).

The study used Kolb’s experiential learning theory appropriately because learners utilized visual media, like photos, power-point presentations, and videos during the self-learning which is per experiential learning theory (Shirazi et al, 2017). In addition, nursing students used observation of patients, other nurses, doctors, and clinical instructors to learn more effectively.  Accordingly, learners utilized reflective observation, active experimentation, and intellectual conceptualization to assimilate knowledge and experience (Shirazi et al, 2017).

From this study, nurse educators can endorse the process of active learning by designing a standard curriculum that promotes creativity and active participation of students during the learning process Nursing Curriculum Development Discussion Essay.


Frazer C, Sullivan D, Weatherspoon D & Hussey L. (2017). Faculty Perceptions of Online Teaching Effectiveness and Indicators of Quality. Nursing Research and Practice. 1(6), 1-6.

Luhanga F. (2018). The traditional-faculty supervised teaching model: Nursing faculty and clinical instructors’ perspectives. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. 8(6).

Malekzadeh J, Zahra A & Mazlom S. (2018). A quasi‐experimental study of the effect of teaching Orem’s self‐care model on nursing students’ clinical performance and patient satisfaction. Nurs Open. 5(3), 370–375.

National League for Nursing (2005). Core Competencies of Nurse Educators with Task Statements. National League for Nursing.

Pajnkihar M, Gregor S & Vrbnjak D. (2017). The concept of Watson’s carative factors in nursing and their (dis)harmony with patient satisfaction. PeerJ. 1(5), e2940.

Shirazi F, Sharif F, Zahra M & Alborzi. (2017). Dynamics of self-directed learning in M.Sc. nursing students: A qualitative research. J Adv Med Educ Prof. 5(1), 33–41. Nursing Curriculum Development Discussion Essay.

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