Personal and aesthetic knowledge development essay

Personal and aesthetic knowledge development essay

The focus of this week was uncovering how we develop personal knowledge, and the importance of asking critical questions that underpin meaning and significance. Using the assigned readings and your professional experience as a starting point, answer the following:


1. Compare and contrast the main attributes of personal and aesthetic knowledge development. In your response describe how both types of knowledge development are important for making advancements in nursing practice.

2. Identify how personal knowledge leads to personal shifts in aesthetic knowing. In your response discuss how asking the critical questions, “What does this mean?” and “How is it significant?” can be used to cultivate aesthetic knowing. Personal and aesthetic knowledge development essay.

Personal knowledge describes the knowledge that we own from self-actualization, reflection, experiences or observations while aesthetic knowledge refers to the perception of the patient with regard to the patient and their needs (Haase et al., 2018). Aesthetic knowledge is characterized by the understanding of sound, taste, smell, look and feel of things by the practitioners which supports questioning and opening up (Leight, 2002). Personal knowing is significant in the establishment of authenticity and creation of therapeutic relationships that promote integrity of practice as well as the wholeness of the practitioner. On the other hand, aesthetic knowing is important in that it develops new understanding of phenomena which helps in the identification of the patients’ needs through new perspectives.

Personal knowledge leads to personal shifts in aesthetic knowing in several ways. For instance, through personal knowledge which offers personal understanding, the nurse is able to understand the patients’ needs through a reflection of their experiences. Additionally, personal knowledge creates a foundation of knowledge that helps in questioning the patient as well as promoting aesthetic reflexivity since it is the knowledge that nurses possess before studying nursing (Campbell et al., 2018) Personal and aesthetic knowledge development essay.

Aesthetic knowing involves the creation of new understanding of phenomenon which makes it an art in nursing. Asking questions encourages the development of new ideas and creations essential in understanding the patients and the patient’s needs. As such, critical questions like “What does this mean?” and “How is it significant?” can be used to cultivate aesthetic knowing. They help in opening up the nurses mind as they try to seek new solutions to problems. They also help determine the relevance of particular phenomenon in healthcare and how they can be used to improve the outcomes of the patient.



Campbell, T. D., Penz, K., Dietrich-Leurer, M., Juckes, K., & Rodger, K. (2018). Ways of Knowing as a Framework for Developing Reflective Practice among Nursing Students. International journal of nursing education scholarship15(1).

Haase, K. R., Thomas, R. T., Gifford, W., & Holtslander, L. F. (2018). Ways of knowing on the Internet: A qualitative review of cancer websites from a critical nursing perspective. Nursing inquiry25(3), e12230.

Leight, S. B. (2002). Starry night: Using story to inform aesthetic knowing in women’s health nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing37(1), 108-114. Personal and aesthetic knowledge development essay.

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