Research Critique 1 N5366: Principles of Research in Nursing

Research Critique 1 N5366: Principles of Research in Nursing

Critique 1-Graded

You will write your graded critique using the attached article: Chen et al. (2018).


  1. Write your evaluation as a Word document per APA format.  Use full sentences, with paragraph breaks, to describe each point.  Double space all writing; number pages.
  2. Use the Level 1 headings provided in the outline below. Level 2 headings can be used, but are optional, not required.  Please see the APA Manual for how to format those.
  3. Provide rationales for your decisions (citing sources). For example, if you write that the theory framework is strong, describe how it is strong with at least one citation (Author, year) to a theory book, research book,  or article. Research Critique 1 N5366: Principles of Research in Nursing.
  4. It is acceptable to refer to page numbers from the article being critiqued without giving a full citation. For example, you could write, “On page 996 the authors list the statistical tests used to analyze the data.”  We can assume you are referring to the assigned research article that you are evaluating.
  5. Title page and reference list should be on separate pages from the body of the critique. Use the Page Breakcommand in Word to separate them.
  6. The template for the title page is at the endof this document.

Introduction (no heading in APA format)

Give the reader a sense of what to expect in this paper, and identify the article being evaluated [cited appropriately]. (2 pts)


Authors, Title, and Abstract

  1. Discuss author(s) qualifications to conduct the study, including educational preparation and clinical experience of author[s].
  2. Discuss the clarity of the article title (type of study, variables, and population stated). Research Critique 1 N5366: Principles of Research in Nursing
  3. Discuss the quality of the abstract (purpose, design, sample, intervention, and key results presented). (8 pts)


Literature Review/Background

  1. Briefly describe the clinical problemthat prompted the study.
  2. Discuss the data provided for the significance of the clinical problem,and whether or not you believe it is an important problem for nursing science.
  3. Identify the major topics discussed in the background section and evaluate whether there were any missing ideas or topics.
  4. Briefly explain whether the background section included sources current at the time of the study (ie. within 5 years of publication), and if there were secondary sources.
  5. Discuss whether the studies were critically evaluated and synthesized to provide a clear summary of the current knowledge about the problem of interest.
  6. Evaluate whether or not the background section provided support for the current research study. In other words, whether gaps in research knowledge were clearly described.

(20 pts)



Research Problem, Purpose, Research Questions/Hypotheses

  1. State the study purpose and evaluate whether or not the purpose clearly addresses the gap in nursing knowledge identified in the background section.
  2. If there are research questions and/or hypotheses, list them, and discuss whether they logically follow from the research problem and purpose. If questions/hypotheses were only implied, rather than explicitly stated, describe that. (10 pts)


Theoretical Framework

  1. Describe the theory/framework that supported the study. List the important concepts in the theory/framework.
  2. Evaluate the clarity of the presentation of the framework. If it was vague or had missing elements, describe those.
  3. Evaluate whether relationships among concepts were explained.
  4. Discuss how well the theory/framework concepts were linked to the study variables.

(10 pts)


Writing Style & Format

  1. Grammar: full sentences, precision, clarity, spelling, and punctuation.
  2. Use APA format throughout this paper, including citations and a reference list.
  3. Up to 0.5 points will be deducted for each grammar, punctuation, or format error. (10 pts)









Research Critique 1

N5366: Principles of Research in Nursing



Current Date


Grade Sheet for Critique 1

CONTENT Possible Points Your Points


Authors, Title, and Abstract


Literature Review/Background


Research Problem, Purpose, Research Questions/Hypotheses


Theoretical Framework


Writing Style & Format


TOTAL 60/60 X 25% = 25 /60 X 25% = 


Article Critique                                                                                                                   


This paper is a critique of a clinical study that was aimed to examine the effect of a six-month lifestyle-based intervention on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in older adults diagnosed with hypertension in US. The critique will focus on abstract clarity, literature review, the study purpose, as well as the theoretical framework.

Article Full Citation:

Chen, M.-L., Hu, J., McCoy, T. P., Letvak, S., & Ivanov, L. (2018). Effect of a Lifestyle-Based Research Critique 1 N5366: Principles of Research in Nursing

Intervention on Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Adults with Hypertension. Journal of Aging Research, 1–8.

Authors, Title, and Abstract

The authors qualifications to conduct the study, including educational preparation and clinical experience is up to the standard. They are all qualified nursing professions based in various top ranked universities across the US. On the clarity of the article title, it is clear enough as the title states the type of study as cause-effect, and variables as well as population are Cleary stated. Research Critique 1 N5366: Principles of Research in Nursing.

On the abstract quality, it is up the standard presenting the study purpose, analyzing the methodology applied as well as informing the author of the secondary analysis of the control group research for comparison analysis. The abstract also goes further and informs the reader on the results that were obtained and the significant predictors that were discovered during the study. The finding suggestions is also clearly stated. The research gap however is not stated, which is an important element that should appear within the abstract (Bennett, 2017).

Literature Review/Background

On the clinical problem, the projected rise in the population for older adults in the US and the preference of hypertensive cases within this population in the US is the main clinical problem that prompted the study to be conducted. For the data concerning the clinical problem, the study revealed that 82.9% of those at age 60 and above in the US reported that they were taking hypertensive drugs. Among this population, only half had managed to control hypertension. These are worrying statistics that required further research on the cause and effect on health-related quality of life (HRQOL), hence the significant need for this study Research Critique 1 N5366: Principles of Research in Nursing.

The major topics discussed in the background section are; health-related quality of life (HRQOL), The hypertension in the United States, The effects of lifestyle interventions in older adults with hypertension, Physical, mental, emotional, and social functioning, as well as the influence of stress and its relation to HRQOL in older adults with hypertension (Chen et al., 2018). All these topics were well covered considering the study context, the important variables, as well as the population. On matters to do with sources, the background section included secondary sources that were not current at the time of study- 2018 (Trevisol et al.,2011 and Gerber, 2012). On critical evaluation and synthetization, the studies were critically evaluated and the current knowledge about the hypertension prevalence among the older adults was clearly brought into the limelight showing the need to conduct a research on the issue.

On issues to do with support for the current research study, the gaps in research were clearly identified and justification for the study was described in detail as all the previous studies dwelled mostly on areas such as physical functioning and mental health in older adults. Nevertheless, there was no significant research studies that tested on the effects of lifestyle interventions in older adults that were diagnosed with hypertension.

Research Problem, Purpose, Research Questions/Hypotheses

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a six-month lifestyle-based intervention on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in older adults with hypertension Research Critique 1 N5366: Principles of Research in Nursing. As per the background the research purpose fully addressed the research gap that was identified in nursing knowledge. On the other hand, the questions/hypothesis were only implied and not explicitly stated. Given the nature of the selected sample population, although much of the information was drawn from self-reports, the researcher had the decision to drop those with signs of psychosis. The Participants who reported taking blood pressure medication in the second study were also directly selected as subjects.

Theoretical Framework

The framework that supported the study was the Social Cognitive theory. The framework states that there is a significant relationship between an individual, the environment, as well as health related quality of life (HRQOL) (Middleton, Hall & Raeside, 2019). On matters to do with framework clarity, the framework was clearly presented and the reader is given a wide range of example to understand the perspectives of the theory in terms of the person, the environment and HRQOL Research Critique 1 N5366: Principles of Research in Nursing. All the involved elements were clearly listed and explained to eliminate vagueness.

On relationships among concepts, the three major concept in the social cognitive theory have been mentioned as the person, the environment as well as HRQOL. The relationship among the concept has been explained such that a person may experience some condition (e.g. stress), but depending with their social support (environment), it will determine their HRQOL (outcome). About the interlinking of the framework concepts, the baseline study variables were stress and social support. The two variables were linked to the frame work concept of the person (stress) and the environment (social support) respectively. This interlinking is the one which will dictate the outcome depending on the subjected participants.


Bennett, L. L. (2017). The Gap Between Nursing Education and Clinical Skills. ABNF Journal,

28(4), 96–102.

Chen, M.-L., Hu, J., McCoy, T. P., Letvak, S., & Ivanov, L. (2018). Effect of a Lifestyle-Based

Intervention on Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Adults with Hypertension. Journal of Aging Research, 1–8. Research Critique 1 N5366: Principles of Research in Nursing

Middleton, L., Hall, H., & Raeside, R. (2019). Applications and applicability of Social Cognitive

Theory in information science research. Journal of Librarianship & Information Science, 51(4), 927–937.   Research Critique 1 N5366: Principles of Research in Nursing


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