NURS 4100 / 4105 Position Paper on Health Policy: Death with Dignity Act

NURS 4100 / 4105 Position Paper on Health Policy: Death with Dignity Act

Now that you have analyzed many different aspects of health care policy, you are better able to form a comprehensive evidence-based opinion on its effectiveness. The policy you chose to focus on, like all policy, as you now well know, is a conglomeration of many different facets. Each of those facets is integral to the policy’s success, efficiency, and value.

As a nursing professional and advocate for change, having an all-inclusive understanding of health care policy (the Death with Dignity) is extremely important. Nurses have a tremendous amount of untapped power to make positive changes. NURS 4100 / 4105 Position Paper on Health Policy: Death with Dignity Act. Your knowledge of policy is just a first step. With this new process of breaking down and analyzing each of the pieces of health care policy, you have added another tool to your toolkit.


To complete this Assignment, consider all of your findings from the Discussion in Week 1 and the Assignments in Weeks 2 and 3. Analyze your research on the policy, including costs, quality, and/or safety issues.

Address the following:

Introduce the topic by drawing from your previous work. Introduce the policy by providing an overview of the suggested or implemented policy: background of the topic, including main elements of the policy, costs, and quality/safety. Assert your main thesis statement.
Offer an evidence-based, informed opinion in support of the suggested or implemented policy. Describe at least two major contributions that this policy makes to health care, nursing, or health outcomes. Provide support with at least three sources of evidence. NURS 4100 / 4105 Position Paper on Health Policy: Death with Dignity Act
Discuss at least one opposing opinion to the suggested or implemented policy. Provide evidence and/or data to support the counterargument.
Present a final position on the policy. Support the final defensible argument with current literature.
A. Restate your argument.
B. Provide a plan of action, but do not introduce new information. In total, your paper will be 4–5 pages in length, not including the title page or reference page.

Academic Writing Expectations Checklist

NURS 4100: Weeks 1–6


The items noted below are areas where you can improve. Click on the links to access Writing Center resources:NURS 4100 / 4105 Position Paper on Health Policy: Death with Dignity Act


  • Sentence-level skills

Using commas appropriately. See examples of the different comma uses.

Ensuring that pronouns match their nouns. See this discussion of noun-pronoun agreement.

Proofreading for grammar, mechanics, and spelling. Read these proofreading tips.




  • Paragraph-level skills

Focusing each paragraph on one central idea (rather than multiple ideas). See an explanation of how topic sentences work.

Ordering sentences logically in a paragraph. See an explanation of how the MEAL plan builds a strong paragraph.




  • Essay-level skills

Structuring the paper (with an introduction, body, and conclusion). See an explanation of outlining a paper to plan organization.

Making an overall argument. See description and examples of thesis statements.

Using transitions to guide the reader and show relationships. See a guide to transitional phrases.




  • Awareness of audience and discipline

Writing in an academic voice. See the different facets of an appropriately formal tone.

Formatting the paper according to APA style guidelines. See the course paper template for correct margins, spacing, font, and more.



  • Use of evidence

Using readings, statistics, or data to effectively support a claim. See examples of integrating evidence in a paper.

Avoiding quotes. If used, enclose direct quotes in quotation marks. Read about the purpose of quotation marks.

Paraphrasing to avoid plagiarizing the source. See paraphrasing strategies. (Paraphrase rather than quote—no more than one quote)

Use the most current evidence (usually ≤ 5 years old). NURS 4100 / 4105 Position Paper on Health Policy: Death with Dignity Act




  • Credit to source

Using in-text citations appropriately. See examples of citations in APA style.

Setting up your reference list at the end of the paper or Discussion post. See this reference list overview.

Formatting the reference entries according to APA style. See common reference examples here.





Rubric Detail


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Name: NURS_4105_Week5_Assignment_Rubric

Show Descriptions

Required Content “Introduction presents overview of policy, including background, main policy elements, costs and quality/safety elements.

Excellent 45 (15%) – 50 (16.67%)

Proficient 40 (13.33%) – 44 (14.67%)

Basic 35 (11.67%) – 39 (13%)

Needs Improvement 0 (0%) – 34 (11.33%)

Required Content Policy is supported with an evidence-based argument. A minimum of two major contributions to health care, nursing, and/or health outcomes are presented.

Excellent 76 (25.33%) – 85 (28.33%)

Proficient 68 (22.67%) – 75 (25%)

Basic 59 (19.67%) – 67 (22.33%)

Needs Improvement 0 (0%) – 58 (19.33%)

Required Content An opposing opinion to the suggested policy is presented with evidence.

Excellent 36 (12%) – 40 (13.33%)

Proficient 32 (10.67%) – 35 (11.67%)

Basic 28 (9.33%) – 31 (10.33%)

Needs Improvement 0 (0%) – 30 (10%)

Required Content Final position stated supported with current literature.

Excellent 36 (12%) – 40 (13.33%)

Proficient 32 (10.67%) – 35 (11.67%)

Basic 28 (9.33%) – 31 (10.33%)

Needs Improvement 0 (0%) – 30 (10%)

Required Content A plan of action with conclusion is presented.

Excellent 23 (7.67%) – 25 (8.33%)

Proficient 20 (6.67%) – 22 (7.33%)

Basic 18 (6%) – 19 (6.33%)

Needs Improvement 0 (0%) – 17 (5.67%)

Academic Writing Expectations (AWE 3) 4000 Level “Displays sentence and paragraph level skills: Constructs simple, complex and compound sentences; Writes without spelling, grammatical or syntax errors; Writes without sentence fragments or run on sentences; Uses punctuation appropriately; Writes appropriate introductions and conclusions. Demonstrates essay level skills: Cohesion and flow by using transition sentences; Precision, clarity and academic tone; Awareness of discipline specific audience. NURS 4100 / 4105 Position Paper on Health Policy: Death with Dignity Act. Displays academic expression: Scholarly voice: evidence of the student’s own ideas with a well-organized presentation of evidence; Synthesizes resources by using own words; Uses evidence from course learning resources, scholarly resources and seeks additional resources to support content as required in the assignment, Provided support with 5 additional scholarly articles as sources of evidence. “

Excellent 27 (9%) – 30 (10%)

Proficient 24 (8%) – 26 (8.67%)

Basic 21 (7%) – 23 (7.67%)

Needs Improvement 0 (0%) – 20 (6.67%)

“APA Formatting: cover page, title of paper on second page, level headings, Times New Roman 12 font, 1″” margins, and page numbers. APA References: Uses in-text citations appropriately and format correctly. Paraphrases to avoid plagiarizing the source.
Reference list is in alphabetical order, hanging indent, double spaced in format. Each specific entry contains all information required by APA format including author, year of publication, title of publication, pages, DOI, website, as appropriate.” NURS 4100 / 4105 Position Paper on Health Policy: Death with Dignity Act

Excellent 27 (9%) – 30 (10%)

Proficient 24 (8%) – 26 (8.67%)

Basic 21 (7%) – 23 (7.67%)

Needs Improvement 0 (0%) – 20 (6.67%)

Total Points: 300

Name: NURS_4105_Week5_Assignment_Rubric


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