NRSE / NURS-6003 week 2 Discussion: Strategies for Addressing Questions

NRSE / NURS-6003 week 2 Discussion: Strategies for Addressing Questions

Taking up the Masters of Science in Nursing is a matter that has caused me sleepless nights wondering how to go about the program and what is expected on me. After completing my BSN, not long ago, thoughts of advancing my profession clinched my mind, with the sole aim of increasing my professionalism to become a well-skilled nurse who not only meets the goals of his patients but only intervene to challenges in my organization. However, I had worries of how to go around my Masters, stress that I even have now. One of the concerns that really is an issue, is choosing between family nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist. NRSE / NURS-6003 week 2 Discussion: Strategies for Addressing Questions Earlier my goal was to be CRNA but changed my mind after I shadowed a CRNA. Currently, in my unit I work with patients who mostly are septic or DKA, and I hope to find a specialty between the two that will work well for me. Keeping my network members close in this journey of advancing my profession, most of them say that I can work well when specializing with certain patients like those suffering diabetes, and therefore, I think that specializing  as a CNS, would be a good thing to me, though am still bound to change.


Another great concern I have is how to balance between my overwhelming work schedule and now my master’s program. One of my network members, Jessica an assistant physician, tells me it is the highest time I start planning ahead if I want to have a smooth flow doing my master’s program. She tells me that keep track of my assignments, projects, upcoming tests and events should now be my new norm, which will certainly do but am a bit anxious. NRSE / NURS-6003 week 2 Discussion: Strategies for Addressing Questions She encourages me to always reach out to the professor early enough to clarify issues, and because I will now be engaged with a lot of issues to manage, she explains the need for self-care to rest and meditate on issues and engage with friends. Another concern before applying for the master’s program was how to create my professional portfolio, and that is how I came to join Walden University after my educational network friend Mr. Reginald, an enrollment advisor, cleared the way for me after explaining the benefits of studying in Walden, which among them was that the university offers a professional portfolio course which will help me document my image in the profession, and communicate my achievements to the professional community as I seek to find better opportunities after completion of MSN (Walden University, n.d.). Lastly, my concern is how do I improve my writing skills in relation to the many papers that await me? But it is my hope that through Walden’s writing center I will learn, understand and develop scholarly skills that will help in my academic, civic and global engagement writings (“Writing Center,” 2020) NRSE / NURS-6003 week 2 Discussion: Strategies for Addressing Questions.

This journey gives me some jitters, but am confident to pursue and complete my course, working closely with my network members and importantly by engaging the professors where need be, and therefore hope for better opportunities in future. NRSE / NURS-6003 week 2 Discussion: Strategies for Addressing Questions.



Walden University. (n.d.). Masters of Science in Nursing (MSN)

University, W. (n.d.). Writing Center. Retrieved from



I understand the sleepless nights all too well.  About two days before the start of the MSN program, I have not been able to have a full night’s rest yet.  I am constantly thinking about what else needs to be done, if am I completing the assignments correctly, will I be able to find a preceptor for clinical, and will I have time to get the required clinical hours completed?  I did register and watch the Walden University webinar on the APA 7 at a Glance: Changes and Support for the Switch last evening. I have found many resources within the Walden University Writing Center that will assist with future assignments. Under the Revision section of the Writing Center, it mentions that “the majority of time is spent rewriting, reorganizing, and rewording the first draft” (para. 2). With that in mind, it will be imperative to make sure enough time is allotted before any assignment is due.

I also have some concerns about balancing work, family, and now online schooling.  I did obtain my bachelor’s degree online five years ago, but I have different concerns with this master’s program.  It appears that time is less on my side, so I will have to continue to find ways to assist with my success. Kauffman (2014), mentions that the success for online students is managed by the recognition of “self-awareness of needs, adequate management of feelings, self-discipline, time management, organization, planning, and self-evaluating” (p. 7).  I do feel that I poses many of these skills to become a successful student, but I will have to continue to reach within myself to bring these qualities forward.


Kauffman, H. (2015). A review of predictive factors of student success in and satisfaction with online learning [23, 1-13]. Research in Learning Technology. Retrieved June 7, 2020, from

Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). Writing a paper: Revision. Retrieved June 7, 2020, from


Response 2

            Reading through all of these posts, it seems concerns with writing skills are amongst the most popular.  Writing is truly an acquired skill that takes time to refine.  Hopefully, the more we read, write, research, and participate in discussion posts our writing skills will improve.  Walden University has a great writing center with an adequate amount of resources to help us improve our writing skills and produce noteworthy material.  There are also multiple online editing tools to help correct grammar, punctuation, and APA formatting.  I recently discovered Grammarly and PERRLA.  During my first week in my first discussion post, I felt like I took entirely too long to write a discussion post, approximately two hours.  This week I feel my writing skills are coming to be faster and easier, hopefully, with more practice this trend will continue. NRSE / NURS-6003 week 2 Discussion: Strategies for Addressing Questions


Walden University. (n.d.). Masters of Science in Nursing (MSN)

University, W. (n.d.). Writing Center. Retrieved from


Discussion: Strategies for Addressing Questions

In Module 1, you began building a foundation for your success by considering a network-individuals and teams who can help you to clarify and execute on the vision. A network is most helpful when you are comfortable asking questions. Chances are other members of your network have experienced similar questions and may have helped guide others toward resolutions that can now be helpful.

In this Discussion, focus on the questions you are ready to ask as your journey begins. Keep in mind that sharing questions is often a great way to help others who have similar questions even if they do not realize it!


To prepare:

  • Reflect on questions or concerns you might have as you begin the MSN program.
  • Consider the individuals, teams, and departments you previously considered in Module 1 as well as how they may provide support with addressing these questions and concerns.
  • NRSE / NURS-6003 week 2 Discussion: Strategies for Addressing Questions

By Day 3 of Week 2

Post any questions or concerns that you are willing to share with the group. The Discussion board represents an opportunity to network with your course colleagues, and others may have the same questions or concerns.

By Day 6 of Week 2

Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts by offering a possible resolution to their questions/concerns with supporting documentation, if possible, or expanding on their thinking and providing an example as support.


The Questions and concern I have about my MSN Online Program 

I have heard some positive and negative comments regarding earning a degree through an online program, and I think that because the negative comments were targeted at making an online degree less credible than one obtained through the traditional methods, it made me almost not apply to attend Walden University. According to Kauffman (2015), research shows that there is no difference between the online and traditional methods of learning. With this in mind, my first question is:

Do you feel that you would be more successful if you were completing the MSN program using the traditional method of learning rather than online?

Another concern I have is self-motivation. Being in the comfort of one’s home, I believe, can be a blessing but could also cause some hindrance in pacing one’s self with distractions such as television and family around us NRSE / NURS-6003 week 2 Discussion: Strategies for Addressing Questions. Research also shows that one’s gender, race, and learning abilities are factors that contribute to one’s success as an online student (Nguyen, 2015). My next question is:

How do you intend to motivate yourself throughout this program?

One concern I believe all of us share is job availability; will there be a spot for me after I graduate? Some states allow nurse practitioners to practice independently and grant them the full scope of practice while others do not. According to Xue, Ye, Brewer, and Spetz (2016), removing restrictions on nurse practitioners’ scope of practice by states can be beneficial in increasing care capacity in rural and vulnerable populations. This leads to my last question:

What have you found regarding the job market for nurse practitioners and your state practice capacity or scope of practice? NRSE / NURS-6003 week 2 Discussion: Strategies for Addressing Questions



Kauffman, H. (2015). A review of predictive factors of student success in and satisfaction with

online learning. Research in Learning Technology. 23, 1-13.

Nguyen, T. (2015). The effectiveness of online learning: Beyond no significant difference and

future horizons. Merlot Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. 11(2).

Xue, Y., Ye, Z., Brewer, C., & Spetz, J. (2016). Impact of state nurse practitioner scope-of-

practice regulation on health care delivery: Systematic review. Nursing Outlook. 64(1), 71-85. NRSE / NURS-6003 week 2 Discussion: Strategies for Addressing Questions



I have also heard a lot of negatives and positives concerning online education.  According to (Kauffman, n.d.) negative perceptions can lead to unfavorable learning outcomes including decreased motivation and persistence.  The nurse practitioner curriculum is self-taught, therefore, requiring motivation and discipline NRSE / NURS-6003 week 2 Discussion: Strategies for Addressing Questions.  In my opinion, these two characteristics speak volumes and show that online education is as valid as traditional education.

As far as motivation, I know I will not always be motivated to do homework or study but, I must remain disciplined so that I may reach my goal.  This thought process is something I am trying to instill into my everyday life. One study shows that online students had greater self-efficacy ratings for online courses compared to face-to-face courses, indicating that they felt more capable of success in online courses (Stark, 2019).  There may be hope for us if this is true.

For now, following a strict schedule and setting time frames for homework is a start.

I am very concerned about job availability.  NRSE / NURS-6003 week 2 Discussion: Strategies for Addressing Questions My area is flooded with nurse practitioners, and a majority are dual-certified.  I find this very competitive and worrisome.  According to (Pando, 2017) a majority agreed of nurse practitioners agreed their roles should be expanded, but they stated several obstacles, such as state laws, reimbursement rates, and patient perceptions.  Breaking or modifying some of these obstacles can produce higher demand for nurse practitioners and increase employment.

Networking is one way I can think of to obtain a job after graduation.  I also spoke to a close friend of mine who is a new nurse practitioner, it took her a few months to obtain a job.  According to her and her experience with employers, they were much more interested in your experience rather than the university you attended.  On my pathway to obtaining my degree, I plan on obtaining more critical care experience, especially in the areas I lack confidence and I plan to continue networking. NRSE / NURS-6003 week 2 Discussion: Strategies for Addressing Questions


Kauffman, H. (n.d.). A review of predictive factors of student success in and satisfaction with online learning. Research in Learning Technology. Retrieved June 9, 2020, from

Pando, C. (2017). Barriers that nurse practitioners face as primary care providers in the united states. Annals of Global Health83(1), 112.

Stark, E. (2019). Examining the role of motivation and learning strategies in the success of online vs. face-to-face students. Online Learning23(3).  NRSE / NURS-6003 week 2 Discussion: Strategies for Addressing Questions



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