Big Data Risks and Rewards Discussion Post example

Big Data Risks and Rewards Discussion Post example

Discussion: Big Data Risks and Rewards

Post a description of at least one potential benefit of using big data as part of a clinical system and explain why. Then, describe at least one potential challenge or risk of using big data as part of a clinical system and explain why. Propose at least one strategy you have experienced, observed, or researched that may effectively mitigate the challenges or risks of using big data you described. Be specific and provide examples.

Main Post:

One way that big data is used in health care is through patient portals to  have the patients medical records available to both the patient  and providers that are involved in their care.According to the 2019 Brief by Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology [1], nearly 86% (9/10) of hospitals in the United States now have at least a basic EHR system (eg, patient demographics, problem lists, medication lists, and discharge summaries)(  Han, Gleason, Sun, Miller, King, Chow, Anderson, Nagy, & Bauer, 2019)This is beneficial because when  a patient cannot recall when they had a diagnostic test performed or the results of their lab work it is easily accessible to the health care team.  This allows for continuity of care and when patients are presented with a lot of information they can go back into the patient portal and  review information like laboratory results, medication history and discharge summaries and request refills and appointments. (Otokiti, Williams , &  Warsame, 2020)information, labs and also send messages to their doctors or health care team members. These  types of portals also increase safety measures can prevent  medication errors from occurring or  medications  not being updated Big Data Risks and Rewards Discussion Post example.  However, one of the downfalls of these portals is  that  there is no universal EHR  or portal system being used.  This means that if i live in California for  5 years and move to  Arizona later on some of my records could possibly get lost. How would a relatively healthy patient  know to remember the name of the surgeon who took out  his appendix that ruptured  and  the complications that may have arose  when they were 20 and now at  35  that is relevant.Not many, even as a nurse I often  forget the importance of keeping track of medical history  that at the time seems irrelevant but  may become pertinent later on  down the road.  They other side of the coin with big data is that when we have things like EHR and patients portals  it is also an organizations responsibility to monitor the safety and security of their system continuously.     These types fo systems are very appealing to cyber criminals  because of the information thy contain and  the amount of people that have access to the system is large and therefore more opportunities to penetrate the system. They are also remarkably vulnerable to penetration because of the fluid and always-evolving nature of a patient’s medical care and because of the number of clinicians, facilities and transactions required to connect patient care across multiple settings.( Koppell, &  Kuziemsky, 2019) This is a huge downside to big data.  The liability and  possible fines for a data breach could be crippling for an organization.


Han, H.-R., Gleason, K. T., Sun, C.-A., Miller, H. N., Kang, S. J., Chow, S., Anderson, R., Nagy, P., & Bauer, T. (2019). Using Patient Portals to Improve Patient Outcomes: Systematic Review.  JMIR Human Factors ,  6 (4), e15038.

KOPPEL, R., & KUZIEMSKY, C. (2019). Healthcare Data Are Remarkably Vulnerable o Hacking: Connected Healthcare Delivery Increases he Risks. Studies in Health Technology & Informatics257, 218–222.

Otokiti, A., Williams, K. S., & Warsame, L. (2020). Impact of Digital Divide on the Adoption of Online Patient Portals for Self-Motivated Patients. Healthcare Informatics Research26(3), 220–228. Big Data Risks and Rewards Discussion Post example

By Day 6 of Week 5

Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days, by offering one or more additional mitigation strategies or further insight into your colleagues’ assessment of big data opportunities and risks.

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are a useful and dangerous tool at the same time. Many organizations have moved to using an EHR to collect and save patient data. These records can be used to save time, money, and lives (Pearl,2016). This data can be used to document allergies, medications, illness ect. There has been an increase in linking biometrics to health records in order to make these records more accurate, reduce the number of charts per patient, and reduce patient misidentifications that may occur with similar names (Muoio, 2020).

You are right, however, that medical records should be connected in some way. Locally we have 2 major hospitals, however, they don’t communicate with each other. If you have a procedure, admission, or ER visit at hospital A and then seek care at hospital B in the future, there is no way to access those records. With multiple EHRs being used it can be hard to ensure all data is correct and reliable. Many patients seek care with more than one provider and it puts patients at risk when records are not readily available (NHS, 2019)


Muoio, Dave. (2020). No-touch palm scanner helps ID patients while dodging COVID-19. Mobihealthnews. scanner-helps-id-patients-while-dodging-covid-19


NHS. (2019). Poor NHS medical record sharing is putting patient lives in danger. Health Europa. Big Data Risks and Rewards Discussion Post example



Pearl, Robert. (2016). How an electronic health record can save time, money and lives. Forbes.

sample response 2

The use of electronic health records (EHR) has definitely shown the importance of using big data in a clinical system. With the high number of Americans living with chronic diseases, it can be difficult to remember multiple treatment plans for patients and their providers. Shen et al. (2020) states that “As one of the advantages, patients with certain chronic disease in regular contacts with the healthcare system will definitely have multiple records so that the variability of measurements can be tracked. However, the format of records may vary among different data sets and different systems”. As you mentioned, there is no universal EHR for all healthcare systems, and this could be detrimental to a patient’s health. “The traditional physician‑patient relationship must remain unaffected by such technological additions” (Kumar et al., 2020). If the patient-physician relationship is disrupted due to a patient not understanding how to use a particular EHR, this could unintentionally cause a delay in care by missing an important appointment, or forgetting medications they take when seeing a doctor in a different EHR system Big Data Risks and Rewards Discussion Post example.


Kumar, A., Sundar, D., & Agarwal, D. (2020). Commentary: Electronic medical record system – should complement but not replace traditional health care. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 68(3), 432–433.

Shen, Y., Zhou, J., & Hu, G. (2020). Practical use of electronic health records among patients with diabetes in scientific research. Chinese medical journal, 133(10), 1224–1230.

response 3

You have made a great point. One of the points you made about the lack of universal EHR was something that played a big role during the Covid-19 pandemic. The lack of the ability to see the entire patient’s medical history became a bit of an issue when the covid vaccine administration began (Pelzman, 2021). There was no way to look up a person’s vaccination record and if they do not posse the vaccination card, there was no proof that they had received it at all. Even without the effect of covid- 19, the lack of a universal EHR makes it difficult to gain access to patients’ health history across the country and it might omit some part of the necessary information about the history along its way to the new healthcare facility. With this bridge in healthcare, comes a bridge in the communication and trust associated with the care of a patient’s life (Primary Care Development Corporation, 2021). Although to many individuals it might not play a big difference in the care, they are receiving but individuals who have chronic illness will be more concerned if all their information is not getting transferred and across to their new healthcare provider, it might create a rift from the beginning because of the lack of knowledge about the patient’s journey through the diagnosis.  Creating a universal EHR will help create a universal communication line among all healthcare personnel and this will create a better patient care result Big Data Risks and Rewards Discussion Post example.


Pelzman, F. (2021, May 17). COVID Exposes Another Gap in Care: Lack of Universal EHR Access. Retrieved from MedPage TODAY:

Primary Care Development Corporation. (2021, July 1). The Impact of Electronic Health Records and Interoperability. Retrieved from PCDC:


sample response 4

Electronic Medical Records (EMR) evolved from paper-based records to increase safety for patients, staff productivity, and reduction of errors. Patient Portals provides a way for the patient to see his own medical records. I just recently enrolled in a patient portal to access some diagnostic results. Interestingly, I was prompted that I can now link my other patient portals from other healthcare facilities with just a click of a button to integrate all portals together. Yes, I find it convenient for me to be able to see even the old health records even from a few years back. Then it occurred to me, that since all the records are now linked, what happens if one of these portals gets hijacked? Then the portal will become a goldmine for the intruder to get all information about the person if there was a security breach.  In these present times, some older individual patients share their passwords to their caregivers may be because they are not computer savvy, or that these people are the ones helping the patients. Sharing login credentials has been associated with enormous security risks because people often reuse their passwords for different accounts, such as online banking or social media ( Das, et al., 2014). Strictly adhering to both the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rule must be done to avoid this complication.

It also presents a problem when caregivers call the hospitals and asks for the password of the patient, they care for to access the portal on the patient’s behalf. Sharing credentials can lead to multiple data security and privacy problems, including revealing more information than the patient intended, and to health care practitioner confusion and mistakes if they do not know with whom they are communicating (Semere, et al. 2014).

Indeed, patient portals are useful and time-saving when we have to look up our records and send communications with our health providers. Yet, we must always be mindful of the possibilities of information system hacking by criminals that a strong and hack proof password must be in place and access given strictly to your provider Big Data Risks and Rewards Discussion Post example.


Das A, Bonneau  J, Caesar  M, Borisov  N, Wang  X.  The tangled web of password reuse.   NDSS Symposium. Published February 2014.

Semere  W, Crossley  S, Karter  AJ, et al.  Secure messaging with physicians by proxies for patients with diabetes: findings from the ECLIPPSE Study.   J Gen Intern Med. 2019;34(11):2490-2496. doi:10.1007/s11606-019-05259-1 Big Data Risks and Rewards Discussion Post example

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