Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health Subjective Data Collection

Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health Subjective Data Collection

Subjective Data Collection: 17 of 17 (100.0%)

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Scored Items

Experts selected these topics as essential components of a strong, thorough interview with this patient.

Patient Data

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A combination of open and closed questions will yield better patient data. The following details are facts of the patient’s case. Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health Subjective Data Collection

Confirmed Guardian’s Relationship

  • Finding:

    Asked about relationship with patient

  • Finding:

    Reports being Zachary’s mother


    Pro Tip: Confirming the patient’s relationship with their guardian ensures that you’re observing legal and ethical protections for patient privacy and that you’re speaking with someone who has access to their information.

    Example Question:

    Are you your son’s guardian?

Reason for Visit

  • Finding:

    Established reason for visit

  • Finding:

    Reports bringing Zachary in for a wellness visit


    Pro Tip: Determining the reason for a visit in the patient’s own words ensures that you understand what the patient wants from the visit. It also allows you to correctly document the visit’s purpose.

    Example Question:

    What bring you in to the clinic today?


  • Finding:

    Asked about Daanis’ feeding practices Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health Subjective Data Collection

  • Finding:

    Reports breastfeeding Zachary


    Pro Tip: Feeding, diet, and nutrition are key components of infant wellness and have a direct impact on their development and health. Guardians and caretakers’ descriptions of how and what an infant is eating will allow you to detect and make sense of any developmental delays.

    Example Question:

    Are you breastfeeding your son?

  • Finding:

    Reports offering both breasts


  • Example Question:

    Does your mother put your son down for naps?

  • Finding:

    Reports that Zachary wakes up frequently on Tuesday and Thursday nights


    Pro Tip: Sleep and routine are key components of infant wellness. Insufficient, restless, or excessive sleep directly impacts an infant’s growth and development.

    Example Question:

    Does your son have trouble sleeping? Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health Subjective Data Collection

  • Finding:

    Asked about sleep safety

  • Finding:

    Reports Zachary sleeps in a cradleboard or a bassinet


    Pro Tip: Sleep and routine are key components of infant wellness. Insufficient, restless, or excessive sleep directly impacts an infant’s growth and development.

    Example Question:

    Where does your son sleep?

  • Finding:

    Reports that Zachary sleeps swaddled on his back


    Pro Tip: Sleep and routine are key components of infant wellness. Insufficient, restless, or excessive sleep directly impacts an infant’s growth and development.

    Example Question:

    Do you swaddle your son?

  • Finding:

    Reports that Zachary sleeps in an empty bassinet


    Pro Tip: Sleep and routine are key components of infant wellness. Insufficient, restless, or excessive sleep directly impacts an infant’s growth and development Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health Subjective Data Collection.

    Example Question:

    Does your son sleep with anything?

  • Finding:

    Reports that Zachary sleeps in Daanis’ room


    Pro Tip: Sleep and routine are key components of infant wellness. Insufficient, restless, or excessive sleep directly impacts an infant’s growth and development.

    Example Question:

    Do you sleep with your son?

  • Finding:

    Denies cosleeping with Zachary


    Pro Tip: Sleep and routine are key components of infant wellness. Insufficient, restless, or excessive sleep directly impacts an infant’s growth and development.

    Example Question:

    Do you cosleep with your son?


  • Finding:

    Asked about elimination

  • Finding:

    Reports Zachary urinates 5 or 6 times a day


    Pro Tip: Elimination is a key component of infant wellness. The frequency and quality of an infant’s feces, urine, spit up, and vomit provide important information about their diet, health, and development.

    Example Question:

    How often does your son urinate?

  • Finding:

    Reports Zachary defecates 3 times a day at most


    Pro Tip: Elimination is a key component of infant wellness. The frequency and quality of an infant’s feces, urine, spit up, and vomit provide important information about their diet, health, and development.

    Example Question:

    How often does your son defecate?

  • Finding:

    Reports Zachary spits up infrequently


    Pro Tip: Elimination is a key component of infant wellness. The frequency and quality of an infant’s feces, urine, spit up, and vomit provide important information about their diet, health, and development Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health Subjective Data Collection.

    Example Question:

    How frequently does your son spit up?

  • Fxx

  • Pro Tip: Healthy infants usually develop along a predictable timeframe. Delayed or absent developmental milestones can be a sign of health conditions, disorders, or the need for changes in the guardian’s feeding practice, sleep schedule, and health promotion behavior.

    Example Question:

    What kinds of noises is your son making?

  • Finding:

    Asked about auditory developmental milestone

  • Finding:

    Reports that Zachary turns to look at noises


    Pro Tip: Healthy infants usually develop along a predictable timeframe. Delayed or absent developmental milestones can be a sign of health conditions, disorders, or the need for changes in the guardian’s feeding practice, sleep schedule, and health promotion behavior.

    Example Question:

    Does your son look when he hears something?

  • Finding:

    Asked about gross motor developmental milestone

  • Finding:

    Reports not purposefully doing tummy time


    Pro Tip: Healthy infants usually develop along a predictable timeframe. Delayed or absent developmental milestones can be a sign of health conditions, disorders, or the need for changes in the guardian’s feeding practice, sleep schedule, and health promotion behavior.

    Example Question:

    Are you familiar with tummy time?

  • Finding:

    Reports that he seems to be able to lift his head


    Pro Tip: Healthy infants usually develop along a predictable timeframe. Delayed or absent developmental milestones can be a sign of health conditions, disorders, or the need for changes in the guardian’s feeding practice, sleep schedule, and health promotion behavior.

    Example Question:

    How often does your son lift his head up?

Maternal Health

  • Finding:

    Asked about maternal health

  • Finding:

    Reports busy personal schedule


    Pro Tip: A caretaker’s health and wellbeing has a significant impact on the health of their child, especially when they are a breastfeeding mother.

    Example Question:

    What is your schedule like?

  • Finding:

    Reports that mother is helping with childcare


    Pro Tip: A caretaker’s health and wellbeing has a significant impact on the health of their child, especially when they are a breastfeeding mother.

    Example Question:

    Are you the only adult who lives in your home?

  • Finding:

    Reports drinking sufficient water


    Pro Tip: A caretaker’s health and wellbeing has a significant impact on the health of their child, especially when they are a breastfeeding mother.

    Example Question:

    How much water do you drink?

  • Finding:

    Reports eating healthy, high-calorie diet


    Pro Tip: A caretaker’s health and wellbeing has a significant impact on the health of their child, especially when they are a breastfeeding mother.

    Example Question:

    How is your diet and appetite doing?

  • Finding:

    Reports insufficient sleep


    Pro Tip: A caretaker’s health and wellbeing has a significant impact on the health of their child, especially when they are a breastfeeding mother Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health Subjective Data Collection.

    Example Question:

    Do you get enough sleep?

  • Finding:

    Asked about breast health

  • Finding:

    Reports breasts feeling full before feeding


    Pro Tip: A caretaker’s health and wellbeing has a significant impact on the health of their child, especially when they are a breastfeeding mother.

    Example Question:

    Do your breasts feel full before feeding your son?

  • Finding:

    Reports breasts don’t always feel empty after feeding


    Pro Tip: A caretaker’s health and wellbeing has a significant impact on the health of their child, especially when they are a breastfeeding mother.

    Example Question:

    Do your breasts ever feel empty?

  • Finding:

    Denies frequent breast leaking


    Pro Tip: A caretaker’s health and wellbeing has a significant impact on the health of their child, especially when they are a breastfeeding mother.

    Example Question:

    Have you noticed your breasts leaking at all?

  • Finding:

    Denies breast and nipple pain


    Pro Tip: A caretaker’s health and wellbeing has a significant impact on the health of their child, especially when they are a breastfeeding mother.

    Example Question:

    Do you have breast pain?

  • Finding:

    Asked about maternal mental health

  • Finding:

    Reports feeling overwhelmed


    Pro Tip: A caretaker’s health and wellbeing has a significant impact on the health of their child, especially when they are a breastfeeding mother.

    Example Question:

    How are your mood and energy right now?

  • Finding:

    Reports minimal support network outside of family Zachary LaFontaine Infant Well Visit Shadow health Subjective Data Collection

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