Enhancing the Sustainability of EBP Initiatives Essay

Discuss an EBP initiative that was implemented in a health care setting (use fictitious names for people and places) and whether it was successful or not sustainable, with rationale. Choose one of four models of organizational change (Melnyk [2019], Chap. 15, pp. 432-437) that you would use in an advanced nursing role to enhance the sustainability of EBP initiatives.

Diverse evidence-based practice initiatives were implemented in the healthcare facility where I work and these initiatives were sustainable and successful. One of the most outstanding EBP initiative that was implemented was the adherence to infection control policies that greatly improved especially during the covid-19 pandemic outbreak. The infection-control policies included observation of proper hand hygiene by using the appropriate hand washing protocols, ensuring the availability of soap in handwashing stations, and the installation of additional sinks and handwashing stations. Other measures included the wearing of personal protective equipment like double gloves, high filtration masks like N95, goggles, and ensuring other healthcare facility users like patients cover their noses and mouths, especially when coughing or sneezing (Kilbourne et al., 2019). adherence to infection-control policies was strictly followed especially in the medical/surgical unit where I was working and it was very beneficial because it greatly controlled the spread of the covid-19 virus as well as other hospital-acquired infections. This EBP initiative incorporated patient education during discharge to ensure that patients adhere to infection-control strategies at home to reduce the spread of infections.

To enhance the sustainability of EBP initiatives in my advanced nursing roles, I would use the Iowa model of organizational change because it encouraged nurses to use research findings to help in improving patient care and general healthcare quality. Additionally, the Iowa model is a problem-focused trigger and knowledge-focused trigger and the main focus of EBP initiative implementations in healthcare facilities is to solve an existing problem or disseminate knowledge to other healthcare workers thus leading to the delivery of high-quality services (Cullen et al., 2020). The Iowa model would be an appropriate model to use because of the steps that are followed while using the model thus involving other healthcare providers in the implementation of change. The emergence and rapid spread of the covid-19 virus was the problem identified using the Iowa model and therefore, Mackey, & Bassendowski, (2017) highlight that it was necessary to establish a buy-in by the healthcare facility to prioritize the problem where healthcare providers and other stakeholders can work collaboratively to develop, evaluate, and implement the proposed EBP changes. At this stage, a PICOT question is formed to critique the relevant research and evaluations are done continuously thus finally leading to the dissemination of sustainable results. 



Cullen, L., Hanrahan, K., Farrington, M., Anderson, R., Dimmer, E., Miner, R., … & Rod, E. (2020). Evidence-based practice change champion program improves quality care. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 50(3), 128-134. doi: 10.1097/NNA.0000000000000856

Kilbourne, A. M., Goodrich, D. E., Miake-Lye, I., Braganza, M. Z., & Bowersox, N. W. (2019). Quality Enhancement Research Initiative Implementation Roadmap: Toward Sustainability of Evidence-based Practices in a Learning Health System. Medical care, 57 Suppl 10 Suppl 3(10 Suppl 3), S286–S293. https://doi.org/10.1097/MLR.0000000000001144

Mackey, A., & Bassendowski, S. (2017). The history of evidence-based practice in nursing education and practice. Journal of Professional Nursing, 33(1), 51-55. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2016.05.009


 Week 7: Discussion Question -Enhancing the Sustainability of EBP Initiatives
Discussion Topic
 Task: Reply to this topic
Points: 30 | Due Date: Week 7, Day 3 & 7 | CLO: 4 | Grade Category: Discussions

Discussion Prompt

Discuss an EBP initiative that was implemented in a health care setting (use fictitious names for people and places) and whether it was successful or not sustainable, with rationale. Choose one of four models of organizational change (Melnyk [2019],  Chap. 15, pp. 432-437) that you would use in an advanced nursing role to enhance sustainability of EBP initiatives.


Initial Post:

Due: Thursday, 11:59 pm PT
Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA format from within the last 5 years
Peer Responses:

Due: Monday, 11:59 pm PT
Number: A Minimum of 2 to Peer Posts, at least one on a different day than the main post
Length: A minimum of 150 words per post, not including references
Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA per post from within the last 5 years
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