NRNP 6645 Midterm Exam Questions and Answers Walden University

NRNP 6645 Midterm Exam Questions and Answers Walden University

Question 1

When treating a family in which a child has been sexually abused the primary goals include which of the following? Check all that apply.

A. Ensure the abuse doesn’t recur
B. Reduce the long-term effects of the trauma
C. Preserve the integrity of the family at all cost.
D. A and B


Question 2

A situation in which a person’s zeal to avoid feared abandonments is such that the person inadvertently creates the very situation that he or she is trying so hard to avoid is an example of what is clinically known as which of the following?

A. Resistance
B. Transference
C. Self-fulfilling prophecy
D. Cyclical psychodynamics

Question 3

The change agent in relational psychodynamic therapy is which of the following?

A. Insight
B. Mindfulness
C. Wish/defense conflicts

NRNP 6645 Midterm Exam Questions and Answers Walden University

D. Emotional communication and affect regulation


Question 4

In a family session a teenager whose parents deny him a night out states angrily “See they never let me do anything!” The advanced practice psychiatric nurse using a Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy framework recognizes this as cognitive distortion known as:

A. Labeling and mislabeling
B. Overgeneralization
C. Personalization
D. Magnification and minimization

NRNP 6645 Midterm Exam Questions and Answers Walden University

Question 5

Which of the following is consistent with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)? Check all that apply.

A. CBT is a system of psychotherapy based on a theoretical framework which maintains how an individual structures one’s experiences largely determines how one feels and behaves.
B. Maladaptive thoughts relating to the “cognitive triad” are rooted in irrational or illogical assumptions.
C. By changing one’s thoughts, emotions and behaviors can be changed.
D. A and C


Question 6

According to Bowen, lack of differentiation in a family may be manifest as

A. Emotional overinvolvement
B. Emotional distance
C. Reactive Children
D. A and C
E. A, B, and C


question 69

Which of the following is true about Automatic Thought Records (ATR)? Check all that apply.

A. The ATR is a key component of CBT
B. This is a homework technique in which troubling situations and resulting emotions and thoughts are captured.
C. The therapist and patient work on clarification and development of “rational” responses to challenge the original responses.
D. All the above


Question 70

Schizoid personality is a pathological outcome associated with which of Erickson’s psychosocial stages?

A. Autonomy vs. self-doubt
B. Industry vs. inferiority
C. Identity vs. role confusion
D. Intimacy vs. isolation


Question 71

The advanced practice psychiatric nurse realizes which of the following regarding workbook exercises in therapy?

A. Workbook exercises are only an adjunct to treatment.
B. Workbook exercises simplify the real work in therapy.
C. Treatment manuals consistently correlate positively with treatment outcome.
D. Use of workbook exercises and approaches promotes creativity and flexibility in the therapeutic process.


Question 72

Which of the following is true regarding the difference between brief and long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy?

A. Brief psychotherapy is more effective than long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy.
B. Long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy is more effective than brief psychotherapy.
C. There is no qualitative difference between brief and long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy.
D. Brief and long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy cannot be compared.


Question 73

Common ancestry through which individuals have evolved shared values and customs is known as which of the following?

A. Culture
B. Ethnicity
C. Cybernetics
D. Constructivism


‘Question 74

According to Benner’s role acquisition model, the advanced practice psychiatric nurse with 2-5 years of experience, who coordinates complex care and sees situations as wholes with long-term solutions, is functioning at which level of competency?

A. Novice
B. Advanced beginner
C. Competency/proficiency
D. Expert


Question 75

Which of the following is true about working with dreams?

A. Dream interpretation is a left-brain endeavor.
B. Dreams represent past conflicts and work is on past conflicts
C. Dreams are the brain’s attempt to process and integrate daily information.
D. Dream symbol books are useful for dream work due to universal meaning of dreams.


Question 76

Which of the following is not consistent with evidence-based research on psychodynamic therapy?

A. Research demonstrates psychodynamic therapy is not effective.
B. Research reflects inherent difficulties in experimental controlled design for this approach.
C. Most psychodynamic research consists of case studies which limits the ability to generalize to other situations and populations.
D. Psychodynamic techniques do not lend themselves to the precision required for a clinical trial. NRNP 6645 Midterm Exam Questions and Answers Walden University


Question 78

The advanced practice psychiatric nurse psychotherapist is informed by the managed care company that authorization for additional treatment with a patient has been denied. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse is concerned stopping treatment will jeopardize the patient’s safety and realizes which of the following are ethical options?

A. It is incumbent on the therapist to ensure that treatment continues.
B. Stop treatment immediately.
C. Attempt to work out a payment plan with the patient.
D. A and C

NRNP 6645 Midterm Exam Questions and Answers Walden University


Question 79

Which of the following is not consistent with clinical practice guidelines for use of psychodynamic therapy for various psychiatric disorders?

A. Panic-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy is recommended as an initial treatment for Panic Disorder
B. No RCTs support use of psychodynamic therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
C. Psychodynamic therapy is considered a first-line treatment for Schizophrenia
D. Psychodynamic therapy is a therapeutic treatment option for Major Depressive Disorder.


Question 80

According to Erikson’s Psychosocial stages failure to successfully resolve trust vs mistrust conflict is associated with which of the following pathological outcomes?

A. Psychosis, addictions, depression
B. Paranoia, obsessions, compulsions
C. Phobias, psychosomatic disorders
D. Inertia, creative inhibition



Question 89

Which of the following best describes the difference between standards of care and practice guidelines?

A. Practice guidelines are legally binding while standards of care are not.
B. Standards of care are legally binding while practice guidelines are not.
C. There is no difference between standards of care and practice guidelines.
D. Practice guidelines should be followed as written while standards of care are more flexible.


Question 90

Which of the following is true about the therapeutic benefit of groups in the development of socializing techniques?

A. Social learning is a therapeutic factor that operates in all therapy groups.
B. Groups permit members to understand there is a huge discrepancy between their intent and their actual impact on others.
C. Social skills learned in therapy groups can serve individuals well in future social interactions outside of the group setting.
D. All of the above


Question 91

Object relations theorists work from a framework which includes which of the following?

A. The central motivating force in development is the drive for gratification.
B. Primary maternal preoccupation will lead to development of a false sense of self.
C. The central motivating force in development is that people are primarily motived to seek other people.
D. The good enough mother creates a dynamic in which the person feels never good enough in relationships.


Question 92

Factors that distinguish psychodynamic therapy from cognitive behavioral therapy include which of the following factors.

A. Emphasis on the past; Focus on expression of emotion; Emphasis on transference
B. Focus on here and now, focus on current relationships, exploration of intra psychic issues.
C. Emphasis on here and now; exploring and working with resistance to treatment, the working alliance.
D. Identification of patterns in actions, thoughts, feelings, experiences; Focus on current relationships.

Question 93

The therapist using a CBT approach says to the patient: “You say you become depressed. Explain to me what depressed feels like to you.” This is an example of what question type in Socratic Dialogue?

A. Memory question
B. Translation question
C. Application question
D. Interpretation question


Question 94

When working with a client of unfamiliar culture the advanced practice psychiatric nurse asks the client how he or she feels about working with you. This demonstrates which of the following?

A. Insecurity on the side of advanced practice psychiatric nurse and confuses the focus of the relationship.

NRNP 6645 Midterm Exam Questions and Answers Walden University

B. Respect and may open up a dialogue about the experience for the patient.
C. Ignorance on the side of the advanced practice psychiatric nurse and undermines the therapeutic relationship
D. A novice mistake, the patient should be transferred to a provider of similar culture


Question 96

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) interventions focus on

A. The person’s relationships and family dynamics
B. The person’s thoughts, beliefs, or behaviors
C. The person’s understanding of how the past gets triggered and plays out in the present
D. The person’s body, beliefs, images, and emotions to process trauma


Question 97

Recognizing that many factors may have contributed to a patient’s current situation is an example of which of the following?

A. Biomedical model
B. Psychosocial framework
C. Overdeterminism
D. Resiliency


Question 98

A group of co-occurring, relatively invariant symptoms found in a specific cultural group, community or context, which may or may not be recognized as an illness within the culture but such cultural patterns of distress and features of illness may be recognizable by the outside observer is known as which of the following?

A. Cultural syndrome
B. Cultural formulation
C. Cultural idiom of distress
D. Cultural explanation or perceived cause


Question 99

Over the past 40 years many controlled studies of psychotherapy outcome have demonstrated which of the following?

A. The outcome from group therapy is virtually identical to that of individual therapy.
B. The outcome from group therapy is slightly less than outcome of individual therapy.
C. The outcome from group therapy is significantly better than outcomes of individual therapy
D. The outcome from group therapy is significantly less than outcomes of individual therapy.


Question 100

During the initial contact with an individual seeking family therapy it is important for the family therapist to:

A. Identify the presenting problem and arrange a consultation with everyone living in the family household.
B. Identify the presenting problem and arrange a consultation with the caller to ensure family therapy is really necessary.
C. Identify the presenting problem and arrange to meet with the caller and the family member that is creating most of the problem.
D. Identify the presenting problem and arrange a consultation with the parents of the family to develop a therapeutic alliance and strategy for fixing the problem.

NRNP 6645 Midterm Exam Questions and Answers Walden University


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