How to Title an Essay Complete Guide

Witting an essay could sound fun and easy especially if you enjoy the mastery of the queen’s language. It could also be a nightmare when it comes to giving it a befitting title. The title of an essay says a lot about the essay. It is said that the first impression lasts forever so is the title of your essay.

Are you still wondering how this looks, depending on the targeted audience? The title of your essay could draw the readers to your essay or send them a way to read an article with a more catchy title however much you could have the content they needed. Good, let’s learn how to title an essay and some examples of titles in different types of essays.

What is an Essay Title           

The title of the essay should sum up the whole content in a few words. Titling could be dependent on the type of the essay but never the less the title should strike some curiosity in the mind of the reader.

Choosing a good essay for your title is dependent on a number of things like the type of the essay or the intended audience. The major task that will linger in your mind is how to come up with a title for an essay. Well, it is always good to ask such questions at times. A good title for an essay should have the following qualities;

A precise but very clear one should be one of the qualities of a good title. The title should not be too wordy. I will be boring to the reader.

  1. Eye-catching.

Readers will be drawn by the kind of words you use in the title.  Use a catchphrase that speaks volumes.

  1. Easy to read and understand.

There is no need to use bombastic words to express a title. Ensure your wording are easy to understand and relatable.

  1. Must be in active voice.

The titles must never be in passive voice. You want to commutate to the reader.

Above mentioned among others are what should be considered when writing good essay titles.

Bad vs. Good essay titles

Is it okay to say that there are bad and good essay titles? Yes. The table below shows some comparisons between good and a bad title content


Bad title Good title
Too many words Precise to the point
Vague title Eye-catching
Bombastic words Simple English words
Passive voice Active voice
Jumbled words Accurate wording
Far fetched Believable

The table above shows the difference between a bad and a good title.  This could leave you wondering how long should a title be for an essay. An essay title should contain no more than 12 words as recommended by APA with no abbreviations in the title.  Let’s see some examples of good essay titles

How to title different types of Essay

There are different types of essays i.e. argumentative essays, persuasive essays, college essays, creative essays, and application essays among other types of essays. In the 21st century, there has been a number of evolving issues worth looking into.

Among the titles are the uses of technology and the effects of covid-19 which has had its effects researched worldwide in different aspects. Let us delve into some examples of types of essays and their titles.

  1. Argumentative Essay

The main difference between title formulations for argumentative essay titles and other types of essays is that the title must establish your stand introducing the reader to know where the argument is beginning.  In such essays, it is advised that the essay should be written in full before coming up with a title.  

An argumentative essay title should be able to convince the reader to agree with your thesis. Below is a list of examples of argumentative essay titles that can be adopted.

  1. Bhang should be legal
  2. The government is spending unnecessarily
  3. Marriage is becoming overrated
  4. Money is the only key to happiness
  5. Social media platforms are changing our communication
  6. Climate change is an illusion
  7. Military service should be compulsory
  8. Education is a key to reducing poverty
  9. Parents are at the forefront to choose careers for the children
  10. Persuasive essays

The nature of persuasive essays is the use of logic and arguments to convince the reader to agree with your viewpoint.

The title follows these rules:

  1. The tone to be used
  2. Have a drafted work
  3. Draft questions
  4. Be concise
  5. Read through

The topics of the persuasive essays could be picked from colleges, schools, social life, or general life occurrences and make a point valid convincing the reader to see sense in what you are advocating for.

Below is a list of persuasive essay title examples. Persuasive essays could contain emotional language and convictive language.

  1. Students should have phones at school
  2. Students should choose the subject of their interest
  3. The necessity of homework in schools
  4. Pets should be allowed in school
  5. Movies should be watched at home, not in theatres
  6. Cats make the best pets
  7. Bullying in schools should be burned
  8. Creative essay

Essays could also be categorized as creative. These types of essays are meant to provoke particular emotions in the reader. Creative essay titles should grab the attention of the reader by giving hints about the content of the article. Below are some examples of creative titles;

  1. The price
  2. The Power of Music: The way Heavy Metal changed my Life
  3. A letter to my young self
  4. The appropriate age to talk about sex ex
  5. Effective parenting style
  6. Same-sex marriage impacts the world today
  7. Tiktok: Its Influence on the young generation

Listed above are a few examples of creative writing which breaks from the normal titling but still keeps to the catchy and attentive nature of an essay title.

How to title a catchy essay

Catchy essays are in the same categories as creative essays. They are meant to catch the attention of the audience at the first sight. Catchy essay titles do not follow the normal rules of titles as they can contain some punctuation marks. Below are some of the considerations when writing a catchy essay title.

  1. They should be short
  2. Must be able to provoke discussion in the reader’s mind
  3. The tone must not be passive
  4. The writer should not take sides

Some examples of catchy essay titles are listed below:

  1. Internet: Raising the internet generation
  2. Africa: The cradle of humankind
  3. Real estate is the next big venture
  4. Bill Gates: Genius or Interest
  5. How to become a billionaire without a university degree
  6. Coping up with the 21st-century generation
  7. CRM the new normal
  8. Working from home is the new normal
  9. E-Commerce: Running your mufti million business without a physical location
  10. President
  11. Online Courses: Studying online free courses cheaper than traditional universities

Titling Research Papers

Research paper papers are academic papers that tend to give an in-depth analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of a specific topic as provided. Students are often assisted by the lectures to choose a topic to research and the title is as important.

To have a worthy title for your essay research paper below should be considered

  1. Avoid abbreviations
  2. The choice of words should be those that invoke the reader’s interest in further reading
  3. The title must be able to give a hint of the content to the reader
  4. The use of a descriptive phrase is highly recommended.

The research paper topic is expected to be the qualities of a good title price and to the point. Below are some examples of research paper titles students would be required to research one among others:

  1. Computer security in the Modern World
  2. Impacts of adoption of e-commerce
  3. Impacts of Covid-19 on businesses
  4. Impact of mental health in the 21st century
  5. Subcontracting by big companies
  6. Impact on the remuneration of employees in the big companies
  7. Preference between white-collar jobs and blue-collar jobs
  8. Performance evaluation on physical class attendance vs online class reading

Titling a College Essay

A college essay is a piece or article written by a student dependent on the topic given. The topic could range from an application essay or a specific topic as instructed. The college essay has two main two parts that are the personal statement problem and the supplementary essay

These are the tips for writing a good college essay title

  1. The title should be interactive and relatable to the reader
  2. The title should be very creative.
  3. The title should be attention-grabbing
  4. It should be very interesting to add a comic if need be.

These are examples of college essay titles:

  1. The Problem of Homelessness in the city
  2. Impact of ‘Fake News on the media industry
  3. The problem of teenage pregnancies
  4. Malaria prevention in swampy areas
  5. The effects of substance abuse among youths
  6. The effects of telecommunication
  7. Increased immigration to the developed countries
  8. Schooling is overrated without talents
  9. Effects of the internet on the education sector

Considerations while titling English Essay

An English essay is a piece of writing focusing on one subject. The literature discussion is dependent on the topic and often organized, discussed, analyzed, and interpreted in English. The below tips should be considered.  

  1. Should explain the content of your essay
  2. Must be eye-catching
  3. Must be precise and to the point

Here are some examples of English essay titles are:

  1. The day I left my childhood behind
  2. My love for music: Therapeutic sounds
  3. My mother my incredible superheroine
  4. When to educate my children about sex
  5. The working parenting styles
  6. Handling sexuality issues in today’s world
  7. Which type of punishment style works?
  8. Impact of same-sex relationships
  9. Facebook: A breakthrough in social media

Writing an essay is one thing and giving it a good catchy title is another. The body and the content of the essay could be top-notch but with a bad title. Your essays will not reach the target audience. Your titling should communicate and call the reader. Brief, concise, and to the point is how your title should be.


Titling is the most important aspect of writing an essay. It is the mirror that reflects that whole content in a few sentences. The readers will either read or drop your content just by reading the title. Therefore, some of the things you need to remember while titling your essay are:

The title must be an attention grabber

  1. Your title should depict the essay’s tone
  2. The title should not be long
  3. The essay should be clear and to the point for the reader’s ease of understanding
  4. Do not mix tones in the essay
  5. The titling must be active

Regardless of the type of essay, to have a knockout essay title the above is a must-have.

Need Help with Your essay’s title?

In many instances after writing breathtaking content in an essay, a title might not have popped up. This could be because of the type of the essay or you’re being unable, to sum up, the article into a title. It happens and running out of ideas is very acceptable.

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