How to Write a College Essay Outline

Writing college essays is a challenging task for most students. It is a complex and time-consuming task compared to other tasks that you will encounter. Understanding the college essay outline template is the first step to writing a first-class essay.

A college essay outline will help you organize your thoughts and save you time in the long run. Browse through this article to get more insights into how to write an essay outline for college.

What is a college essay outline?

A college essay outline is a simple framework that helps ensure your paper has a logical flow. An essay outline is the best cheat code to use if you are stranded on what to include in your essay outline. A well-organized college application essay will convince admissions officers that the applicant has thought things through and can articulate their ideas coherently.

Admissions officers may fail to appreciate your worth to the university if you fail to submit a quality admission essay. The first step of writing a college essay outline is understanding the format you should follow.

Format for a college essay outline

Writing a college essay can be a cakewalk as long as you understand the college essay outline template. A student can accomplish the assignment without having to buy custom college essays if they use a template to assist them through the process. An application essay can be written using the same format as any other type of essay. A standard structure consists of an introduction, a main body, and a conclusion.

·         Introduction

A well-written introduction is a cornerstone of writing an A+ application essay. An informative introduction is always essential for any essay you write throughout your college education. An introduction is always important, whether writing a personal statement essay for college or a response to a contemporary societal issue.

The introduction is the first step in developing a college essay outline. A reader’s interest must be piqued in the opening section of the introduction. The hook is the first sentence of your essay that is meant to catch the reader’s attention.

The writer should summarize the key arguments to be covered in the body paragraphs in the opening paragraph. The thesis statement, which is often the paper’s final sentence, provides a concise summary of the paper’s argument.

·         Body paragraphs

The body of your essay should aim at discussing your argument or presenting your evidence. Paragraphs in the main body are typically divided into three parts. Every paragraph in this essay has the main points that you will use to develop and examine the section.

A great college essay body paragraph will have a research topic sentence at the beginning that explains what is discussed in that section. The rest of the section evolves from just one sentence.

·         Conclusion

The conclusion to a college paper is typically the most straightforward section to write because all it does is recap the introduction and body paragraphs. The conventional format of this section begins with a restatement of the thesis statement, which serves to refresh the reader’s memory of the paper’s central argument. The final statement should neatly summarize everything and make it apparent that this is the final section of the text.

How to outline a college essay

An essay outline can be completed with little effort. Here are some tips you should keep in mind when writing your college essay outline:

1.      Get creative and select an ideal topic

Make a list of topics you could consider talking about in your essay. Get as many ideas down as you can without worrying about whether or not they make sense. For the next five minutes, write down everything that comes to mind.

After making a list, consider which topics seem most relevant to you and the task at hand. Several subjects could be merged into a single, more substantial one.

2.      Develop some evidence to support your points

After selecting a discussion topic, you should evaluate whether or not you have sufficient evidence to back up your points. Create an old-fashioned web of ideas to see how your points are related to your main topic.

Circle the area of the page where you’ve written your topic. Connect the dots between related concepts by drawing lines and circles. Once more, try not to censor your inner thoughts and instead just let it all out. At this stage, you should determine whether or not this issue is worth pursuing further and whether or not you can connect multiple concepts to it.

3.      Classify your thoughts

Consider the question, “In what section of the college essay outline template would they fit?” An outline typically consists of three sections: the introduction, the main body, and the conclusion. At some point, you will have to organize your list of ideas and turn it into an outline. It will assist you in organizing your thoughts and getting rid of the ones that aren’t as good or don’t match your evidence.

4.      Create an essay outline draft following an example

You can always spend a short amount of time following outline examples to get a firm grasp of what you should be aiming for if the above steps seem too daunting.

5.      Begin writing your essay

After outlining your ideas, you’ll find it much easier to sit down and start writing your college essay. All the above necessary steps to completing your order have been considered when writing your paper.

Outline examples of a college essay

Below are some outline examples of college essay formats for expository and argumentative essays.

1.      Argumentative college essay outline

This is a brief argumentative essay outline that analyzes how the internet has affected learning. It sums up each point with concise sentences. The body of the essay is divided into three paragraphs, each of which presents arguments regarding a different facet of how the internet affects education.



  • The significance of the internet
  • Issues regarding the use of the internet
  • Thesis statement: Internet usage has a net positive impact.

The negative impact of the internet on focus

  • The distractions of a smartphone in class
  • Information examining this impact
  • Research suggests that it is exaggerated
  • Lack of patience when reading
  • The progression of students’ reading levels
  • Reasons why this data is suspicious

The flexibility offered by the internet

  • A variety of mediums to appeal to various learners
  • Video content
  • Interactive media platforms
  • Easy access to independent research methods
  • Online research is quick and easy
  • Uncertainties regarding credibility (transitioning into the next topic)

Utilization of Wikipedia by college students

  • Cons of using Wikipedia
  • Indicators of its prevalence
  • Alleges that it deters participation in academic writing
  • Pros of using Wikipedia
  • Proof that Wikipedia forbids students from citing it
  • The claim is that it teaches students how to cite


  • A list of the main points
  • The importance of digital learning for students
  • The need for enthusiasm to make use of the internet’s benefits

2.      Expository college essay outline

This is a sample outline for a paper that will explain how the printing press revolutionized life and politics in Europe. In an expository essay, individual topics are described in complete sentences, but the paragraphs are still presented in brief phrases.



    • Suggest that the invention of the printing press signifies the end of the Middle Ages.
    • Describe the low levels of literacy that existed before the invention of the printing press.
    • Articulate the thesis: The printing press accelerated the spread of knowledge throughout Europe and paved the path for the Revolution.

The functionalities before the introduction printing press

    • Talk about the high rates of illiteracy in medieval Europe.
    • Describe how the world of the religious and political elites was mostly one of illiteracy and, consequently, knowledge and education.
    • Describe the printing press inhibited political and religious reform.

The development and use of the printing press

    • Explain how Johannes Gutenberg created the printing press in 1440.
    • Describe how the new technology will affect the publishing of books.
    • Describe how the Gutenberg Bible was printed and how quickly technology spread.
    • Connection to the Reformation.

The Reformation and the Printing Revolution

    • Talk about the prevalence of Bible translations into regional languages in the decades after the development of the printing press.
    • Describe Luther’s unique Bible translation during the Reformation.
    • Illustrate the broad implications of the Reformation for both politics and religion.


  • Give a summary of the history that has been described.
  • Highlight the role that the printing press played in the historical events of this time.

Wrapping it up

You must complete all of the essays that you are assigned in your high school and college. The format of persuasive, expository, and narrative essays is the same, although they differ slightly depending on the assignment’s requirements and your familiarity with academic writing. Your chance to create a flawless essay that earns you top grades is determined by your ability to distinguish those differences and understand your college essay outline.

A college essay outline is essential as it will help you organize the facts and ensure that you don’t forget anything while writing. You can compose papers within a short period and effectively if you comprehend how to draft an essay outline. At, we have a team of professionals who will guide you on how to write a college essay outline. Subscribe to our services today.

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