5 P’s of healthcare marketing essay assignment example

5 P’s of healthcare marketing essay assignment example

5P’s of Healthcare Marketing

The health sector is one of the most sensitive sectors across the world. Generally, 5p’s have been regarded as the basic components that make the sector to exist. These components include patients who are primarily the service seekers, physicians who provide care to the patients, administrators, payers and policy makers. 5 P’s of healthcare marketing essay assignment example. Having a stable health sector without the mentioned components is hard. This paper will discuss the 5P’s of healthcare marketing with reference to three healthcare facilities.


It has been established that over 28 assisted living facilities to exist in the US which together are said to handle over one million patients 5 P’s of healthcare marketing essay assignment example. A good example of such facility is Excellence Senior Living located in Orlando. These facilities are tasked with handling patients that are over 83 three years. Most of these patients are characterized by reduced productivity as well as multiple health complications due to aging. Both the male and female patients receive care from these assisted living residences in the US. At Excellence Senior Living located in Orlando, the care providers are well trained to provide patient centered care putting into consideration the aspects of cultural diversity of all patients (Excellence Senior Living, 2017). The care provided is technically equipped to provide adequate medical services that are inclusive of medical management services. The role of healthcare administrator at the facility is to provide leadership as well as facilitate administrative functions. Most of the services offered by the facility can be paid by an insurance company. As far as policy formulation regarding assisted living is concerned, Excellence Senior Living adheres to the policies developed by the National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL). 5 P’s of healthcare marketing essay assignment example.

Another important facility that can be discussed is the hospice facility with George Mark Children’s House serving as a good example (George Mark Children’s House, 2017). Hospice care can be described as an end of life care for patients considered to have a terminal illness. It is important to note that George Mark Children’s House only caters for children. The services offered by the care providers also extend to supporting the parents, guardians and family members of a patient. The facility is adequately equipped with pediatric specialists who are capable of handling the children brought to the facility. 5 P’s of healthcare marketing essay assignment example. Health insurance providers have always had a package that accommodates hospice care in the United States. These insurance caters for patients of any age provided they have been diagnosed with a terminal prognosis. As far as policy formulation and enforcement is concerned, hospice care providing facilities are obliged to adhere to the plies developed by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. Similarly, the role of healthcare administrator at the facility is to provide leadership as well as facilitate administrative functions 5 P’s of healthcare marketing essay assignment example.

Another area in the sector of health is the home health where an excellent example can be derived from the services offered by Waterman Village Retirement Community (2017). The non-profit organization was established to provide care for residents in their homes. Most of the patient recipients for these services are the elderly in the society. This facility is has been accredited by the Community Health Accreditation Program which is also a policy making body 5 P’s of healthcare marketing essay assignment example. It has been indicated that owning a long-term care insurance helps in paying the bills at Waterman Village. The role of healthcare administrator at the facility is to provide leadership as well as facilitate administrative functions.

From the three examples provided above, it is evident that the 5p’s can affect the marketing potential of the respective health organizations.  For instance, Excellence Senior Living facility can to market itself basing on its best patient outcome, best professionals in care provision and best options for patients to pay the bill. George Mark Children’s House serving also markets its potential to handle patients using its facilities, professional staff, and professional services especially the billing services. The same situation applies to the Waterman Village Retirement Community. All the marketing information of the discussed firms is derived from four out of the 5P’s. This is because, at the policy level, a single firm may not have the power to formulate its policies.  A larger organization recognized by the federal government or the state government formulates policies in the respective areas which these facilities are expected to follow. 5 P’s of healthcare marketing essay assignment example. For instance, all these firms are expected to abide by any policy formulated and adopted by the National Health Council. The quality and range of services provided by these firms should be in line with the established policies. Therefore each of these firms has a chance to market its services basing on the quality services they provide to patients, the wealth of the professional caregivers at their disposal, friendly options regarding payment of medical bills and a responsive administration. 5 P’s of healthcare marketing essay assignment example.

It is important to acknowledge the fact that the discussed health facilities are considered non-profit, and thus the marketing approach slightly varies from that used by business firms. Therefore, it can be concluded that facilities that allow insurance policies to service the bills attract more patients. In addition, the facilities that provide the best professional services naturally attract more clients. Finally, the facilities that adhere to established health related policies win the trust of clients 5 P’s of healthcare marketing essay assignment example.


Excellence Senior Living. (2017). Retrieved from http://www.excellenceseniorliving.com/programs/

George Mark Children’s House. (2017). Retrieved from http://georgemark.org/about-us/how-we-help-children/#eol-care

Waterman Village Retirement Community. (2017). Retrieved from http://www.watermanvillage.com/home-care



(In this unit, you will become the investigator of three (3) healthcare systems and predict

which one has the most promising marketing potential. By the end of this unit, you will be

able to proficiently discuss how the 5 P’s of marketing and research-supported assessment

strategies impact the marketing potential of a healthcare system.) 5 P’s of healthcare marketing essay assignment example.

? Select and provide a general overview of three (3) healthcare organizations that

interest you*(I want you to choose these 3 healthcare of Austin texas: St. david healthcare, seton hospital, and Austin regional clinic)

? Discuss the 5 P’s of healthcare marketing to each healthcare organization (this can

be general or specific).

? Elaborate how the 5 P’s of healthcare marketing may impact the marketing potential

of a healthcare organization.

? Using an assessment or evaluation strategy, discuss the marketing potential of each

and predict which one has the most promising marketing potential.

• Be sure to support your assertions with evidence-based research, scholarly articles,

and well-supported strategies that support your predictions.

• 3-4 page paper excluding front and back matter (APA standards apply).

• Internal organizational memorandum.

• Infographic

• Power Point presentation for a Board of Directors (10-12 slides; speaker notes

as needed to support assertions).

• 7-10 minute public service announcement (using a free online voice recorder

such as vocaroo.com)

• Video newscast (using a free online video recorder such as

YouTube.com)(e.g. entertainment talk show, television commentary,

interview-style, news reporting, etc.). 5 P’s of healthcare marketing essay assignment example.

• The use of first person is permitted for this assignment (excluding option 1). APA

formatting (e.g. title page, conclusion, reference page, etc.) should not be used.

• Although the use of APA formatting is not required for this assignment, proper

grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected. 5 P’s of healthcare marketing essay assignment example.

*Hint: Try locating healthcare systems that you are familiar with, would like to network

with, have heard concerns about, or ones that are completely unfamiliar to you.

Reference: https://data.medicare.gov/ 5 P’s of healthcare marketing essay assignment example.

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